Business English. Workbook №1. Сборник упражнений в диалогах. Элла Маркина
isn’t / She isn’t / It isn’t going to
They aren’t / We aren’t / You aren’t going to
(?) Am I going to?
Is he going to? / Is she going to? / Is it going to?
Are they going to? /Are we going to? / Are you going to?
By the way – кстати /
the sooner the better – чем скорее тем лучше
Peacefully– мирным путем /
Lawyer – юрист
Avoid- избегать
Timesheets – табели рабочего времени
Exercise №13
What you (to be going to) do tonight?
I (to be going to) revise grammar. And you?
I (to be going to) visit my friends. They (to be going to)
give a party and I want to join them.
You (not to be going to) correct your article?
Yes, I (to be going to) do it tomorrow morning.
Exercise №13.1
When they (to be going to) start work on this object?
As I know, they (to be going to) do it next week.
Ok, the sooner the better! By the way, where is Stefan?
He (to be going to) make up a complaint?
No, he (not to be going to) do it. He (to be going to) solve
everything peacefully.
Well, when you (to be going to) phone to him?
I (to be going to) do it after lunch.
Exercise №13.2
They (to be going to) check all documents at the law
As far as I know they (to be going to) run inspection only
at the account department.
It’s ok. Mike was afraid of the inspection. You know, he (to be
going to) take vacation next week.
Is there anything wrong with documentation? You (to be
going to) let him avoid the responsibility?
No. Everything is ok. He’s just afraid of any inspections.
Exercise №13.3
As I know, she (to be going to) copy all these contracts again,
isn’t she?
Yes, she is. And after that she (to be going to) register all
of them.
She (not to be going to) fill up the timesheets?
She is, but in the afternoon.
What you (to be going to) do after lunch?
I (to be going to) ring up to our accountant
You (to be going to) ask about salary?
No, it connected with invoices. I want to know when they
(to be
going to) submit them to a Customer.
The invoices were ready when I dropped in the accounting
department in the morning. I suppose they (to be going to)
submit them in the nearest time.
Переведите предложения с русского на английский, используя конструкцию to be going to.
Vocabulary (Составьте со словами данными ниже предложения):
1. To solve
2. To pay
3. At the weekend
4. To visit
5. To rent
6. To discuss
7. To correct
8. To discharge
9. To have a break
10. To go on learning English
11. What about..?
12. For manager position
Exercise №14
Что он собирается делать с этим компьютером? Он собирается отнести его к IT-инженеру.
Она не собирается объяснять что-либо. Мы не собираемся решать ваши проблемы. Они не собираются платить.
Что ты собираешься делать на выходных? Я собираюсь навестить родителей.
Где они собираются жить? Они собираются арендовать квартиру.
Ты собираешься ей звонить? – Да, я собираюсь ей позвонить завтра вечером. Мы собираемся пойти в кино.
Что вы собираетесь изменить в данном проекте контракта?
Вполне вероятно (the most likely) они не собираются продолжать сотрудничать с этой компанией.