The Expositor's Bible: Index. Ayres Samuel Gardiner
XXIII., 2-5, Galatians, 278.
– 6, Romans, 84; Galatians, 62; Peter, 182.
– 11, Romans, 37.
ACTS XXIV., 15, Galatians, 311.
– 20, 21, Romans, 84.
ACTS XXVI., 5, Philippians, 186.
– 6-8, Galatians, 311.
– 7, Twelve Prophets II., 408; John Epistles, 19.
– 11, James, 127.
– 12-18, Galatians, 58.
– 13, Revelation, 304.
– 14, Jeremiah I., 95; Romans, 428; Galatians, 64.
– 18, Ephesians, 43, 402.
– 20, Romans, 412; Galatians, 93.
ACTS XXVII., 11, Colossians, 373, 387.
– 3, John Epistles, 309.
– 23, Pastoral Epistles, 242.
– 24, Pastoral Epistles, 68.
– 26, 29, Peter, 374.
ACTS XXVIII., 6, Daniel, 50.
– 16, Philippians, 47.
– 17, Romans, 69.
– 21, Galatians, 421.
– 22, Philippians, 49.
– 23, Daniel, 98; Romans, 15.
– 28, Ephesians, 52.
– 30, Pastoral Epistles, 361.
ACTS OF PAUL AND THECLA, John Epistles, 91.
ADAM, Genesis, 16-27; Hebrews, 220.
– Christ and, Romans, 143-155; Hebrews, 36.
ADAM OF SAINT VICTOR, John Epistles, 5, 69, 78, 184.
ADONIZAH and Abishag, I. Kings, 105.
– Rebellion of, I. Kings, 81, 93.
– slain, I. Kings, 109.
ADONIZEDEK, king of Jerusalem, Joshua, 223; Judges, 12.
ADORAM, I. Kings, 143.
ADORNMENT, Nature of, Pastoral Epistles, 251, 252.
ADULLAM, The cave of, David in, I. Samuel, 341-344.
ADULTERY, Eyes full of, Peter, 305.
– a form of murder, Leviticus, 426.
– Prohibition of, Exodus, 319, 321; Leviticus, 386; Deuteronomy, 95, 400; Matthew, 75.
– Spiritual, James, 227.
ADVENTURER, The, Judges, 211.
ADVICE of Samuel, I. Samuel, 182.
AELIUS GALLUS, James, 328.
AENEAS, Acts II., 97.
AESCHYLUS, Ecclesiastes, 46; Jeremiah I., 288; David, 224.
AFFECTION Natural, right, Leviticus, 249.
AFFLICTION, The man that hath seen, Song of Solomon, 180-193.
AFRICA, Mission in, Thessalonians, 157, 158.
AFRICAN SLAVERY and Hebrew compared, Exodus, 342.
AGABUS, the Prophet, Acts II., 162, 426, 434.
AGAPE, The, Acts II., 399, 400;
Ephesians, 342;
James, 427, 432;
Peter, 304.
AGAG, Numbers, 307.
– killed by Samuel, I. Samuel, 250.
AGASSIZ, Proverbs, 144.
AGED, The, Beautiful life of, I. Kings, 61.
– Joshua the, Joshua, 250.
– Reverence for, Leviticus, 412.
AGES OF FAITH, Joshua, 139.
AGNOSTICISM, Judges, 346;
Job, 117;
Matthew, 164;
Ephesians, 255;
Hebrews, 235.
AGRICULTURE, Proverbs, 140, 269.
AGRIPPA II., Acts II., 432, 448.
AGUR SON OF JAKEH quoted, Genesis, 150.
– Words of, Proverbs, 386-395.
AHAB, King of Israel, and Benhadad, I. Kings, 451-462.
– and Elijah, I. Kings, 377-382.
– and Herod compared, Mark, 171.
– and Jehosaphat, I. Kings, 485.
– and Jezebel, I. Kings, 347-356.
– and Naboth's vineyard, I. Kings, 473-483.
– and the rain, I. Kings, 399-403.
– Death of, I. Kings, 494, 495.
– Infatuation of, I. Kings, 462.
AHASUERUS, Ezra, 153, 155, 352, 361, 370, 382, 396, 399.
AHAZ, king of Judah, II. Kings, 260-264;
Isaiah I., 98.
– Apostasies of, II. Kings, 272-285.
– compared with Charles I., Isaiah, 99, 103, 113.
– Isaiah and, II. Kings, 265-272.
– the Judas of the Old Testament, Isaiah I., 118.
– a wicked king, Chronicles, 200-220.
AHAZIAH, king of Israel, II. Kings, 3-18.
AHAZIAH, king of Judah, II. Kings, 102-105, 118-120.
– Chronicles, 399-401.
AHIJAH of Shiloh and Jeroboam, I. Kings, 252-259.
– and the wife of Jeroboam, I. Kings, 302.
AHIMAAZ, messenger to David, II. Samuel, 278.
AHIMELECK and David, I. Samuel, 332-340;
II. Samuel, 129.
– slain by Saul, I. Samuel, 346-353.
AHINOAM the Jezreelitess, II. Samuel, 39.
AHITHOPHEL and Absalom, II. Samuel, 225, 236, 256.
– counsellor of David, II. Samuel, 131;
Psalm II., 32, 159.
– Suicide of, II. Samuel, 261.
AHOLIAB, Exodus, 426 sq.
AI, Joshua defeated at, Joshua, 168.
– captured, Joshua, 189-200.
ALABARCH, Acts II., 81, 153.
ALARIC, Hebrews, 272.
ALBINUS, James, 40.
ALEXANDER the Coppersmith, Acts II., 378.
ALEXANDER and Hymenaeus, Pastoral Epistles, 75, 76, 373, 413.
ALEXANDER the Great, Daniel, 156; James, 163.
– and Jaddua, Daniel, 103-106.
ALFORD, Henry, Ephesians, 439;
Thessalonians, 74, 316;
Pastoral Epistles, 392;
James, 32, 399, 418;
Revelation, 351.
ALFRED the Great influenced by Moses, Exodus, 262.
ALLEGORICAL INTERPRETATION of the Song of Solomon, Song of Solomon, 42.
ALMOND TREE, Fruit of, Ecclesiastes, 268;
Jeremiah I., 62.
ALPHEUS, James, 27.
ALMS-GIVING, Matthew, 80-82.
ALTAR, The, in Judaism, Ezra, 51;
Hebrews, 323.