The Expositor's Bible: Index. Ayres Samuel Gardiner
St., John Epistles, 116.
AUSTRALIAN, The native, not without ideas of morality, Deuteronomy, 89.
AUTHORITY, Divine origin of, Pastoral Epistles, 273-275.
– of Christ, Ephesians, 375.
– of our High priest, Hebrews, 77.
– The question of, Colossians, 174.
AUTHORS possess a variety in style, Joshua, 16, 17.
AUTHORITY rejected, Genesis, 88.
AVARICE, Dangers of, Pastoral Epistles, 196-198.
AZARIAH, I. Kings, 141.
AZARIAH, king of Judah, II. Kings, 209-214;
Chronicles, 418-424.
AZAZEL, Leviticus, 264-276;
Numbers, 355;
I. Kings, 210;
James, 411.
BAAL-PEOR, Judges, 51;
Psalms III., 147.
– Festival of, Numbers, 314.
BAAL-WORSHIP and Elijah, I. Kings, 383-398.
– extirpated, II. Kings, 131-145.
BAAL-ZEBUT, Ahaziah worships, II. Kings, 8-10.
BAALS, The, Numbers, 295;
Judges, 51, 52.
– names from, I. Kings, 350.
BAANAH AND RECHAB, II. Samuel, 58-60.
BAASHA, king of Israel, I. Kings, 310.
BABYLON, Isaiah I., 93, 201, 405-415;
II., 55, 189-204.
– Call to leave, Isaiah II., 211, 396.
– Captivity in, Psalms III., 370-375;
Ecclesiastes, 32-43.
– Isaiah I., 201, 402.
– Capture of, Isaiah II., 146.
– compared with Rome, Isaiah II., 189-199.
– Cruelty of, Isaiah II., 201.
– Early history of, Isaiah II., 192.
– The fall of, Revelation, 303-315.
– in the modern world, Isaiah II., 200 sq.
– its pride, Isaiah II., 191.
– Jeremiah and, Jeremiah II., 258-263.
– Jews return from, Ezra, 36-47.
– Meaning of the name, Isaiah II., 191.
– of John, Revelation, 274-276.
– Persian period in, Ecclesiastes, 43-66.
– Religion of, Isaiah II., 193.
– Ruin of, Isaiah II., 199-204.
– yields to Cyrus, Isaiah II., 193.
BABYLONIA, Ancient civilization of, Genesis, 84.
– described, Isaiah II., 107, 146.
BACON, Lord Francis, Proverbs, 16, 230.
BAETHGEN, Friedrich, Psalms I., 151, 158, 166, 178, 219;
II., 16, 59, 75, 105, 127, 228, 261, 290, 295, 311, 353, 360, 363, 377, 427, 502;
III., 17, 30, 88, 91, 120, 181, 201, 233, 294, 372, 398, 407, 421, 460.
BAGEHOT, Walter, Isaiah I., 109;
II., 199.
BAILEY, Philip James, Festus quoted, Job, 290.
BALAAM and Balak, Numbers, 288.
– as a illustration, Peter, 307.
– Character of, Joshua, 259, 269.
– critical, Numbers, 283.
– End of, Numbers, 320.
– First parable of, Numbers, 292.
– Fourth parable of, Numbers, 309.
– his error, Numbers, 273.
– his knowledge of Jehorab, Numbers, 267;
refuses to go to Moab, Numbers, 268.
– like Absalom, Numbers, 322.
– Name of, Numbers, 262.
– Prayer of, Numbers, 296.
– Reputation of, Numbers, 261.
– Second parable of, Numbers, 300.
– Third parable of, Numbers, 305.
– used by Jude, James, 442-449.
BALAK and Balaam, Numbers, 288.
– bewildered, Numbers, 305.
– his sacrifices, Numbers, 290.
– in anxiety, Numbers, 261.
BALBILLUS, John Epistles, 19.
BALJON, II. Corinthians, 134.
BALM OF GILEAD, Jeremiah I., 186-188.
BAN, Cherem the word for, Deuteronomy, 169-171;
Galatians, 44.
– Law of the, Leviticus, 554-558;
Deuteronomy, 168-201.
BAPTISM, Pastoral Epistles, 284-293;
Hebrews, 87, 186, 240.
– Buried with Christ in, Colossians, 205-208.
– Formula of, Acts II., 345.
– of Christ, Matthew, 31-38;
Mark, 6-13.
– of Cornelius, Acts II., 140.
– of the Ethiopian Eunuch, Acts I., 416.
– of John, Luke, 96.
– of John, whence was it? Mark, 310-317.
– of Paul, Acts II., 72-77.
– preached by Peter, Acts I., 137-146.
– Red Sea passage a type of, Pastoral Epistles, 289.
BARAK, Judges, 98 sq.
– agreement with Deborah, Judges, 140.
– Faith of, Hebrews, 26.
BARCLAY, Robert, Acts II., 122.
BARCOCHBA, Acts I., 157.
BARNABAS, Acts II., 7, 8, 81, 155, 258;
Galatians, 91.
– and Paul; Acts I., 218-221; II., 248-251.
– Early life of, Acts I., 216, 218.
– Epistle of, James, 18, 23, 76.
BARONIUS, Caesar, Annals, Acts II., 259.
BARTIMAEUS healed, Mark, 295-298.
BARTOLOCCI, William, Bibl. Rabbin, Acts II., 13.
BARUCH, The recorder, II. Kings, 426.
BARUCH, son of Neriah, Jeremiah I., 36;
II., 33, 37, 54-62.
BARZILLAI, the Gileadite, II. Samuel, 249.
– David and, II. Samuel, 301-313.
BASHAN reduced, Numbers, 255.
BASILIDES, Pastoral Epistles, 8, 42.
BASNAGE, Jacob, History of the Jews, Acts II., 13, 19.
BATHSHEBA and Adonijah, I. Kings, 107.
– and David, II. Samuel, 162 sq.
– and the succession of Solomon, I. Kings, 85.
– became the wife of David, II. Samuel, 170.
– name