The Expositor's Bible: Index. Ayres Samuel Gardiner
Prophets II., 483.
BAUR, F. C., Acts II., 1;
II. Corinthians, 117;
Galatians, 125;
Ephesians, 4;
Pastoral Epistles, 8, 10, 12, 33;
James, 138, 140.
BAXTER, R., Acts I., 134, 137.
BAYET, C., De Titulis Attica Christ, Acts II., 308, 321.
BEATITUDES, The, Matthew, 58-69.
– See Sermon on the Mount.
BEAUTY, moral and aesthetic, Deuteronomy, 104.
BECK, J. T., Ephesians, 103, 107.
BEDE, Venerable, Eccles. Hist., Acts I., 294;
James, 6, 8, 84, 103, 153, 172, 267, 268, 282, 285, 331, 351.
BEELZEBUB, Jesus Christ and, Mark, 91-95.
BEET, J. A., II. Corinthians, 95, 137, 151, 233;
Galatians, 143, 309, 328;
Ephesians, 4, 66, 99, 345.
BEETHOVEN, Ludwig Von, Funeral march of, Exodus, 387.
BELLARMINE, Robert F. R., James, 338.
BELLS on high priests robe, Leviticus, 196.
BELSHAZZAR, Isaiah II., 113, Daniel, 54, 203-217.
BENAIAH, II. Samuel, 345;
I. Kings, 87.
– slays Adonijah, I. Kings, 109.
– slays Joab, I. Kings, 113.
– slays Shimei, I. Kings, 114.
BENE-KEDEM, Job, 23.
BENEDICTION, The Apostolic, Hebrews, 329.
– The double, of the Tabernacle, Leviticus, 231.
BENEDICTUS, The, Luke, 28, 42-44.
BENEDICTUS, The lesser, Luke, 36-39.
BENGEL, J. A., II. Corinthians, 121, 155, 179, 235, 310, 311, 318, 350;
Galatians, 148;
Ephesians, 322;
Thessalonians, 117;
Hebrews, 100;
James, 115, 285, 325, 418;
John Epistles, 21, 105, 119, 181, 219.
BENHADAD and Ahab, I. Kings, 451-472.
– and the siege of Samaria, II. Kings, 76-86.
BENHADAD III., II. Kings, 183.
BENJAMIN, Jacob and, Genesis, 405.
– Joseph and, Genesis, 388.
BENJAMIN, the tribe, Inheritance of, Joshua, 316-319.
– Moses blesses, Deuteronomy, 467.
BENT, J. T., Acts II., 374.
BENTLEY, Sir Richard, John Epistles, 137, 240.
BENZINGER, J., Ezekiel, 407.
BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX, Song of Solomon, 43;
Acts II., 417;
Romans, 75;
Peter, 66;
John Epistles, 71, 115, 154, 203.
BERNICE, Acts II., 432, 448.
BEROEA, Acts II., 296, 302.
BETHEL, Jacob at, Genesis, 282.
BETHHORON, Battles at, Joshua, 319.
– Battles of, Joshua, 223-235.
BETHLEHEM, Judges, 364, 386;
I. Samuel, 254, 272.
– Christ born in, Luke, 62.
– lacking in hospitality, Genesis, 175.
BETHSHEAN, Joshua, 303.
BETHSHEMESH, Ark at, I. Samuel, 81-82.
– Curiosity of the men of, I. Samuel, 82.
BEVERIDGE, William, Acts I., 134.
BEYSCHLAG, Willibald, James, 60.
BEZA, Ephesians, 15, 275;
James, 159, 222, 387, 418, 432, 454, 457.
BEZALEEL, Exodus, 426 sq.
BIAS, the sage, James, 173.
BIBLE, The, Accuracy of the, Jeremiah I., 177.
– the bread of life, Deuteronomy, 213, 214.
– its character, Proverbs, 382.
– not a fetish, I. Kings, 4.
– nothing in it without purpose, Joshua, 376.
– Statements of, Numbers, 281.
– Study of, Joshua, 64-66.
– Universality of the, Job, 17.
– the word of God, Numbers, 163.
BIBLE HISTORY, the history of Redemption, Genesis, 28.
BIGOTRY of Zophar, Job, 244.
BILDAD, Bitterness of, Job, 216.
– Character of, Job, 102.
– his first speech, Job, 135.
– second speech, Job, 215.
BINGHAM, Richard, Antiquities, Acts I., 67, 386;
II., 176, 396;
John Epistles, 170.
BISHOPS, Origin of, Acts II., 416-418.
BITHIAH, Chronicles, 76.
BITTERNESS of soul, Proverbs, 194.
BLAMELESS, Christians to be, Philippians, 143.
BLANDINA, Pastoral Epistles, 257.
BLASPHEMY, Penalty of, Leviticus, 480-486.
BLESSED in the Psalms, Psalms I., 2;
II., 436, 445, 447.
– They who bless are, Peter, 119-132.
BLESSING OF MOSES, Deuteronomy, 460-470.
BLESSINGS OF GOD, Hebrews, 89.
– Catalogue of, Psalms III., 430.
– dwelling with Him, Psalms II., 250.
– The meaning of the, Genesis, 238.
– of Aaron, Numbers, 67.
– of Moses, Numbers, 116.
– Spiritual and temporal, Joshua, 126.
– willingly bestowed, Genesis, 248.
BLOMFIELD, Bishop, Acts II., 229.
BLOOD of the Passover, Exodus, 189, 190.
– The plague of, Exodus, 129-132.
– Prohibition of, Leviticus, 99.
– Revenge, Numbers, 400.
– Sprinkling of, Leviticus, 136.
BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST cries for pardon, Genesis, 39.
– See Atonement.
BOASTING, Foolish, II. Corinthians, 325-341.
BOAZ, Judges, 389-416.
BOCHIM, Judges, 35-44.
BODENSTEIN, Andrew Rudolph, James, 24.
BODY and the Christian life, Philippians, 310-314.
– and spirit, Exodus, 105.
– compare with society, I. Corinthians, 283.
– for the Lord, I. Corinthians, 152-155.
– influences the higher nature, Exodus, 320.
– The