The Expositor's Bible: Index. Ayres Samuel Gardiner
I. Corinthians, 371-386.
– to be kept under, I. Samuel, 55;
I. Corinthians, 223.
BOECKH, Augustus, Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, Acts II., 205, 278, 300, 363, 366.
BOEHME, Jacob, on the Divine shining, Numbers, 69.
BOETHIUS quoted, Job, 288.
BOILS, The plague of, Exodus, 144-146.
BOLLANDISTS, Acts I., 111, 162;
Pastoral Epistles, 248.
BONDAGE, Return to spiritual, Galatians, 256-271.
"BOOK OF THE DEAD," Job, 213.
BOOK OF ENOCH, Acts I., 25, 28, 119;
James, 409, 432-447.
BOOK OF JUBILEES, Acts I., 25, 28.
BOOK OF THE LAW found by Hilkiah, II. Kings, 386, 399-401.
BOOTH, Wm., John Epistles, 231.
"BORROWED JEWELS," Exodus, 69, 167.
BOSSUET, Jacob B., John Epistles, 136.
BRADFORD, John, Romans, 54.
BRAVERY, Disinterested, Exodus, 40.
BRAZEN SERPENT, The, Numbers, 248.
– and Jesus Christ, John I., 117-128.
– Symbolism of, Numbers, 249.
BREAD and faith, Deuteronomy, 207.
– of life, John I., 207-222.
– of the soul, Deuteronomy, 202-217.
BREDENKAMP, Conrad J., Isaiah I., 237;
II., 130, 178, 205, 211, 226, 435, 457, 458;
Twelve Prophets II., 134.
BRETHREN, Colossians, 15, 385.
– Love of the, Thessalonians, 151-158;
Peter, 249.
BRETSCHNEIDER, Karl T., Pastoral Epistles, 125;
John Epistles, 125, 307.
BRIBERY, Isaiah I., 47.
BRICK MAKING in Egypt, Exodus, 92-94.
BRIGGS, C. A., Isaiah II., 18, 336, 345, 412, 435.
BRIGHT, John, Twelve Prophets I., 241.
BROOKS, Phillips, Luke, 315.
BROTHER OF THE LORD, James, 28, 31, 374.
BROTHERHOOD, Genesis, 40, 41;
Numbers, 408.
– Christian, Peter, 55-68.
– Christ's, Hebrews, 39, 41.
– in the church, Joshua, 77;
Colossians, 476, 477.
– of man, Twelve Prophets I., 406;
Galatians, 234.
– of nations, Joshua, 76.
BROWN, David, The Book of Revelation, Revelation, 205.
– Epistle to the Romans, Romans, 207.
– The Second advent, Revelation, 130.
BROWNING, Robert, quoted, Numbers, 275, 294;
Deuteronomy, 115;
Judges, 379;
II. Kings, 319;
Chronicles, 443;
Proverbs, 351;
Ecclesiastes, 16;
Song of Solomon, 172, 181;
Isaiah I., 63, 220, 354;
Ezekiel, 120, 231;
John I., 27;
Romans, 88;
I. Corinthians, 119, 278;
Ephesians, 234.
BROWNLOW AND NORTHCOTE, Roma Sotteranea, Acts I., 112.
BRUCE, A. B., John I., 233;
Thessalonians, 176;
Hebrews, 44, 45;
James, 410.
BRÜCKNER, Benno B., James, 60, 378, 390, 418.
BRUGSCH, Heinrich, Jeremiah II., 221;
Ezekiel, 281.
BRYCE, James, Locusts in South Africa, Twelve Prophets II., 400.
BUCKLAND, F., John Epistles, 131, 132.
BUCKLE, Thomas, Ecclesiastes, 144.
BUDDE, Karl, Twelve Prophets II., 119, 121, 124, 125, 128, 134, 498, 505.
BUDDHA, Doctrine of Karma, Proverbs, 71.
– Early life of, John Epistles, 155-157.
BUDDHISM, Acts I., 400;
John Epistles, 110.
BULL, George, Acts I., 134.
BUNTING, Jabez, Acts I., 3.
BUNYAN, John, quoted, Job, 144;
Song of Solomon, 237;
Ephesians, 75;
Colossians, 269;
Thessalonians, 77, 144.
Galatians, 390-404.
BURGER, Johann G., Revelation, 330.
BURNET, Bishop Gilbert, Commentary on the thirty-nine articles, Acts I., 192.
BURNS, Robert, Proverbs, 293;
Isaiah I., 192;
Thessalonians, 143, 144.
BURNT OFFERING, Leviticus, 29, 62.
BUSHNELL, Horace, quoted, Job, 259;
John I., 359.
BUSINESS, Twelve Prophets I., 430.
– The highest good in, Ecclesiastes, 142-186.
BUTLER, Alfred J., Coptic Churches, Acts II., 256.
BUTLER, Archer, James, 383, 386.
BUTLER, Joseph, James, 99, 443.
– The analogy, Acts I., 18;
II., 133, 413;
John Epistles, 71, 249.
– Durham charge, Pastoral Epistles, 368.
BUTLER, Samuel, Hudibras quoted, Proverbs, 266.
BUXTORF, Johann, Lexicon, Acts II., 16.
BYRON, Lord, Jeremiah II., 217;
John Epistles, 158.
BZOVIUS, Abraham, Continuation of Baronius' annals, Acts I., 415.
CAESAR, Augustus, Acts II., 273.
– Claudius, Acts II., 323.
– Julius, Acts II., 31;
James, 287.
– Tiberius, Acts II., 36, 166, 185.
CAESAREA-ON-THE-SEA, Acts II., 101, 147.
– Paul at, Acts II., 4.
CAIN, Genesis, 28-41.
– Faith of, Hebrews, 223.
– Punishment of, Genesis, 43.
– Rejection of his offering, Genesis, 32.
CAIPHAS, Acts II., 30.
– and Christ's popularity, John I., 371, 372.
– and the trial of Christ, Matthew, 409;
Mark, 407-413;