The Expositor's Bible: Index. Ayres Samuel Gardiner

The Expositor's Bible: Index - Ayres Samuel Gardiner

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Numbers, 21.

      – Need of machinery in, Pastoral Epistles, 331-342.

      – Never in danger, Judges, 187.

      – on the field of history, Revelation, 21-64.

      – one foundation, II. Corinthians, 35-46.

      – Opposition to, Judges, 79, 82.

      – Origin of the idea, Isaiah I., 126.

      – Perils of, Numbers, 115.

      – Perpetual duty of, Judges, 353.

      – Position of, Numbers, 20.

      – Primitive discussions in, Acts I., 246-267.

      – Real work of, Thessalonians, 277.

      – Right spirit of, Judges, 152.

      – Second and third great enemies of, Revelation, 217-237.

      – should keep close to its ideal, Deuteronomy, 188.

      – True, I. Corinthians, 21.

      – Unity of, Numbers, 203;

      I. Corinthians, 23-25, 284-286.

      – Union of, Acts I., 86-89.

      – World in, Judges, 133.

      CHURCH, Dean R. W., Ezekiel, 255;

      John I., 281.

      CICERO, Ecclesiastes, 137, 253;

      Daniel, 216;

      Acts I., 56, 298;

      II., 275, 304, 327.

      CIRCUMCISION, Genesis, 166.

      – and uncircumcision, Romans, 72, 73.

      – Controversy about, Acts II., 222-228, 392, 425;

      Philippians, 178-180.

      – of the Galatians, Galatians, 301, 315.

      – of the heart, Genesis, 167.

      – of Israel at the Jordan, Joshua, 117-121.

      – of Timothy, Pastoral Epistles, 22.

      – Ordinance of, Leviticus, 315-319.

      – The true, Colossians, 199-212.

      CISTERCIANS, Acts I., 174;

      II., 227.

      CITIES OF REFUGE, Numbers, 400;

      Joshua, 326-339.

      CIVILIZATION and Christianity, Twelve Prophets, 151;

      Mark, 94.

      – and judgment, Twelve Prophets, 141-155.

      – of the Akkadians, Deuteronomy, 208, 209.

      – without morality, Numbers, 372.

      CLARKE, Adam, Acts I., 3.

      CLAUDIA, Pastoral Epistles, 415.

      CLAUDIUS, Pastoral Epistles, 414, 425.

      CLAUDIUS, the Emperor, II. Corinthians, 88;

      Hebrews, 318.

      CLEANTHES' hymn to Zeus, Ecclesiastes, 199;

      Acts II., 315;

      Pastoral Epistles, 225.

      CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, Acts I., 286, 344;

      II., 180, 356, 446;

      Pastoral Epistles, 6, 97, 100, 228, 339, 373;

      James, 4, 5, 21, 36, 76, 213, 307, 362, 369, 422;

      Peter VI.;

      John Epistles, 283.

      CLEMENT OF ROME, Acts I., 3, 273, 280, 400;

      II., 259, 344;

      Pastoral Epistles, 5, 14, 97, 110, 416;

      James, 18, 20, 23, 160, 215, 245, 292, 295;

      Peter XII.

      CLEMENT IV., Jeremiah II., 91.


      CLERGY and laity, James, 324.

      – and laity distinct, Pastoral Epistles, 109.

      CLOKE, Pastoral Epistles, 412.

      CLOPAS, James, 26, 27.

      CLOTHING, Symbolism of, Genesis, 24.

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      Hebrews, I. 1.


      The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia, p. 258.


      As represented for instance by the earlier editions of Dr. Angus's Bible Handbook, or by Keil's O. T. Introduction.


      As represented by Driver's Introduction.


      The belief in a dim, shadowy existence in Sheol, the Semitic Hades; and the belief in exact retribution for sin and reward for virtue in the present life.


      Religion of Egyptians, etc., p. 296.


      T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh. Four Volumes, with a fifth supplementary volume.


      A. & C. Black. Four Volumes.


      The Study of Religion, p. 51.


      That of the "Vatican MS.," with its lacunæ supplied from the uncial MS. which occupies the next place in point of age and importance.


      T. & T. Clark. Judges by Prof. G. F. Moore, Samuel by Prof. H. P. Smith, etc., etc., only four or five O. T. volumes published as yet.


      Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen. Job by Prof. Budde, Psalms by Prof. Baethgen, Ezra, etc., etc., by Prof. Siegfried, etc.


      J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Freiburg, i. B. Genesis by Holzinger, Ezekiel by Bertholet, Proverbs by Wildeboer, etc., etc.


      Oskar Beck, Munich, Orelli on Isaiah and Jeremiah, etc., etc.



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