The History of Kazakhstan from the Earliest Period to the Present time. Volume I. Zhanat Kundakbayeva

The History of Kazakhstan from the Earliest Period to the Present time. Volume I - Zhanat Kundakbayeva

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but it was the first one ever in his command. The three men marched together in front of their armies and dealt a crushing blow against the Merkids. During the battle, Temujin recovered Borte.

      Through alliances and friendships, Temujin was able to hold military power for the first. Coincidentally, one of leaders in trio alliance, Jamugha, was also a Mongol, and had been anda with Temujin during childhood. Jamugha and Temujin became reunited friends and together they gained control over a good amount of Mongol clans. They became a force to be feared, and to an extent it seemed as if though the fallen Mongol kingdom was in the stage of resurrection.

      One day, while Temujin and Jamugha were riding together in front of their men (in the steppes, whole nomadic tribes often traveled together as a single unit), Jamugha suggested to Temujin to stop and pitch tent. Temujin, however, "did not understand" Jamugha's words, and after "asking his mother what Jamugha meant", he decided to keep marching while Jamugha stopped. As the two leaders separated, the Mongols were dumbstruck, but it was clear that they had to choose which leader to follow. Some went with Temujin and some went with Jamugha. The Mongol that went with Temujin swore loyalty and in return, Temujin swore to lead them to glory. Shortly later, in a huge assembly, Temujin was proclaimed Genghis Khan (1187). Obviously, Temujin had used Jamugha and Toghrul first as a protector and then as took advantage of the situation and used them as a source from which to "steal" power.

      Almost immediately after Temujin was proclaimed Khan, one of Jamugha's tribesman stole horses from tribesmen under Genghis Khan. This simple event escalated into war. Fighting broke out and Genghis Khan was defeated. What happened next is a confusing timeframe of ten years unmentioned in the Secret History. According to Rashid ad-Din, Genghis khan was deserted by his followers, and was later captured by his enemies. Possibly, he was exiled to China. He returned several years later, defeated Jamugha and re-secured power. Some time around Genghis' return, Toghrul Khan lost the throne in his tribe and was exiled to Kara-Khitai. He was then restored to power by Genghis Khan.

      The Secret history does not describe these events, but instead, skips ahead a decade later to 1198 to, in which Genghis and Toghrul victoriously campaigned against the Tartars. Meanwhile, Jamugha created powerful alliances with the Merkids, Naimans and the Oyirads. Similar to how Temujin was proclaimed Genghis Khan, Jamugha was named Gur Khan.

      Tension between Jamugha and Genghis grew again. Finally, Jamugha gathered his allies and marched against Genghis for a decisive battle at Koyitan. Upon hearing the threat, Genghis called Toghrul Khan to join him again his anda. Toghrul agreed, despite the fact that he and Jamugha once allies. The two armies met at Koyiten for a great battle but weather became disfavorable and suddenly the two armies were caught in a snowstorm. The battle was called off and both armies decided to withdraw. However, during the withdrawal, luck was with Genghis and he was able to catch the Tayichigud, an old rival clan to Genghis now serving under Jamugha. After a fierce battle the Tayichiguds were destroyed.

      The long awaited clash between Genghis and Jamugha was broken up, and the two sides ceased fire. But Genghis did not waste time enjoying peace. He attacked the already weakened Tartars, and in 1202, the long time enemy tribe were finally defeated and put to the sword. Meanwhile, Toghrul Khan was becoming old and weary. Convinced by his son, the tired and confused old khan decided that it was no longer wise to remain as Genghis' ally. Toghrul plotted to assassinate Genghis at an assembly, but unfortunately for him, his plans were overheard and reported it to Genghis.

      Genghis decided to move eastward to a safer location. As Genghis rode eastward, an army appeared on the horizon with Toghrul and Jamugha riding at its front. Genghis was forced to fight. He was heavily outnumbered but was able to hold off the onslaught until nightfall, where he was able to escape to the Khalka River. Genghis' army was heavily damaged, but along the river, he met various friendly tribes who decided to join his ranks, including the Okhunuguds (the clan of his wife).

      While Genghis was rebuilding his army, he suddenly discovered that Toghrul's had followed his path and was closing in. This time, Genghis decided it was time to eliminate Toghrul. He quickly assembled his men at night and surrounded Toghrul's camp in a surprise attack. The battle lasted three days but in the end Toghrul was finally defeated. Toghrul's Kereyids tribesmen were slaughtered and the survivors were assimilated into Genghis' tribe. Toghrul himself escaped but only to be killed later by a patrolling Naiman warrior.

      With Toghrul defeated, the only ones left to seriously challenge Genghis were Jamugha and his ally, Tayang Khan of Naimans. In 1204, Genghis assembled his men and marched through the Keluren Valley into Naiman territories. Genghis continued advancing until he reached Mount Khangkharkhan, where the army of Tayang Khan, later joined by Jamugha, awaited him. Genghis and his brothers, with his hounds of war (his generals) led a ferocious attack and Tayang and Jamugha were driven up the mountain. Tayang and Jamugha held out into the night but in the end Genghis was victorious. The Naimans and Jamugha's seven Mongol Clans surrendered and were assimilated into Genghis' "Empire." Jamugha escaped from the battle, but was completely deprived of power and was forced into a life of banditry.

      With the Naimans defeated and Jamugha's Mongol clans surrendered, Genghis had nearly gained complete mastery of the steppes. There were only two minor groups left to conquer. There were the Merkids, who had regrouped after suffering several defeated including when Genghis first allied with Toghrul. Finally there were the Oriats, in the extreme north of Mongolia. The Merkids were annihilated shortly after the victory over the Naimans, and the latter, the Oriats, would eventually be defeated later on.

      Jamugha, defeated as a Khan, was soon defeated as a bandit leader. His gang of bandits betrayed him and turned him in to Genghis Khan. Although the two had been strong political enemies, Genghis remembered that they were still andas, that "when two men becomes anda, their lives become one." The relationship between Jamugha and Genghis is somewhat interesting. Although they were political rivals, they never considered themselves to be personal enemies. They fought each other only for conquest and control over other people. Now that Jamugha was no longer a political power, Genghis was ready to fully accept Jamugha into his service, but Jamugha declined. He stated that his anda had surpassed him in every way and thus there is no longer a place for him. Jamugha requested an execution and Genghis honored his request. According to the Secret History of the Mongols, he had Jamugha executed without shedding his blood and buried his bones with honor.

      The Khuriltai of 1206 – Building the Empire

      In the year of the Tiger, 1206, the whole steppes stood watching as the great Khuriltai (assembly) was being held and the implied enthronement of Genghis Khan as emperor of the steppes. As emperor of the steppes, Genghis wanted to ensure the longevity of his empire. It is somewhat of a daunting task, as not so long ago his empire had been a chaotic battleground of many nomadic powers. To do this, Genghis created a system that would stress the unity of the empire, and would wipe out tendencies towards local tribal authorities. The entire population was divided into 95 military units, each responsible for maintaining 1000 warriors. Each of these units had a commander personally assigned by Genghis Khan. During times of war, each commander was expected to effectively assemble a thousand men. Failure to do so would mean removal from office and a new commander from the thousand would be elected. To ensure availability of warriors, every male at the age of fifteen were required for military duty.

      Genghis also created various offices of power within his empire, including imperial administrators and the chief justice. Furthermore, he decreed a number of specific laws, including the toleration of religion, exemption of priests in taxation, the prohibition of contaminating running water, and death penalty for crimes such as robbery, adultery, military desertion, and continual bankruptcy of merchants. All of these laws and decrees made by Genghis Khan were compiled into one piece, the Great Yasa. While Genghis is often thought to be a vicious barbarian, there is no doubt that he was also a brilliant statesman.

      The new military superstructure ensured a stable and militaristic society, but was not enough to conquer the world. Genghis went on to make several military reforms, including a decimal organization of the army (from units of 10 to 10,000 men), standardization of equipment, a strict system of regularly performed military drill, and a strict system of military laws. All of these regulations installed a sense of unity and maximum discipline to men who already had a lifetime of experience in horsemanship and archery. Every man in the Mongol

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