The Family of Brad and Angelina and the Breaking of 7 Seals. «Repair» and «Restart» of Our World. Part 1. The Wisdom of Brad, the Kingdom of Angelina. Necklace with a Star of Jolie and Noah's ark. Movies as Hints. Elah

The Family of Brad and Angelina and the Breaking of 7 Seals. «Repair» and «Restart» of Our World. Part 1. The Wisdom of Brad, the Kingdom of Angelina. Necklace with a Star of Jolie and Noah's ark. Movies as Hints - Elah

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was baptized with water by John the Baptist and then was crucified on the cross. In the words of John, Jesus «will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire; His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire» (Matthew, 3:11—12, ESV). Brad passes the test of the Holy Spirit before the eyes of all people. And there is another baptism – the test of fire, which we will consider in the following book (It’s the baptism the countries and peoples, and people need to unite to pass it).

      For Brad is characterized by the fact that whatever he’s doing, he always strives to understand the main. To comprehend, he as would dissolve in the process, studying it from the inside and also from all sides, and then shows the essence of the phenomenon. Films with his participation are movies with meaning, and at the same time, they are colorful and emotional.

      I suggest to read the feature Chokhmah (wisdom), the sephirah of the Tree of Life in Kabbalah:

      «Chokhmah (Wisdom) – the ability of the mind to grasp the essence of the subject, to get the main idea of phenomena or things. Chokhmah – a higher level about all the other Sephirot that has the ability to perceive such a high level of divine light which cannot be described, detailed, or expressed with the help of our ideas and even through the qualities of all the other Sephirot.»12

      As we can see, the desire of Brad to understand the essence of things and phenomena corresponded the characteristic of the sephirah Chokhmah; this desire led him to it. Not only Brad but many men have the desire and ability to comprehend the gist or main idea. Probably, it can be said that the path to the sephirah of Chokhmah is men’s path to the exit from the labyrinth of the Earth, the path to the cognition of the Creator and the creation. It should also be noted that in each person there is both the beginning – male and female.

      If we look at the filmography of Brad Pitt, we can see that the characters in his films often wonder «what’s the point?»13. Brad feels like he’s trying to build a dialogue of man with Almighty through movies; at some point, he even challenges the gods (the film «Troy,» Pitt’s character Achilles takes down the head of the statue of Apollo, standing in front of the temple).

      Angelina is an Angel or, one might say, the Holy Spirit was sent into our world. She is a warrior, who can act without thinking. Angelina can be kind and cruel in achieving her goals. Her essence is in her program, and she acts in accordance with it. It’s the program of the unconscious that already contains some algorithms of actions-reactions. If viewed from the side, the idea arises that someone «Higher» manages her actions14. Through own life and the heroines of the movies in which she starred15, Angelina challenges people, but not God (in the film «Wanted» (2008), her character acts as an «instrument of fate» and kills itself and those whose names «were given by the loom of fate», to maintain balance in the world).

      The divine manifests in the earthly (material) on the lower level of the structure of the Tree of Life corresponds to the sephirah of Malkuth («the Kingdom of the physical world,» «realm of action»).

      «Malkuth (Kingship) – the ability to convey the vitality to the perceiver which is at a lower level than the giver and to affect it. It is the quality of the king towards his subjects – he cares about them and at the same time rises above them.»16

      We can say that when we, without realizing it, in other words, unconsciously committed certain action or control the actions of others, so the sephirah Malkuth manifests in us. Angelina fully embodies the sephirah, it is her task, and another task is to help her children fully manifest in our world. We also see that Angie has ensured the crucifixion of Brad on the cross of feelings. The Divine can only be understood from the level of the Divine. Often what that from a material point of view (the first level of reality), we believe is punishment it’s a recognition of the merit. If you want a special attention of the Almighty – be prepared to be crucified on the cross. But in fact, sooner or later, all people destined to go through this. Any other way to the exit of the labyrinth of the Earth to God does not exist.

      Angelina and children17 and the seven Angels of the Presence, or the seven lower Sephirot of the Tree of Life that constitute the whole visible Universe: «After Binah, the Universe gets down to the business of building the materials it will need to fulfill its evolution, and creating new combinations of those materials until it is so dense that, by the stage of Malkuth, the initial pure limitless energy has ’solidified’ into the physical Universe.»18

      The situation that now there is in the family of Brad and Angelina was described in one of the quatrains of Nostradamus long before their birth. If we consider that in the Bible it was said about the Lamb, slain «slain from the foundation of the world,»19 it becomes clear why Nostradamus could have predicted it:

      X.100* (10.101 или1001/995)20

      «When the forked is located between the two stakes

      with the six semi horns (unicorns) and the six eyes open

      The very powerful Lord, the heir of toads,

      Then subjugates everything in the Universe».

      (Quand le fourchu sera tout entre deux pieux,

      Avec six semi cornes, et six yeux ouverts

      Le tres puissant Seigneur, heritier de crapauds,

      Alors subjuguer tous que tout l’univers.)

      To ascend from the cross, six semi horns (unicorns) and six eyes open must once again become the seven for Brad, but he will see them in a different way. Brad will also complete the formation the seven components of the consciousness for the seven components of the unconscious – in the book of Revelation, John speaks of the seven horns and not the seven semi horns: «a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, with seven horns and with seven eyes».

      How to understand Angelina acting according to God’s plan?

      Do you remember the beautiful image of the Unicorn21 of myths and legends? The Unicorn, who was always on «own lines» as Angelina. In the novel «Through the Looking-Glass»22 of Lewis Carroll, heroine Alice sees the battle of the Unicorn with the Lion for the crown of the King23. According to the book of Revelation, «the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David» corresponds to Brad. In the story, after the battle, Alice meets two Knights – the black (red) and white, angels of Death and Life. The Black Knight (the Red Knight) nearly takes Alice, but the White rescues and escorts her to a final brook-crossing. Alice steps across the last brook, and on the eighth cell of the chessboard, she becomes a Queen. Fairytales of Lewis Carroll are amazing; each of them has a puzzle that keeps a lot of tips-hints….

      Consider the first task of Angelina.


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<p>13</p> The character of Brad in the film is participant of those or other processes attempting to penetrate into their essence. The farther, the deeper his penetration into the essence of life on the Earth and his characters knowingly make a particular life choice: either embedding in the process and controlling it («Killing Them Softly» 2012); or leaving it, preparing own death («The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford» 2007); or changing something in the world, finding new solutions («Moneyball» 2011); or helping someone to overcome a difficult situation («12 Years a Slave» 2013, «The Big Short» 2015) etc. Special attention deserves the topic of war and the theme of confrontation, which is seen in different perspectives («War Machine» 2017, «Allied» 2016, «Fury» 2014, «World War Z» 2013 …).


At the time, I noticed how men divided women into two categories. And maybe men are right, only they don’t know what one of these categories, there are Angels, led by God. Maybe each of us incarnates an angel, an ordinary man in any of our lives. Angels can be very different. How to distinguish between humans and angels? People are responsible for their actions; the angels can’t do it. God leads a person using them to make sense of the world. Is it possible to understand women? This is probably tantamount to be able to understand the world. In fairness, it should be noted that among men, too, can meet the angels, who are led by God or the unmanifested world, and women, too, divided men into two categories. There is a legend of the Buddhists, according to which the Buddha emits a single ray from the right eye and from the left – two rays, creating man. From «The Secret Doctrine,» volume 3, E. P. Blavatsky: " Each of us must recognize him for himself whenever he is ready. Each of us has within himself the «Jewel in the Lotus,» call it Padmapani, Krisha, Buddha, Christ, or by whatever name we may give to our Divine Self. The exoteric story runs thus: The supreme Buddha, or Amitabha, they say, at the hour of the creation of man, caused a rosy ray of light to issue from his right eye. The ray emitted a sound and became Padmapani Bodhisattva. Then the Deity allowed to stream from his left eye a blue ray of light which, becoming incarnate in the two virgins Dolma, acquired the power to enlighten the minds of living beings. Amitabha then called the combination, which forthwith took up its abode in man, «Om Mani Padme Hum» («I am the Jewel in the Lotus, and in it I will remain»). Then Padmapani, «the one in the Lotus,» vowed never to cease working until he had made Humanity feel his presence in itself and had thus saved it from the misery of rebirth. He vowed to perform the feat before the end of the Kalpa, adding that in case of failure he wished that his head would split into numberless fragments. The Kalpa closed; but Humanity felt him not within its cold, evil heart. Then Padmapani’s head split and was shattered into a thousand fragments. Moved with compassion, the Deity re-formed the pieces into ten heads, three white and seven of various colors. And since that day man has become a perfect number, or TEN.»




It was surprising to discover that there is the connection between the history of each of the children of Brad and Angelina (,,, etc.) and sources of the second and third levels of our reality (the information about levels of reality eng rus-eng). Seeing Maddox in a shelter in Cambodia, Angelina has changed: suddenly, she felt a desire to become a mother. We can say that Maddox appeared in the life of Angelina as the foundation (the sephirah Yesod of the Tree of Life, «foundation.» The masculine Yesod collects the vital forces of the sephirot above, and transmits these creative and vital energies into the feminine Malkuth below. Yesod channels, Malkuth receives. In turn, it is through Malkuth that the earth is able to interact with the divinity. Yesod plays the role of collecting and balancing the different and opposing energies of Hod and Netzach, and also from Tiferet above it, storing and distributing it throughout the world. It is likened to the ’engine-room’ of creation. – Maddox made her stronger, and Angelina gained the purpose for the application of vitality on the Earth – to care for others. Zahara almost died quite young – the Moon, which corresponds to it, is associated with death. Adorable child with huge eyes and the sephirah Hod of the Tree of Life, «majesty, splendour, glory’ (Hod is explained as an analogy – that instead of «conquering» an obstacle in one’s way, (which is the idea of Netzach), subduing oneself to that «obstacle» is related to the quality of Hod. … Hod is described as being a force that breaks down energy into different, distinguishable forms, and it is associated with intellectuality, learning and ritual, as opposed to Netzach, Victory, which is the power of energy to overcome all barriers and limitations, and is associated with emotion and passion, music and dancing. – Pax is very active (restless) from birth – the Sun corresponds to him, it’s the active principle of life itself (the sephirah Netzach in the structure of the Tree of Life, ’perpetuity’, ’victory’, or ’endurance’. Netzach is «endurance,» the fortitude, and patience to follow through on your passions.– Only three of the children of Brad and Angelina are their biological children, displaying this way a procreation, which became possible only with the third root race ( Shiloh, their first biological child-a girl, is behaving like a boy. According to «The Secret Doctrine» by E. P. Blavatskaya volume 1, the people of the third root race were androgynous. Mercury, Roman god, whose name is the name of the planet corresponding to Shiloh, also is androgynous ( In the structure of the Tree of Life, the sephirah Tiferet corresponds to her (Tiferet is the force that integrates the sephirah of Chesed («compassion») and Gevurah («Strength, or Judgement (din)»). These two forces are, respectively, expansive (giving) and restrictive (receiving). Either of them without the other could not manifest the flow of Divine energy; they must be balanced in perfect proportion by balancing compassion with discipline. This balance can be seen in the role of Tiferet, wherein the conflicting forces are harmonized, and creation flowers forth. Tiferet also balances Netzach and Hod in a similar manner. In that case Hod can be seen as the intellect where Netzach is seen as emotion.– Vivienne and Knox show a link with the fourth root race (or the sixth and seventh sub-races). Vivien showed her connection with the Mars (the sephirah Gevurah of the Tree of Life, «might’, Gevurah is understood as God’s mode of punishing the wicked and judging humanity in general. It is the foundation of stringency, absolute adherence to the letter of the law, and strict meting out of justice –, starring with mom in «Maleficent» and practicing one of the martial arts. There is a feminine form of Mars – Aretia. From «The Secret Doctrine,» volume 2, stanza VI, E. P. Blavatsky: «Aretia is the female form of Artes (Egyptian Mars).» Knox is associated with Venus (the sephirah Chesed of the Tree of Life, «kindness,» «compassion’). Publications about him in the media appear more rarely than about other children, but his role as the seventh Angel of the Presence (the book of Revelation, the New Testament) is big. Venus in the male form is the Gesper. Published in the media facts about each of the children reflect what is outlined in Kabbalah and the book of Revelation, the New Testament. From an early age, kids of Brad and Angelina began to appear on stage with mom and dad at the premiere screenings, participate in cartoons and movies. Each their appearance has been a clue for us.



«And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.» (Revelation, 13:8)


It’s additional quatrain that completes the 10 Centuries of Nostradamus (included in the 10-volume edition of prophecies after the edition of 1568). From the work of A. Y. Filatova «Nostradamus: an esoteric view», 2012: «When the one who was crucified between two stakes, will be hanging Divided into six parts with six breaks of the body A very powerful Lord, heir of the toads, Subjugates everyone and everything in this world.» X.100* «When the plug for the crucifixion will support two columns with stakes Like scissors that cut the body of the executed in six parts A very powerful Lord, heir of the toads, Enslave the whole world.» X.100* «According to ancient myths, all pagan Sun Gods such as Adonis, Dionysus, Bacchus, Each, Baldr, Tammuz, Frame, Asar were put to death, dismembered into pieces, and then they were again raised. They, dying, descended to Hell, but, rising, again returned to Earth. Astronomically, these Gods represented the Sun, a mentally – are symbols of eternally resurrecting the soul. H. P. Blavatsky in her «Theosophical Glossary» wrote about Bacchus: «He is the Osiris of Egypt, and his life and significance belong to the same group as the other solar deities, all «sin-bearing,» killed and resurrected.» … «According to the symbolic language, the toad is a lunar animal, an accomplice of witches, the symbol of evil and death. In Christianity, the toad is a symbol of the Devil of greed, but it is in Christianity, which has always claimed that a woman is a great evil. So the toad is not only evil but a symbol of the feminine Yin, associated with the Goddess Mother, who participated in the creation of the World. Toad, along with another symbol of the Mother – frog, belongs to the lower level in the three-part structure of the universe (groundwater), i.e. tied to the World Tree.» In the work of A. Y. Filatova is the full text decryption and other translations of the quatrain

<p>21</p> «When Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, God offered the Unicorn a choice: he could stay in Eden or go with people. The unicorn chose the latter, and he was blessed for your compassion for people.» «If the Unicorn had a crown, it was not on the head, and the neck, in the form of a collar.»Единорог



The story of the battle of the Lion and the Unicorn is widely spread. «The traditional legend of enmity between the two heraldic animals is recorded in a nursery rhyme which has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 20170. It is usually given with the lyrics: The Lion and the Unicorn as they appear in A Nursery Rhyme Picture Book by L. Leslie Brooke. The lion and the unicorn Were fighting for the crown The lion beat the unicorn All around the town. Some gave them white bread, And some gave them brown; Some gave them plum cake and drummed them out of town.» This story is repeated in the fairy tale of Lewis Carroll. When I was preparing the text of this book the news came on the Internet: «New research using data collected by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) has revealed that a little-known exoplanet called K2—18b could well be a scaled-up version of Earth. Just as exciting, the same researchers also discovered for the first time that the planet has a neighbor. „Being able to measure the mass and density of K2—18b was tremendous, but to discover a new exoplanet was lucky and equally exciting,“ says lead author Ryan Cloutier, a PhD student in U of T Scarborough’s Centre for Planet Science, U of T’s Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Universite de Montreal Institute for research on exoplanets (iREx). Both planets orbit K2—18, a red-dwarf star located about 111 light years away in the constellation Leo. When the planet K2—18b was first discovered in 2015, it was found to be orbiting within the star’s habitable zone, making it an ideal candidate to have liquid surface water, a key element in harbouring conditions for life as we know it.»