The Family of Brad and Angelina and the Breaking of 7 Seals. «Repair» and «Restart» of Our World. Part 1. The Wisdom of Brad, the Kingdom of Angelina. Necklace with a Star of Jolie and Noah's ark. Movies as Hints. Elah

The Family of Brad and Angelina and the Breaking of 7 Seals. «Repair» and «Restart» of Our World. Part 1. The Wisdom of Brad, the Kingdom of Angelina. Necklace with a Star of Jolie and Noah's ark. Movies as Hints - Elah

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be contradictory. A reasonable person can consciously redirect his emotions, knowing that this energy in a motion is a life force and a gift from God and that the God also gave a man a Will as the ability to manage it.

      Emotion is selfish in itself; it seeks to capture and suppress the human mind. It is a force, the elemental force that can sweep away and destroy everything in its path, and can maintain – it all depends on its direction. Yes, emotion is soulless in itself, but a soul cannot live without emotions. When we stop feeling, we as dead – «live dead» in this world. Emotions are the beauty of our lives, but they also lead to chaos and destruction of life as the individual and human society, if we can’t manage them24…. God showed and shows it through Angelina: through movies with her participation and her life.

      It can be said that God or the unmanifested world consistently reveal to us his cards of the programme of the unconscious with Angie’s help. At first, this program is «the second owner of our body.» With the development of our consciousness, in the end, we are released from control by «the second master» and manage our actions independently. This general principle of interaction was shown in the movie «Fight Club» (1999). The movie, in which Brad played the role of «the second master of the body of the protagonist» shows the path of life from an unexpected angle, and Director David Fincher, along with actors and the whole team of the movie did it masterfully. Special thanks to the author of the novel on which motives the film was made, Chuck Palahniuk.

      At the first level of reality, the film may seem meaningless, but it’s not. We will see him quite differently if we view the movie through other faces of a prism of reality. Brad caught the essence of his character, the second master of the body, the devil-tempter, who actually leads a person to develop his consciousness. Oddly enough, the devil is the program of the unconscious. It makes the main character (the first master of the body, played by Edward Norton) to «throw himself towards tests,» where life will more than once «beat,» and man should not be afraid of «being hurt» and be able «to take a punch» and it is necessary to explore different corners of this world, as well as to gather around himself the followers.

      At some point, after many tests and to travel across the expanses of the Earth, to feel stronger than evil, stronger than the conductor – the program of the unconscious and to refuse it. Preserving the ability to love, to rise above this world, above the system, zeroing it (at the end of the film, the monetary system is zeroized), and then the essence of the world will open before your eyes….

      Back to Angelina. Remember the movie «Girl, Interrupted» in 1999, in which Jolie played Lisa, a patient of the psychiatric hospital? There is something that distinguishes Lisa from other patients. If others have some deviations in the head in the operation process program of the personal Ego, Lisa’s all right here – program the unconscious is working well, no – there is no development of the thinking principle, there is no awareness. So in the film, Lisa is jealous of Suzanne’s diary. This diary is an attempt of Susanna (played by Winona Ryder25) to understand the world and her place in life. Lisa steals it and reads aloud for all patients….

      She easily solves tactical problems and does it quickly, finding the shortest path and, if necessary, calmly stepping over the law and morality. One of the heroines of the film hanged herself due to Lisa’s, and the heroine Angie (Lisa) quietly pulled the money out of the pockets of the dead girl – Lisa brought her to commit suicide for the sake of money that was necessary. In another situation, the person, obeying the unconscious, in other words emotions and feelings, on the contrary, can appeal to human values, if it can help him in achieving the goal26 – in the case of the programs of the unconscious, as the saying goes, «the end justifies the means,» and only social norms and the human mind to impose certain restrictions on the action algorithms of the personal Ego. Therefore, in each of the eras in the Sacred books was given a code of human behavior.

      By a reasonable approach, the person realizes that everything in the world is governed by principles of interaction, and his every action leads to certain consequences for himself and the whole world. These principles-the laws are the basis of the scenario of the world, laid down by the Creator or the unmanifested world. They do not depend on any of the social systems; no man regardless of his status in society, cannot deceive or circumvent them. A reasonable person tries to foresee all possible consequences of their actions before performing them, an unreasonable – only those that interest him, that is, the achievement of its goals.

      The development of consciousness leads man to the awareness of the world as a system. We can understand the meaning and the value of our life, seeing it as a part of the whole system. The egocentrism or the personal Ego, as such, ceases to lead a man who has developed his consciousness. The conscious component of the human brain can be called a strategic mind, and the unconscious – tactical.

      Seven components of the program of the personal Ego are a set of algorithms of actions. The number of algorithms is getting bigger as people accumulate an experience and a life is complicated27. 12 starry streams define an order of activation of algorithms, asking reasons or goals of action. The reason given by each stellar stream can be carnal, can be spiritual as two sides of the same coin. Revealing components of the program of the unconscious and causes, a person develops his consciousness and gradually switches the management of the personal Ego to itself.

      The distinction between the conscious and unconscious is shown very precisely on the level of images in the film «Girl, Interrupted,» and Angelina got an Oscar for the role Lisa is not just. «Oscar» is a kind of the mark of the unmanifested world or God on the Hollywood Olympus, the key that he leaves us. The image of Lisa is as the key to understanding the unconscious, and this also is a clue about the role in the world that God or the unmanifested world placed on Angelina: to reveal, to show a programme of personal Ego in man through films and her life.

      A Palme d’Or (English: Golden Palm) is also a kind of the hint. Let’s take the example of Brad Pitt. In 2011, the film «Tree of Life» (2010) won the highest prize at the Cannes Film Festival the Palme d’Or. The film itself displayed the connection between a human life and the mythological Tree of Life. Brad Pitt did not personally receive any prize but played28 in the film role of the father as a hint of its opportunities. The displaying them in the structure of the Tree of Life is sephirah Chokhmah, «wisdom,» is another of its name «father of peace.» At that time, Brad was not ready to accept the «wisdom» of the world. In 2011, in an interview, he said that he would exchange his wisdom for youth any minute. But a couple of years, on its 50th anniversary, answering a reporter’s question, Brad Pitt said: «I wouldn’t trade me wisdom for youth for anything.»29 It’s all intertwined – the desire of Brad to wisdom and its place in the overall structure of our world as a realization of the opportunity.

      The palm mentioned in the Bible – according to its text, the people of Jerusalem met with palm branches of Christ. There is even a Church holiday – Palm Sunday30. In countries with a cold climate, the palm branch was replaced by willow. In the English language is «palm» means palm branch and a human hand. Encountering a person in the modern world, we can greet him with a wave of the hand with an open palm. Tips palm branch, willow, the human hand can be very important in people’s lives: it has hints of the possibilities

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The film «Gia» (1998) from the filmography of Angelina.


A couple of years before this film, Angelina Jolie turned down the role of the cyborg in the movie «Alien: Resurrection» (1997), Winona Ryder played it. All intertwined in our world in an astonishing way.


From the interview with Angelina Jolie (transl.): «I work in the humanitarian field for twelve years, and I realized over the years that sometimes morality and our own laws prevent us intervene fully in the Affairs of other States. We spend too much time, deciding whether we have the right to intervene. I assure you, you can’t rely on legal means to change the world for the better.» (, June 2016)


According to this statement, the unconscious develops together with the conscious, and its program has special features for every nation.


In 2002 Brad could play the main character in the movie «The Fountain» which looks for the Tree of Life but did not play due to «creative differences» with Director Darren Aronofsky.


«I’m ready to trade my wisdom for youth any minute! I’ll much happier because of it.» (, judging by the interview, it was in the summer of 2011 «I wouldn’t trade me wisdom for youth for anything. I even like the process of aging. Besides, I’m quite happy with my life and career. And around me, only the people who needed and road me. Angelina and the kids – the best company, I appreciate every moment spent with them. Even with age, I began to understand clearly that for me is really important and what is not, and trying to allocate wisely my time». … «The family will remain the main in my life. I dreamed from my youth the house was full cup. Angie and I perceive the creation of such a large family, partly as an expression of our selfishness, because the reward – the emotions that children give us – outweighs our efforts.» (
