The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost. Lim Word

The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost - Lim Word

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at the Institute of Management Problems, project management for the implementation of automated control systems at AvtoVAZ. 1983 (already significantly less “Soviet” year) – defense of a doctoral dissertation in the specialization “Technical Cybernetics and Information Theory” … cooperation with the newspaper “Soviet Russia”. In this period, according to Berezovsky, he is more than ever happy after all.

      In 1989, already, almost post-perestroika, the interim year, Berezovsky creates “LogoVAZ” – an enterprise engaged in the sale of VAZ, withdrawn from foreign car dealerships. Since 1994, the time of the already obvious “wild capitalism” Boris Abramovich is the head of the “Automobile All-Russian Alliance” (AVVA), in general, quite successfully producing cars (in particular, declared “popular”, but, perhaps, never became them, Chevrolet Niva – “Shnyava”). The businessman’s interests are not limited to the overwhelming majority of “new Russians”, eating black caviar, buying new residential areas, and open access to elite prostitutes. The highest interest is politics, the continuation of one’s “I” in other people. In 1995, Boris Abramovich participates in the creation of Public Russian Television (ORT), and is on the board of its directors. Later he creates or acquires such socially important media as the Publishing House Kommersant, TV-6, Our Radio, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Novye Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Avtopilot, Molotok, Ogonyok, and others.

      Since 1996, according to the general movement to possess “black gold”, Berezovsky is a member of the board of directors of Sibneft.

      At the same time, BAB becomes Deputy Secretary of Security of the Russian Federation and Executive Secretary of the CIS. The businessman finances the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin, considers it possible to give many “useful advice”. For example, he (and also his accomplice, oligarch, well-known Arkady (Badri) Patkratsishvili, with their same, uncontested words) recommends the first President of the Russian Federation his longtime friend, Vladimir Putin as a successor. Councils are accepted, however, the communication between the Yeltsin family and the “gray cardinal” takes place without special sincerity. It seems that Berezovsky realizes this, and, just in case, to monitor the situation, gradually prepares the alternatives for eliminating the highest state officials from power.

      In September 2001, who do not want to be eliminated in any case, the authorities of the Russian Federation are charging Berezovsky with an absentee accusation of embezzling Aeroflot’s money and are being announced for an international search. B.A.B. is at this moment abroad, where his relations with the law are also bad; and prefers, after all, to stay in the UK. Here he, in particular, writes the proclamations, which are then quoted on the Moscow radio station Ekho Moskvy (2012), such as “An Open Letter Born Not in the USSR”. The main sense – “replacement of an ineffective socio-political structure of society in a progressive way” may be relevant, but, it is indicated, my friends, clearly not the person you want to listen to.

      In 2004, Berezovsky participates in the financing of the presidential campaign in Ukraine, directly directs the actions of presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko, and his associate, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. The idea here is, as it were, democratic transformations in this country – which should be followed by corresponding progress in Russia. Changes in Ukraine do happen. But, apparently, by what kind of people these or those processes are being implemented – is also very important. There is democracy – power, carried out by quite conscious, principled (I add from myself – kind) citizens, and – okhlokratiya. You understand.

      Berezovsky is a mystery man of the twenty-first century. This body, constantly residing in a fussy movement, rubbing its hands, is the arena of a fierce, apocalyptic struggle between good and evil.

      According to some reports, Boris Abramovich is baptized in Israel, others – in Russia (after the failed assassination attempt on his person). In 2012, he announces the establishment of the “Movement of Resurrection”, and the beginning of the construction of the “Christian Democratic Revolutionary Party of Russia.” “Only the belief of citizens in fundamental Christian values – love and freedom – can save Russia … … The main consequence of the total transparency of relations between people is the inevitability of refusing to lie. This is the exorcism of the devil. The devil is a “liar and father of lies” (John 8:44). Subtlety and lies are the foundation of any authoritarian political system… The leader of the emerging new world will be the one who first perceives and implements the advanced idea – the idea of transparency, and, consequently, builds the most advanced and effective system of organizing society and the state … "– so says the entrepreneur. Specific ideas – the distribution of the English judicial system in the Russian Federation, the aesthetics of a “transparent society”, information equality (an official, an entrepreneur, an ordinary citizen – are the most important information about themselves), direct democracy, a liberal church, a confederation of regions-regions and, yes, constitutional monarchy. The citizenship of Russia is granted automatically to all those who pass the exam on the knowledge of the Russian language.

      A possible candidate for the Russian throne is Russian more than Nicholas II, Prince Harry – whose great-grandmother, by the way, is the Greek queen, Olga Konstantinovna (the house of the Romanovs).

      The subjects of the Confederation, on the basis of consensus, decide what functions of the authority to delegate to the Center, and not vice versa.

      The State Duma and the Federation Council are abolished. Draft laws written by initiative citizens who have passed professional expertise are submitted for general voting via the Internet.

      The financial activities of all religious faiths are carried out on the basis of transparency.

      The Board of Directors of “Corporation Russia” presents for approval to shareholders the draft budget and quarterly reports, the Prime Minister may be dismissed on any date by a meeting of shareholders-citizens by voting on the Web. … Governments at the level of subjects and the Confederation are our employees.

      Some points of the “Movement of the Resurrection” are useful to read without any abbreviations:

      “An official assumes full financial transparency when taking office. Information on the expenses and incomes of any public official and his family members, from buying a car to a pack of condoms, automatically appears in the public domain”.

      “A just court is the basis of statehood. The people need to give equal rights to the Russian elite, which has already chosen London as the capital of justice, and to introduce the English judicial system in Russia.”

      “The universal right to create, disseminate and obtain information. Every citizen is provided by the state with access to the global information network (Internet), through which not only the free exchange of information, but also democracy is carried out”.

      “Oil, gas, other natural resources belong not to the state, but to the people. All profits from the extraction of natural resources go not to the budget, but are divided equally among Russian citizens. In today’s prices, after the elimination of corruption schemes, each family will receive a monthly payment of about a thousand dollars only from the sale of oil and gas.”

      “The Russian language is the answer to the national question. Everyone who passes the exam for fluency in Russian and knowledge of Russian culture, can become a citizen of Russia regardless of the place of his permanent residence. Thus, the citizenship policy will simultaneously become the international policy of Russia – a way of Russia’s expansion into the world through the export of the main and unique achievement of Russian civilization – the great Russian culture and the great Russian language.

      The Russians are maximalists, and exactly what appears to be a utopia is most realistic in Russia, “Berdyaev wrote. Russia can not survive if it does not become liberal, but if Russia becomes liberal, it will be the most!

      Christ is Risen!…”

      Berezovsky writes two personal letters to V.

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