The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost. Lim Word

The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost - Lim Word

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at an extraordinary Plenum of the Central Committee, Yu. Andropov was elected General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and, a year later – Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The first actions visible by people – “tightening of nuts”, the so-called. the struggle against truants and violators of the socialist discipline of labor – unthinkable, apparently, for the beginning of the eighties, raids on idle people. Begins leapfrog personnel changes. Upward, such well-known personalities as Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, Yakovlev, Ryzhkov and Ligachev are moving along the career ladder. In total, up to 30% of the “Brezhnev” composition is replaced in the party organizations. Andropov talks about the need to “know the country in which we live” … in his speeches the word “self-financing” is heard more often. But, sometimes, words are just words. Specific mechanisms of interaction between the authorities and, for example, certain “councils of labor collectives” are not formally prescribed, and in the case, as a model for all, no one is running into anyone.

      Perhaps, feeling some confusion in the top leadership of the Union, weakening the health of the Secretary-General himself, the United States and Western Europe sharply increase military and political pressure on the USSR. September 1, 1983, perhaps as a result of a well-fabricated provocation, not far from Fr. Sakhalin suffers a catastrophe Boeing 747 Korean Airlines. President of the United States Ronald Reagan declares the USSR “Empire of Evil”. On the territory of Western Europe, the Pershing rockets of the dagger fire are placed, with the time of approach to the main objectives of 4—6 minutes…

      Since July 1983 Andropov runs the country, almost without getting out of bed. On vacation in the Crimea, he gets a cold – which, combined with a long-standing kidney disease, leads to death (1984).

      Personal life. His wife – Nina (Engalycheva) since 1935, two children. The spouse refuses to move for the future General Secretary to Karelia, and this circumstance destroys the marriage. The second wife is Tatyana (Lebedeva). In the union are born, too, son and daughter. Close friends are absent in principle. Hobby – listening to records with jazz…

      Evaluation of the author. The KGB under Andropov counts 400,000 official officers (including border guards officers), as well as about 5 million “voluntary assistants”. Full-time workers are expected to have a very high salary, food orders, queuing apartments, special polyclinics and other pleasant benefits. Do you need, however, “opera” and expensive informers, if their detailed opinion about the situation in the country, and at his native enterprise is always ready to make any sane worker – and completely free of charge? There is an opinion (according to the usual “conspiracy theory” in this case) that under the guise of sex workers, that is, secret officers throughout the Soviet Union, Yu. V. Andropov is being planted by representatives of the distribution mafia from the Jewish diaspora (himself, Andropov, – Flekenstein, no matter what they say about the “reception of a Russian daughter in a Jewish family”). …The Interior Ministry has been trying for some time to fight this branched, powerful structure – but in response it only receives powerful blows throughout the Union, and also, a severe discredit in the media (the film “Murder on Zhdanovsky”, etc.). Be that as it may, under Y. Andropov, the state’s GDP rises, by 1.5—2 percent, while the prices for vodka-Andropovka-are declining. The government of Yuri Andropov, now, after a considerable time has passed, is estimated by the people of Russia, rather, say, friends, positively.

      Mikhail Gorbachev

      Mikhail Gorbachev. Birth – 1931, with. Privolnoye of the Stavropol Territory… working as an assistant to the combine operator… the reward received for the shock work helps MG. go to the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. After graduating from the University (1955), having quickly tried several posts, he worked as First Secretary of the Regional (Stavropol) Committee of the Komsomol… and Chairman of the Commission on Youth Affairs of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1978, Mikhail S. Gorbachev was elected secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and moved to Moscow. 1985 – after a sudden retreat into the world of another General Secretary of the CPSU, KU Chernenko Mikhail Sergeevich takes the posts of the Secretary General and, as is customary, starting with VI Brezhnev, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (head of the only party and state).

      In the same year, Gorbachev announced the introduction of a dry law. Prices for alcohol are rising, sales are limited. Throughout the country to the wine shops are built multi-meter, so humiliating people turn. Norma – one or two bottles of vodka in your hands. To buy a certain amount of alcohol for the wedding, another important solemn event… requires an official certificate from the registry office. On the orders of Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife, Raisa Maksimovna, born literally at a family council, over a cup of tea, wonderful vineyards are cut down under the root… practically, everything (I saw). Actually, on the ground, canteens and wine varieties, according to the tradition of the “tight vertical of power”, in the absence of independent media and civil society, the leaders of the district party committees do not distinguish between the two, simply destroying them both “just in case”.

      However, the desire to stay at the helm by any means, the heads of the regional committees (krai committees), roughly equal in status to the current governors, does not save. About 70% of the status leaders of Brezhnev’s conscription are sent out to resign, literally, only by the whim of Mikhail Sergeyevich. There, half of the Politburo members also “leave”. The point is that all these people are appointed “from above”, often, one by one, as they say, the whim of the left foot of the head of state, and not (arranged quite difficult technically, it must be acknowledged) the will of the people. And, just as fabulously simply, the next Secretary-General, or the President, is free to replace them with someone else.

      Almost simultaneously with the anti-alcohol campaign, the “fight against unearned incomes” starts. In the countries of the victorious democracy, we recall that something similar is also available. The main point: with large purchases – for example, a new car, a home … an enterprise, you will necessarily require an income declaration (directly related to the citizen being filed every year, the Tax Declaration). If the income is reasonably consistent with the costs – everything is in order. But, if you are officially unemployed and are going to buy a luxurious Chevrolet, here the tax police may have some questions. More, by and large, in the lives of citizens, and the methods of their (not criminal) earnings, the state does not get involved.

      In the Gorbachev Soviet Union, the enemy of the people is declared to be: a fisherman who decided to sell his modest catch, an artist who painted a pair of paintings (for 10—15 rubles) for a hairdresser, in fact, a hairdresser, seamstress or nurse who provides the appropriate services at home, They are hunted down, and law enforcement agencies are detained. Theoretically, a convenient system of taxation, this additional income people could declare ….state could look at it and then, but in this case a serious criminal article is being applied… and investigative isolators (SIZOs) are overflowing with innocent people.

      At the same time, relatively modest dacha dwellings are being persecuted. Cottages above one floor, apparently, as too well-off and “unearned”, without any court order, are being destroyed. Physical removal, without delay, are also subject to greenhouses, where for sale, or for themselves, vegetables are grown (which is so lacking in state stores).

      Priority of all Gorbachev is declared by machine building. It sounds, of course, beautiful and, well, you know, it’s solid. But, in fact, in the first place, the country needs light industry goods, clothing, consumer goods, high-quality and inexpensive food. You can learn about this without any difficulty, the KGB-shnoy “wiretapping”, from the lips chosen arbitrarily, Uncle Vasya, Aunt Glasha, but, this approach to a serious government matter, as they say today, “Below the level of the Kremlin.”

      The system rushes. Initially, Gorbachev is hardly a traitor to the Motherland. But, Mikhail Sergeyevich himself will be closed in a very limited circle

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