The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost. Lim Word

The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost - Lim Word

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to its previous post. Already under Brezhnev, in 1964 A. Kosygin became head of the government (yes-yes) of the USSR.

      The famous “golden five-year plan” of Kosygin starts. On the one hand, the stock of enthusiasm and spiritual strength of the people has not completely dried up yet. On the other hand, government structures were abandoned by the original revolutionaries; trying at least naively, rudely and awkwardly, but still create a new social order. The situation is reminiscent of how doctors support life in the patient: they change the droppers, monitor the ventilation of the lungs, sometimes even carry them through hospital corridors. Day by day, the same food. So it can last a long time… but, it’s not that. Correctly developing organism struggles with illnesses independently… and grows. For life, a person needs a dream, waiting for tomorrow… at least believing that something very good will happen in his time. The authorities cease to produce even such promises. The self-activity of the people itself is mechanically extinguished in the localities.

      Nevertheless, some rational approach to the organization of the economy is bearing fruit. Multiplication of national income reaches 33% per year. Enterprises expand their independence. Part of the profit goes not directly to the state budget, but remains for the development of the enterprise, premiums, and attached schools-kindergartens (so-called “social”). The director can not send the received increase to the pocket only to himself, the adored accountant, the secretary, but to the general salary fund, to arrange the life of workers, a new stadium, or a dining room – please.

      The oil and gas producing complex receives a powerful development. In fact, all the infrastructure now used by the oligarchs – “Friends of the Self” – oil rigs, pipelines, roads, cities and towns in Siberia, was created during the times of Alexei Kosygin. However, for many reasons that have not been fully understood, the head of the government can not arrange the export of processed products.

      The strength of Alexei Nikolaevich himself is running low. In 1968, he lost an important spiritual support – the wife of Claudia Andreevna. After 6 years, a stroke occurs.

      In 1979 A. Kosygin, the only member of the Politburo, simply categorically objected to the introduction of Soviet troops into Afghanistan. But, the former principle of a reasonable Brezhnev collegiality now no longer works. The Chairman has time to make an important contribution to the organization of the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980, before submitting an application for care in connection with the deterioration of health. A week later, the former head of the Government of the USSR leaves the state dacha, moves to a modest apartment, taking with him only personal belongings and books. Alexei anticipates that now everything will go wrong, the Eleventh Five-Year Plan 1981—1985. will be completely, not at all “golden” – but it can not do anything any more…

      Substitutions for A. Kosygin – responsible, business, modest in the way of life… not a drinking statesman, no.

      Private life – the only wife, Claudia Andreevna, daughter. Hobby – skiing, canoeing, walking along mountain trails.

      Leonid Brezhnev

      Leonid Brezhnev. Birth – 1906, with. Kamenskoye (Dneprodzerzhinsk), Ekaterinoslav province (now Dneprovsk region, Ukraine), … working at a butter mill, studying at the Kursk land-reclamation technical school. Until 1929 – L. Brezhnev – surveyor and land surveyor. Further, fate leads him into the power offices, where Leonid Ilich practices the skills of not only land in the posts of deputy chairman of the district executive committee and deputy head of the Ural Land Administration. L. Brezhnev raises the qualification in the universities of Moscow and Dneprodzerzhinsk, serves in the army as an officer-tanker, becomes secretary of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. During the Great Patriotic War, the chief of the Political Department of the 18th Army, Colonel Brezhnev, in particular, organized the resistance of Soviet troops on the “Little Earth” bridgehead near Novorossiysk. Recall, the bridgehead is formed on February 4, 1943 as a result of the partially unsuccessful operation of the Red Army to liberate the city of Novorossiysk. The main, sea and air assault forces, due to inadequate fire support, are being retreated, the auxiliary one, using captured weapons, ammunition, etc., seizes the territories later named “Lesser Earth”. Soldiers are building a network of trenches, dugouts, defending a bridgehead for 225 days. Brigade Commissar LI Brezhnev is on the front lines, conducts classes, which now would be called “training for team building” and in general, it shows itself not bad. On June 24, 1945, Major-General Leonid Ilyich took part in the Victory Parade on Red Square.

      …According to some sources, Leonid Brezhnev is one of ten armed generals who arrived in the Kremlin for the arrest of L. P. Beria.

      From the submission of Khrushchev, LB, who became the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, manages the development of virgin lands, as well as the construction of the Baikonur cosmodrome.

      Since May 1960, L. Brezhnev – Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. It sounds very, very solid, but still, the main secretary in this System is the First Secretary of the Central Committee. In 1964 Khrushchev dismisses Brezhnev from a high post, replacing him (his friend) Anastas Mikoyan. Brezhnev, already with his longtime friend, Nikolai Podgorny, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, secretary (one of several) of the CPSU Central Committee, and other interested persons, is advancing. At the extraordinary meeting of the Presidium convened, Leonid Brezhnev satisfied his former patron with a thorough separation. Nikita Sergeyevich understands that he is stumped, reports Mikoyan (“I will not fight”) and, at the second meeting, with the words “Finally, the party grew and can control any person” (the option “do without blood”), Games for retirement.

      So, in 1965 the Golden Five-Year Plan of Kosygin starts. The real welfare of citizens during this time increases by more than 2.2 times. It can be said that now the collective leadership is being implemented: five or six members of the Central Committee are significant instead of a “leader.” But, by and large, there is still no feedback system with government bodies. You can change anything on the ground only if, for example, your letter (one of many thousands) is published in a central newspaper.

      …It should be repeated. A huge country ruled 5—6, maybe 10 people – “Friends” of the General Secretary. This, of course, is much better than the single “leader” granted to the whims of his split psyche, but there is simply no one to correct these people, in case of their serious mistake, or, perhaps, even a direct betrayal of the interests of their country. Civil institutions, communities, most importantly, independent, speaking people, there is not (or the “security service” immediately takes them for the mentally ill). A similar system develops in science, art, and all branches of industry. Artistic councils do not allow creative groups to develop. KGB chief Yuri Andropov, for the sake of the “economic scouts” he loves, drives the groups of initiative masters into the awkward giant VNIITSEVT, makes mindlessly copy IBM 360; completely stopping all this development of domestic computers. In 1969, Americans make a global breakthrough: they create a computer network ARPANET, a connection between the scientific institutions of the United States, England… the entire developed Western world, the prototype of the modern Internet. In the USSR this epoch-making movement remains practically unnoticed.

      And all that sort of thing.

      Under Khrushchev, the five-million-strong Soviet Army and Navy are largely reduced. This is, of course, a good thing. However, officers are subject to unacceptable humiliations. Yes, they do not know how to do anything more often, often the colonial majors have to occupy very insignificant posts, up to the collective farm shepherd; but, after all, we understand that this is not the way to deal with people.

      Under Leonid Brezhnev and his Friends, the Armed Forces of the USSR (not restrained, for example, awakened by the high consciousness of the people), and the military-industrial complex, take an excellent revenge. Armored vehicles are produced.

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