Twelve Months with the Eighth Massachusetts Infantry in the Service of the United States. Harry Endicott Webber

Twelve Months with the Eighth Massachusetts Infantry in the Service of the United States - Harry Endicott Webber

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suspense of the militia was not relieved until late in the afternoon of April 27th, when the Governor received a letter from the Secretary of War, requesting him to furnish four regiments of infantry to serve for the period of two years unless sooner discharged. In his letter the Secretary of War expressed a desire that as far as practicable, the National Guard be given preference.

      To meet this summons to arms, the Governor, by an order issued April 28th, designated as the four infantry regiments to be offered the privilege of volunteering under this call, the Second, Sixth, Eighth and Ninth. The commanding officers of these regiments were required to cause an individual canvass to be made of their subordinate officers and enlisted men, to ascertain and make careful record of those desiring to volunteer. These were to be held subject to future orders and at the earliest possible day, mustered into the service of the United States.

      On the same evening that this communication was received from the Secretary of War, the Governor notified the Colonel of the Eighth Regiment to report to him in person the next morning at the State House, Boston. Colonel William A. Pew, Jr. immediately notified all the officers of the regiment to meet him at the State House the following afternoon at 2 o'clock. The commanding officers of the four regiments designated, to be given the privilege of volunteering, met the Governor at the State House in the forenoon of April 28th, and received their official orders. They were directed to recruit their companies to seventy-four men, and were informed that the field, staff, and company officers would be appointed by the Governor, upon the recommendation of the commanding officer of each regiment.

      At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Colonel Pew met the officers of the Eighth at the State House, and arranged the details for the organization of the regiment. The various company commanders had already received orders from Regimental Headquarters to secure a list of recruits, so that if called into the active service, they would have their companies at war strength. The militia companies at this time were allowed sixty men in the State service.

      From the State House, company commanders immediately proceeded to their home stations, and began recruiting to seventy-four men.

      Although the night of April 28th was stormy, and rain fell in torrents, excitement was high, and the company armories of the Eighth were filled with militiamen, and recruiting was brisk. There was no difficulty in securing the additional men.

      In about all the cities and towns immediately following the call for troops, Volunteer Aid Societies or Relief Committees were formed at mass meetings, and various sums of money were raised to equip the volunteers or to look after their families.

      On April 29th, the Eighth Regiment was ordered to report at the State Camp Grounds at South Framingham, on Thursday, May 5th, at 11 o'clock, A. M. The camp was placed under the command of Col. E. P. Clark, the senior officer.

      From April 28th to May 5th, was a continuous round of excitement and bustle in the armories.

      The companies were ordered to assemble on Lowell Street near the Union Station in Boston not later than 10.30, May 5th. The scenes about the armories of the various companies on May 5th was most pathetic, as the wives, mothers, or sweethearts of the men gathered for the farewell. In every instance the companies were escorted to the station by local or military bodies, and the demonstrations which took place as the companies marched through the crowded streets had not been duplicated since the call of President Lincoln was answered in 1861.

      At Newburyport, the public and parochial schools were given a half holiday, and the streets were decorated with flags and bunting. Company A was escorted to the railroad station by the Mayor and members of the City Government, the Grand Army Post, and members of the Fire Department. The streets were filled with thousands of people, who displayed their enthusiasm by cheers and the waving of flags and handkerchiefs. A field piece was fired at brief intervals and the church bells and steam whistles joined in the chorus of God speeds.

      At Amesbury, the streets through which Company B passed, were packed with humanity. Whistles of the factories were blown, bells were rung, and there was a general outburst of enthusiasm. The company was escorted to the train by the Grand Army Veterans and members of the High School Battalion.

      At Marblehead, cheering crowds greeted the members of Company C, under the escort of the Grand Army Post and a delegation of citizens. Previous to starting from the Armory, the Selectmen spoke words of farewell to the soldiers.

      In Lynn, patriotism was at fever heat. The factories and schools closed, and thousands lined the streets. Flags were flying from all staffs, and many were carried by the people along the line of march. Companies D and I were escorted to the station by General Lander Post, G. A. R., and the English and Classical High School Battalions. The Mayor and members of the City Government reviewed the parade. At Central Square, near the station, twenty thousand people gathered, and as the train bearing the Lynn volunteers steamed out of the station, there arose a mighty cheer for the soldier boys.

      In Beverly, business was suspended, and the citizens turned out en masse to bid good bye to Company E. The company was escorted by the Grand Army Post, Fire Department, school children, and a cavalcade of citizens.

      At Haverhill, Company F and the Regimental Drum Corps were given a most enthusiastic send off. The company was escorted by the Grand Army Post and Sons of Veterans. Mayor Chase delivered a farewell address at the City Hall, after which the line of march was taken to the station, where a crowd, numbering fifteen thousand, witnessed their departure.

      At Gloucester, Company G marched through lanes of cheering citizens, the escort consisting of the Grand Army Post, the Fourth of July Committee, the High School Battalion, and the Sons of Veterans. The procession was led by the Mayor. Hon. W. W. French presented the Company with a silk flag on behalf of citizens, and the gift was accepted by Captain Edward J. Horton for the company.

      Salem witnessed scenes of enthusiasm as Company H marched away. The streets were packed, and thousands of small flags were waved by the cheering citizens as the company marched to the station, escorted by the Second Corps of Cadets, Grand Army Post, Naval Veterans, Letter Carriers and Clerks, the Salem Light Infantry Veteran Association, the Veteran Firemen Association, and a barouche containing among others, Francis D. Cahill, Salem's survivor of the Maine explosion. The Mayor and the City Government reviewed the parade at City Hall, and a large crowd packed the streets near the station to witness the train, containing the members of the company, pull out for Boston.

      In Danvers, the people were early astir to give Company K a rousing farewell. It was escorted through the principal streets by a cavalcade, the Grand Army Post, High School Cadets, and a body of citizens.

      Lawrence turned out in force to speed the departure of Company L. At the Armory, Rev. Dr. H. E. Barnes offered prayer, after which the men marched to the station escorted by the Grand Army Post and Battery C. As the train bore the company out of the station, Battery C fired a salute, and the whistles of the locomotives in the engine yard mingled with the cheers that arose from thousands of throats.

      At Somerville, on the evening before departure, Company M was entertained by the citizens at Union Hall. The next morning they were escorted to the station by a large company of citizens, the Grand Army Posts, and members of the Relief Corps.

      The reception of the regiment in Boston was equally enthusiastic. The Evening Transcript described the scenes along the line of march as follows:—

      "From 9 o'clock this morning until the order to march was given, the Union Station was filled with cheering thousands and marching companies. They came by different trains, according to the places from which they started. As the companies left the train, they formed in the train shed, and marched to Lowell Street, where the parade was formed, with the right of line resting on Causeway Street. At 10.50 o'clock the regiment had formed on Lowell Street. An orderly announced that all of the companies had arrived at their positions in the line. Colonel Pew gave the command, and the clear, shrill notes of the bugle echoed along the line. Just then the sun, which had been hidden behind gray and threatening clouds, broke out, and the men welcomed this as a good omen in their coming service. The regiment swung off to the tune of the 'Stars and Stripes Forever' by the Eighth Regiment Band. Half way down the line was the Fife and Drum Corps playing 'The Girl I Left Behind Me.' Lowell Street, Merrimac Streets, and in fact all of the streets about the Union Station were crowded

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