Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity. Valery Abdullovich Asadov

Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity - Valery Abdullovich Asadov

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field necessary for functioning and integrating of all unities of carriers of the given view of Reason, the more low complexity of unity of the carrier of Reason, the above intellectual power and complexity of the Egregor and on the contrary. Эин is an intellectual complexity of the Egregor.

      Эс is a force of the Egregor.

      Эд is a spirituality of the Egregor. It is possible to tell that it is spirituality of the people.

      Эквр is a coefficient of a view of Reason. We will conventionally accept that at ants it is equal to 7 unities at the person it it is probably equal 10 000 unities.

      At different views of Reason quantity of the Egregor quantity different, at ants this value one, and at people other value. If one parametre is incremented, means, the second parametre is obliged to decrease – for maintenance constant quantity Э (Egregor). If at one people the culture and knowledge and consequently major Ein (intelligence of the Egregor) is well developed. Then Es (force of the Egregor) at these people the small. If at one people, on residing requirements, or for any other parents it is strongly developed жизнестойкость and ability to a survival in the most adverse requirements. That its Es (force of Egrerora) major, so at these people, low Ein (an intellectual component of the Egregor). It explains periodic slope of advanced civilisations and entrapment by their less developed civilisations. All it is explained in article of Laws of Absurdity. The original form of the law of Reason looked so: К=m^N, and the second variant looked the same as given above K=m*N, only without Egregors. The necessary quantity of unities of carriers of Reason, depends on their interior complexity. And their quantity depends on it and какаято a part Ein or Es will prevail. Эквр will already depend, from that what it is a reason view. The reason is at in total at trees and grasss, bees, ants and fishes, fundamental particles and the Universe, at the person, but has a different appearance. On a degree of complexity of Reason and its intellectual power from our point of view Reason that above, than more close it to an individual view. But quantity of the Egregor at the person on many orders above, than it is admissible at ants and bees. Also it is clear that the Egregor is born, matures, reaches manhood and grows old in due course, and also its force weakens, but there are people at which the Egregor has very long-term continuance of the growing and power.

      m – quantity of unities of carriers of the Reason, necessary and sufficient for Reason acquisition if the quantity of carriers of Reason is less than it is necessary, the Reason will not appear at this concrete view of Reason.

      m=100 Unities of the person, monkeys.

      m=30 000 – 1 000 000 unities of ants, bees, termites.

      m=1000 Unities of rats

      m = unities of trees (examinations here are necessary)

      m = 1,31222 10 ^ 43 quantity of protons (for one second) from operation of “System of the Universe”.


      1. Individual.

      1.1. Galaxies

      1.2. Stars (plasma life)

      1.3. Planets (Kremneorganichesky life)

      2. Individually – Collective.

      2.1. The person, dolphins.

      2.2. A monkey.

      2.3. A rat.

      3. Collective.

      3.1. Ants, termites

      3.2. Bees

      3.3. Fishes

      4. Collectively-quantitative.

      4.1. Trees

      4.2. Hearts

      4.3. Plants

      5. Quantitative.

      5.1. Stones, Crystals (Kremneorganichesky life)

      5.2. Molecules (water), plasma (Plasma life)

      5.3. Fundamental particles

      6. Individually – Quantitative. A matrix (the is likelihood-is virtual-holographic computer).

      In our Lord there is all and all! God is an alpha and омега!

      Here the very first and brightest representatives of reasonable objects are specified only, all to number there is no possibility. You understand that it is too much them.


      The individual Reason is the higher stage of development of Reason. It reaches the most the higher power and intelligence. And it does not have interdictions (as at people), and there are no constraining and braking beginnings. The individual reason is one brain with the necessary bodies providing its normal functioning (and at the person, its some bodies become dominating, and rank a brain). It can exist both in the form of a uniform organism, and in the form of separate standard blocks. Related and related, as required in a single whole, in the form of Planets, Stars, Galaxies or in other various variants. The individual reason is rather eternal, and at it is not present either a floor, or children, but he can create itself (himself) in copies, develop in itself. But dialogue with other views of reason for everything, is necessary for development, it can communicate with any kinds of reason and exist in liquid, gaseous, crystalline and other views. Its degree of complexity greatest possible. Where – m=1 one unity of the carrier of reason.

      N – the peak complexity of unity of the carrier of reason.

      Эквр – has the peak value.

      The above the degree of a rationality of object the less to become quantity of reasonable objects with which to it it is necessary to communicate.

      1.4. THE EGREGOR

      The egregor is energy and an information field which develops of thoughts and emotions of groups of the people united by blanket idea. The Egregor structure in strongly depends on systems of the spiritual knowledge, existing on concrete territory. Representatives of the certain nation, religious and political trends, social motions, a various view of a generality. And also very small Egregors, for example, families (sort) or collective (one enterprise). Egregors of concrete books, films (these are role communities devoted to certain films, film type “a ring Brotherhood”), entrainments, fluxions. All of them through emotions, feelings, desires, prayers, mantras, spells send energy streams from the Earth and constantly feed Egregors. As a matter of fact, the more people live and think, by identical rules, the the given Egregor becomes stronger. It is capable to interreact with human consciousness and to influence it, it a primely certain collective consciousness with that or other bias.

      Round globe there is a constant power circuit of set of Egregors. To Egregors, and from them there are two waves: one – feeding the Egregor, and second – donating energy (guiding, inspiring and organising force). The total of all Egregors is and there is an Egregor of the Earth. The egregor of the Earth, a database the Noosphere, storage and reason of the Avatar of the Earth, all it also make reason of the Earth. If certainly the author is not mistaken. It is possible to consider (certainly, conventionally) that Zevs, Posejdon and other, so-called gods are was display of actions of Egregors. So-called

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