Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity. Valery Abdullovich Asadov

Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity - Valery Abdullovich Asadov

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(younger), HIGH SCHOOL, universities. Hereditary scientists. Are possible are reasonable.

      4. The usual chain of communication operates, it is spinal, head (head) and basic (over a head), they operate in usual, normal a mode. It is technical intelligency, engineers, highly skilled workers and landowners, scientific (mean present, instead of hereditary), very small part of writers and workers of mass-media, highly skilled physicians. Are reasonable.

      5. The usual chain of communication operates, it is spinal, head (head) and basic (over a head), they operate in usual, normal a mode, but is often connected also doubles of the person in the thin world. They are outstanding engineers, scientific, physicians, writers, it is rare enough copies. Are really reasonable.

      6. The full chain of the communication, all four parts, both periodic and spontaneous insert of the fifth part operates. He is M.Nostradamus, E.Kejsi, and others, them, of course, always was very little. Are completely reasonable.

      7. The basic part (over a head) with periodic insert of the fourth part (a copy in the thin world) and 3rd stratum of datum of a noosphere operates, but very much a loose coupling with a head and spinal part, they practically do not influence the basic reason (over a head). This reasonable being, in the form of the person, it is exteriorly identical to the person, interior the structure too is almost identical. But the thinking and psychology is settled on – to other. It is reasonable, but not as, гомо the sapiens. This Reasonable Being of 1st stage. It can be manifolded, but it it interests a little. The female individual for it does not represent a particular interest and value. Only as an object of research and studying of its thinking and behaviour. And also as a subject art.

      Genetic properties are not transmitted.

      7.а. The basic part of a brain (over a head), and also a copy of the person and a database 3, 4 stratums, this person operates. A chain of communication of all parts of a brain, a stationary value. The spinal and head part does not work. The head part can sometimes be used, necessarily. It is exteriorly issued as the person, but it is possible to term as the person, only with a major stretch. All external functions as at the person operate. This Reasonable Being in a body of the person of 2nd stage. Reproduction problematic, or very poor-quality posterity.

      7.б. The basic part of a brain (over a head), and also a copy of the person and a database 3, 4 and 5 stratums, this person operates. A chain of communication of all parts of a brain, a stationary value. The spinal and head part misses, as well as all internal. There is only an imitation of bodies as though they are, and actually they are not present completely. The person is exteriorly issued as the person, but it any more. All external functions as at the person operate. This Reasonable Being in simularity of the person 3rd stage. Reproduction is not possible.

      7.в. A reasonable being in 4th stage, the shape of the live it is not binding. Possibility to accept any shape. Can exist everywhere, in any medium and without medium. Power of any shape. In travel there are no restrictions. Connection possibility to the various databases, many planets and stars.

      7.г. The reasonable being not приемлет a human trajectory of development, also leaves from it. They cannot accept morals, psychology, behaviour and thinking of mankind, especially its fine half. Most likely, this flight (from mankind), also can be even cowardice. But there is one but, they cannot live as other people, and do not accept their values, and sights. Especially negatively they are influenced by the female logic and motivation of their behaviour. All of them understand it and recognise the forced necessity of it, but categorically it cannot accept! It for them it simply is not possible. But they are very rare and inappreciable.

      8. The usual chain of communication (from 3 operates.), but periodically communication between a spinal part and head then the spinal part operates according to last command of a head part completely vanishes. It is known as the Epilepsy, (and similar infringements) but if to reestablish communication on a constant bottom the Epilepsy transits for ever. In practice it is checked up operates, two cases of the full and inconvertible recovery of health are known.

      9. The fourth part of a brain (a copy in the thin world), and communication with spinal, head operates only and basic the part is completely interrupted and blocked.

      It идиотия, даунизм and many other mental frustration, probably, arise from for this disruption of communication between brain parts of the person. If to recover a continuous communication, between all parts of a brain then the absolute recovery of the person is possible. Of it simply think aloud, in practice it was not checked.

      P.S. Comments

      1. When the person, is a lot of and intensively works over any problem it is possible пробитие the channel. An establishment of communication of the basic brain with its copy in the thin world. And further, connection to the database of 3rd stratum is possible. And if brain operation is intensive enough and useful to the world, connection to datum of 4th stratum will be given. It is the World library of knowledge. It is practice of major scientists and thinkers. Probably and such activity that to it in the basic brain will fashions and thoughts how to solve this problem are enclosed. But it is possible also most to try it to adjust. At first it is necessary will establish connection with the copy in the thin world, to be converted to it by name and to ask to establish the full connection of all brain. If YOU do not know the name ask it to prompt her name. If do not know a name be simply converted to it, after all same you only, on the thin plan. And further all one after another, also it is impossible to hurry up too. Do all it easy and methodically. Knock also to you will open!

      2. The person, it is impossible to term, completely reasonable, at it for the present very primitive thinking. To it it is still far to a rationality of behaviour, thinking, activity. And almost completely there is a psychology of thinking of a rationality. In its thinking unconditional and conventional instincts, such as thirst of the power, low emotions, arrogance, a narcissism, nationalism are prepotent, pleasures and pleasure take over it, top in all and always!


      This view of reason appears at some views, well developed insects, such as bees, ants, termites. The in itself ant is not viable, alone it does not exist, both cannot, and does not want. Completely the ant (as the Reason carrier) can show and use itself only in collective similar, in the family which is the carrier of collective Reason. The family has certain number and if this number is incremented it is parted on two families. As number of collective Reason cannot be more than certain number of carriers under the Reason formula. That is the collective Reason also spots number of a family of ants and bees, termites. Everything that from above, down with! An ant as the carrier of collective Reason, can occupy any step (in a family). It performs that operation which corresponds to its individual and psychological state. This view of reason is combined enough on the structure, the hierarchical system, which flexible enough and allows each member of the family to occupy that place on which it is better will show for advantage of all family. At people it misses, everyone for itself (the neighbour for a dinner). The characteristic difference of collective reason from collectively – individual it that each member of a family completely realises itself for the blessing of all family. There is only one blanket (main) law: that is necessary for a family is the main thing, and each member of a family feels itself only as a term of a family, instead of individuality. At it all is subordinated one purpose – advantage to a family, it goes to death and does not think of itself. When termites begin the campaign (in Africa) it means death and destruction to all that will meet

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