Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life. Helena Paterson
occasions during the long history of Egypt by foreign gods, the ancient civilization of Egypt began with Osiris and ended with Osiris. He was worshipped by their greatest Pharaohs and was always loved and revered by the people.
The rise of the Osiris and Isis divine dynasty represented a reconciliation period when Sun and Moon gods had equal status, and their astrology and religious beliefs became more balanced as a result.
King Arthur was a Sun king who represented the immortal soul or spirit of mankind and he was further identified with the solstices and the Vernal Equinox. Taliesin was a Celtic Apollo, a Welsh Bardic god of the arts and his name translates as ‘shining brow’. The Irish Sun god was Lugh, a great warrior and champion who helped their armies to win battles against their enemies. He was also known as ‘Lugh the Long-handed’ and like Arthur he possessed a magical weapon. Arthur’s sword Excalibur gave him supremacy in battle and Lugh’s spear flashed fire that could kill a hundred men at one throw. Both of these gifts were given to them by mysterious maidens associated with their great Mother goddess, a reference to their early matriarchal society and culture.
Like the Egyptians the Celtic Sun and Moon gods became reconciled and, also like the Egyptians, the Moon was of equal importance and status. But the Celts had retained the matriarchal tradition of hereditary queens who ruled in their own right and continued to fight and defend their lands against all invaders. Queen Boudicca still casts a long shadow over Roman Britain as a Celtic queen who nearly succeeded in driving the Romans into the sea. But there is another who did succeed in defending her realm, Queen Elizabeth I of England. She may have been a queen of England, but her Welsh bloodline was Celtic.
The relevance of all these myths underlines your need to make some personal sacrifices so that your hidden light can shine. The question of mercy is also highly relevant because the influential or secure positions you may reach in life require compassion or consideration for others who may lack your strength, especially if you take the moral high ground.
Star Myths
Vega is the brightest star in the Lyra constellation and was one of the first to be described and observed by astronomer priests in the ancient world. Despite its small size, the beautiful blue star Vega is the second brightest star in the northern hemisphere.
In Greek mythology Vega represented the lyre or lute presented by Mercury to Apollo, who gave it to his son Orpheus. His musical skills were renowned and with the lyre he charmed all the wild beasts, trees and stones, and could make rivers change course. After his untimely death, his lyre was placed in the sky by the gods to commemorate his exquisitely haunting melodies, the like of which was said never to be heard again. The Lyra constellation was, however, primarily associated with their Sun god Apollo.
Egyptian love songs, poems and hymns recorded in the Egyptian Book of the Dead refer to the enchanting skills of their musicians and poets. In hieroglyphics and murals found in ancient temples around Egypt, Osiris is identified with the Lyra constellation and often shown holding a lyre and playing to Isis, his queen. The Greek Mercury or Hermes was said to have made the first lyre from the shell of a tortoise or sea turtle, which he found on the banks of the river Nile. This suggests their astronomy and mythology associated with the Lyra constellation had originated in Egypt.
The druids also closely observed Vega and the Lyra constellation, and as a navigational aid it was believed to control the seas. Lyra was known as ‘Telyn Idris’ or Arthur’s Harp in a Welsh star myth, and Vega is aligned to several major stone circles in the British Isles and marked the return of the Sun gods at the Winter Solstice. The solstices were marked by the rising and setting of Vega, Capella and Sirius, and were therefore three of the most important stars in the sky. Their Sun gods were identified with the Birch Tree sign in the same degrees of Capricorn where Vega is located and it symbolized the beautiful soul of the White Stag.
Capricorn is a large but rather dull zodiac constellation, which contains no bright stars, making it difficult to find. It lies approximately between the bright star Altair (Eagle constellation) and the southern star Fomalhaut (Pisces).
In Greek mythology Capricorn was associated with Pan, a Satyre or nature god depicted with a man’s body that had hairy goat’s legs, and horns. All Satyres were passionately fond of music and dancing, and Pan was said to be a master of the flute or pipes. He was also identified with shepherds and a pastoral lifestyle. In another Greek legend, Capricorn was believed to be ‘the Gate of the Gods’ a place that marked the gateway for souls to ascend into heaven.
The Egyptian legend of the Fish-goat associated with the Capricorn constellation has its origins in Babylon and relates to a creation myth describing how the people listened to the wisdom of sea gods. When they came ashore they developed the legs of a goat so they could climb mountains and teach the world. The Greek myth of Pan has obvious connections, but the Egyptian Fish-goat was more than just a nature demigod. The Egyptian zodiac sign was said to represent the ‘finger print’ or the heavenly signature of their great invisible creator ‘Neter’. Records are rather obscure because they go beyond the time of the great floods, which have various and contradictory dates. But the importance of this sign and constellation, known as ‘the Night Watcher of the Heavens’, remained in place as a marker associated with the winter.
The Capricorn constellation in Celtic star myths was associated with a White Stag, an aquatic goat-stag and a sea cow, a strange sea creature. But its position in the heavens primarily marked the Sun’s location at the Winter Solstice. Its associated mythology is therefore related to the return of their Sun gods in the form of a White Stag or strange sea creatures. The symbol of the goat-stag creature appears to confirm their knowledge of Greek and Egyptian astrology – with an odd compromise having been made at some stage. The association with strange sea creatures is found in many of their myths, and is an underlying theme relating to their belief in their own watery origins.
Star Prophecies
The Greeks believed that if humans heard the music of the heavenly lyre it could send sane people mad and shorten their life, but in this state they were able to speak with the gods and came under their protection. It was said to give poetical and musical talents, and abilities in the arts and sciences, but they warned against losing treasures to thieves and counselled that property should be guarded by fierce dogs. Vega was also associated with several conflicting and changing personal qualities of melancholy and dignity, sorrow and happiness, wealth and ruin, and lasting fame and honours. This serves as a potent prediction for one internationally famous celebrity, Elvis Presley, who was born under its influence.
Vega was associated with finding enchanted islands towards the West, where their Earth goddess Neith had been born. The Egyptians believed its magical powers aided navigators, all travellers and farmers. It also trapped liars and deceivers who cheated people born under the Fish-goat sign of Capricorn. They further believed it gave musical skills and, for personal improvement in the arts or in life generally, they recommended wearing inscribed talismans of gold and transparent rock crystals, which were said to bring down the light of the Sun and Moon. Though there is a close connection with the Greek