Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life. Helena Paterson
is an oddness or eccentricity that comes with a probing intellect and both signs rate highly among people of natural genius. Like the Green Dragon they tend to have beautiful and expressive eyes, but they will avoid eye contact if they think others are being overly intimate or intimidating. Rowan people are said to have an invisible barrier or force field surrounding them that few people will ever penetrate. Maybe they are an alien species who fell from the sky because, according to the druids, they are not entirely from this world – but more akin to sky gods. Perhaps that is why Rowan people and Aquarians are fascinated with new technology, new sciences and progressive methods in any work area. Some may also be attracted to large humanitarian organizations like the United Nations, which they believe has the power to implement sweeping social reforms and improve human conditions around the world. There should be a natural aptitude for astrology and astronomy, and their reach for the stars suggests flying careers, i.e. pilots and astronauts.
Any chosen career would need to have a dream attached because they will find everyday life extremely humdrum. Famous people born at this time of year with their own brand of vision and a reforming spirit were Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Charles Lindbergh, Abraham Lincoln and Galileo. Darwin’s theory of human evolution initially shocked Victorian society in Britain and he was greatly reviled as being anti-God. Charles Dickens was a great social reformer whose best-selling novels were aimed at bringing attention to the appalling conditions of the poor in London and elsewhere. Lindbergh flew the first solo non-stop flight across the Atlantic, and Lincoln not only stood out in a crowd as a physical giant, but also kept America together as a Union and freed the slaves. Galileo was a 16th-century Italian astronomer who defied the notorious Inquisition because of his belief that the Earth travelled around the Sun. This was considered heresy in those days by a Church that associated this theory with pagan Sun worship. Though he was eventually forced to recant his beliefs, he secretly carried on with his brilliant astronomical research.
Film stars born at this time of year who projected a really cool image and achieved celebrity status are Paul Newman and James Dean. The steely blueness of Newman’s eyes and his detached manner on and off screen may be typically Aquarian, but the mysterious eye contact associated with the Green Dragon is highly significant. Dean evoked an unforgettable presence and intensity on screen with very few words, but his eyes could conjure up a tortured expression that was spellbinding. He rose to overnight fame in his first movie A Rebel without a Cause. This was a role he appeared to enjoy in real life as he never conformed to the strict rules of his studio and their concern at his love of fast cars and bikes. Having died while still so young in a tragic car crash, he remains an icon to the youth of all generations.
You all have a high degree of nervous energy that can be detected in quirky mannerisms or eccentric behaviour on occasions. The druid’s observation that you are some kind of lightning conductor, which deals with electromagnetic energy, is strangely compelling. I know a number of Rowan people whose presence alone has shut down computers or interfered with electrical equipment. They are not surprisingly very wary of modern technology because they say it upsets their whole equilibrium or composure, but they represent a minority of Rowan people who can be adversely affected by thunder and lightning; perhaps because they prefer a quieter lifestyle. This natural phenomenon is known to greatly affect or disturb some people, but perhaps you are one of those people who can actually sleep soundly through any storm? If so, it is likely that you have a natural aptitude for modern technology. For it appears that you may have the choice of working with new technologies and scientific discoveries – or finding alternative ways of expanding human knowledge without the threat of the ‘machines’ taking over.
The Celtic fire festival of Brigantia, also known as Imbolc, symbolized the first transformation of their triune or triple-aspected Mother goddess from the ‘Old Veiled One’ into the Maiden aspect of spring. In Celtic Britain she was the goddess of the Brigantes, a widespread tribe, but her name is derived from Brighid or Brigid and in Ireland she is still revered as Saint Bridget. The early Christian Church adopted a number of pagan festivals and local shrines to encourage a transference of worship that continued under a thinly disguised conversion. Subsequently, her fire festival is now celebrated on the second day of February as the Christian ceremony of Candlemas, with the lighting of candles – a symbol of light and the new Christian faith.
In the original ceremony, flaming torches were carried by the women of the tribes and used to re-kindle the eternal flame at the shrines of Brigid. At the first glimmer of dawn the torches were thrust into the earth to rouse the sleeping Green Dragon, an ancient symbol of the feminine energies of germination – a magical process that marked the sowing season when the dark soil received the seeds of new life.
For people born at this time of year it marks a personal transformation of character that has unlimited potential, but it still requires a great deal of personal motivation to fully activate this ‘gift from the gods’. According to the druids, you have inherited a concept of the future which allows people to see other possibilities, which can place you in an isolated position. But in turning their eyes towards new possibilities they will also have the gift of freedom of thought and personal liberty. In other words, you are the complete individual – a prototype example of future human development, perhaps?
Though it is true that you need a certain amount of personal space and have a reputation for being difficult to fathom or get close to, you are a subtle and smooth operator who won’t be rushed into any relationship. While you are not usually consumed by passion and sex, you are a surprisingly romantic and tender lover when you meet the right partner. You may find love and sex an intriguing combination to begin with and wonder why it causes so much upset in life. But once you are really smitten you can become just as jealous and possessive as anyone else. Perhaps this is why you will always find excuses for delaying any personal commitments because you feel that it could undermine your ability to stay in control of the situation – and in your mind that could be disastrous for your work and preferred lifestyle.
You should share an instant rapport with the Hawthorn and the Ivy signs and the two Air signs of Gemini and Libra. Hawthorn signs and Geminians like to talk and you like to listen. For someone with a very curious mind you may have met your match, and when it comes to passion you can switch off and on when it suits you both. You may indeed have found your soulmate. Ivy signs and Librans are usually highly attractive to all signs, and you can relax in their company, so it could become an ideal relationship as well as a lasting friendship.
Alder and Elder Tree signs are akin to the Fire signs of Aries and Sagittarius who also like to pursue their own ambitions, so you may find them ideal partners, but there is a snag. Alder and Aries people can be faithful and loyal partners, but they are impatient people and long engagements will dampen their enthusiasm and passion. Initially, you could strongly relate to the Elder sign or Sagittarians, who also require a certain amount of space and personal freedom. On the other hand, you could end up like passing ships in the night.
The Birch, Hazel and Vine are akin to the Earth signs of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. They may attract your notice because they are inclined to move through life in a quiet and unobtrusive manner. Birch people, Taureans and Capricorns also like to take their time in the rituals of courtship and they are great home-makers. If you settle down with one of them it could all work out very well, if somewhat humdrum – could you stay the distance? Hazel, Vine and Virgo signs also project a certain aloofness that is really a clever smoke-screen. However, when you both disrobe or unveil you may find you have nothing in common. Vine and Virgo partners will drive you crazy with their nit-picking mentality, but they also have secret passions that could greatly compensate.
As for the Willow, Reed and Ash signs that are akin to the Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, you could find yourself swimming through torrents of emotions. However, Ash people and Pisceans also have secret dreams and a compassionate nature that are highly compatible with your humanitarian ideals and this could be an ideal match. But you may be wise to keep away from the Willow, Reed, Cancer and Scorpio signs as they are inclined to play rough if you become unfaithful or ignore their feelings.