Celtic Moon Signs: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Zodiac Can Transform Your Life. Helena Paterson
because, having angered Poseidon, you may be subject to accidents rather than premature deaths.
The Egyptian priests associated Cassiopeia with finding new wells and springs, and the study of sciences. The Egyptians never drew up personal horoscopes with the exception of their kings and queens and important court officials or priests. But these star charts only showed the rising and setting of the Sun, Moon and certain stars. For people born at this time there is a link nevertheless with Cassiopeia, which is said to be beneficial for finding new ways or new directions in life, but unfavourable for people who are money-lenders or seducers.
Oracle myths relating Cassiopeia as the heavenly aspect of Ceridwen speak of strange lights in the sky, which could evoke good spirits or demons. The month of the Rowan was said to be a time when ghostly interventions or apparitions walked the earth – a time when dreams would reveal the faces of future wives or husbands. The oracle Rowan Tree also prophesied that some time in the distant future huge meteor showers heralded a coming new age when wise leaders would overthrow corrupt rulers.
Being born under the sign of Aquarius was said to give personal charm, encourage occult interests and provide wealth through the opposite sex. It was also associated with litigations, domestic harmony, aviation, success and gain if employed in large ventures or enterprises. Its association with healing the sick and blind was a sign for temperance or moderation in all things.
The Egyptian priests believed the setting of Aquarius caused the Nile to rise, and if this occurred with a full Moon eclipse they warned the people of imminent floods. For kings and queens born at this time of year they counselled late marriages because of the indiscreet actions of their partners. They also warned about the dangers of drowning so they made talismans embedded with aquamarines as a protection.
The only prophecy associated with the Irish Waterman myth is that the mighty rivers of the Boyne and Shannon would overflow if the land of Ireland became divided by invaders. The resulting deluge would put out the sacred hearth or fire altar of Uisnech, the volcanic centre or heart of Ireland. It was at Uisnech that the chief druid lit the first fire as a symbol of taking possession of the land. This tradition is found in many other cultures from Peru to Greece and Indonesia. This prophecy reveals an underlying fear in other Celtic myths that if they failed to hold and defend their land it would return to the realm of the Sidhe (Faery Otherworld) and their sea gods.
18 February – 17 March
ZODIAC DEGREES: Aquarius/Pisces
ARCHETYPAL GODS: Greek: Poseidon; Egyptian: Nu; Celtic: Lir, Manannan
STARS: Cepheus, Pisces
IN CELTIC ASTROLOGY the third sign of the lunar zodiac is the Ash Tree and its ruling planet is Neptune, symbolized by a Seahorse. Neptune is identified with an ancient Celtic sea god called Lir and his son Manannan. The Celts were originally a sea-faring people and their sea gods represented their belief in a subterranean world under the sea from where they had originated. Lir was one of their chief gods and had equal status with the Sun and Moon gods. The light in the sky at this time of the year could suddenly darken like night with approaching storms and, according to the druids, it represented a battle deep within the human psyche for control of the moral conscience.
The following astrological interpretation is based upon the Celtic Moon sign, which is located in the zodiac degrees of Aquarius and Pisces. Because the lunar zodiac has thirteen signs it creates an overlapping system of degrees and, though they exist within the same 360 degrees of the Sun zodiac, it forms a shadow zodiac, which provides a unique source of astrological interpretation. However, there is only one degree of Aquarius relating to the Ash Tree sign, the rest are Pisces, so the comparative characteristics will be Piscean with due note to Aquarians born on the 18 February. It also takes into account the influential polarity signs and the hidden potential associated with the mystical spirit of the Seahorse as observed by the druids.
You have the highly sensitive nature of the Seahorse that is both intuitive and adaptable to change. You also have a basic duality of character that shows an artistic temperament, which can become surprisingly pragmatic or realistic. This side of your nature has greater depth and strength like all Water signs, whose surface emotions can appear to others as weaknesses, especially to people who think you are a soft touch. They have wrongly assumed that what they see is what you are, when in fact you have the ability to create a powerful illusion – which is really an inbuilt survival instinct like all sea creatures dodging larger predators. There are, however, occasions when you can become hooked by being too gullible or trusting and some people will take advantage of your kindness and willingness to help. This can be particularly disastrous in money matters.
You have the ability to constantly renew yourself by creating new images and the druids believed that people born at this time of year were related to their ancient gods, who were a race of enchanters and highly skilled in all the arts and sciences – particularly in the arts. Some of you may be haunted by past ghosts or painful experiences because you are inclined to push such things below the surface. This can make you something of a recluse or give you a liking for solitude. But you will always emerge after periods of reflection much stronger and able to refocus on your direction in life.
Many of you have a deep spiritual faith that may not be linked to orthodox religions, but it helps to guide you through any oppressive life experiences. There is also a powerful inclination to step back from face-to-face confrontations and find an alternative route. It has been said of Pisceans that they are born with a desire to see the good in all humanity, but they will also experience at first hand the bad or corrupt influences, which can shatter their illusions and pollute their sensitive nature. If this is the case, for some, it will encourage a form of escapism which can lead to alcohol or drug abuse. Water signs generally need to be very careful in the amount of alcohol they consume because it can open up a dimension of the Neptunian world called Chaos, which says it all.
Ash signs and Pisceans come in all shapes and sizes, and most will have exceptionally expressive and beautiful eyes like the large translucent eyes of the Seahorse that appear to change colour with the light. They are also inclined to look after their feet because it is a part of their body that can suffer from walking on land. According to Celtic mythology you are really mermaids and mermen who have only recently shed your tails in terms of human evolution.
You should be naturally attracted to the sea and maritime careers, but your compassionate nature may also draw you into the medical or caring professions – perhaps as a ship’s doctor or nurse? Your ability for creative imagery suggests professional hypnotists, photographers and illusionists. The artistic side of your nature can be well directed in acting, painting, dancing, music and writing poetry. For those of you who are more spiritually inclined, a religious