Egyptian Birth Signs: The Secrets of the Ancient Egyptian Horoscope. Storm Constantine
keen interest in their children’s education. They bring up their children with concern and kindness, are seldom strict and refrain from any form of punishment unless absolutely necessary. The Thoth treats the child as they would treat an adult, always prepared to explain why something should be done in a particular way. Indeed, Thoths set their children a good example with their tidy habits and considerate manners.
Thoths can be difficult children. Although they seldom find themselves in serious trouble, or have a negative attitude to life, the Thoth child is hyperactive. They rarely sit still and are always inquisitive. They are forever inventing new games to play and sometimes they will even break a toy to modify it for some other purpose. Their creative imagination earns them many friends but often leads to quarrels with parents or elders. In short, the Thoth child can be extremely tiring.
Thoth children are hardly ever rude and are perhaps the most polite young people of any sign. Unfortunately, their sense of humour can get them into trouble, even though their pranks are not deliberately destructive, cruel or malicious. Paradoxically, the same good-humoured jesting by the Thoth adult often results in considerable popularity. At school, the Thoth child may have the ability to be top of the class, although they are often distracted by their restless nature. ‘Has the ability to do much better’ or ‘fools around in class’ are often the words on their school reports. However, although they may not do so well during term time, when it comes to examinations the Thoth invariably makes up for it, being capable of intense revising.
Thoths are generous and entertaining friends. Never short of new ideas, they are fun to be with: perhaps the best people with whom to share a night out. They are also a mine of information, having so many varied interests and experiences that they can keep you engrossed for hours. They have good manners and never cause embarrassment in mixed company.
Sometimes, however, Thoths can be a trial. You may be feeling tired, or in need of peace and quiet, and along comes the Thoth with another great idea. Thoths just can’t relax: they have to keep busy, and see to it that you too are kept on the go. Although they have the best of intentions, there are times when the Thoth will be critical of their friends, expecting too much of others. However, Thoths offer constructive advice. All the same, it must be acknowledged that Thoths are hair-splitters, and quibble over minor matters of no real consequence.
Loyal though they are to their nearest and dearest, they are clear sighted about the shortcomings of relatives, partners and close friends – and quick to remind them. Nevertheless, the common good is usually a high priority for the Thoth, who is prepared to make many a personal sacrifice to help those around them.
One of the strangest Thoth traits is their failure to realise when they are attractive to a member of the opposite sex. It usually comes as a complete shock when they discover that someone is interested in them. This is often taken to be a lack of interest on the Thoth’s part – a common and sometimes sad mistake. The Thoth man is particularity shy when it comes to starting a relationship, which is due to their own self-criticism rather than a lack of confidence. Although they worry too much and sometimes fail to act, Thoth men and women are generally caring and emotionally uninhibited once they have found the right partner.
Whether attractive or plain, both male and female Thoths have an entertaining personality that often appeals to the opposite sex. However, Thoths are usually bound up with their careers and are in no hurry to marry.
Relationships are sometimes made difficult by an obstinate spirit. There is a marked tendency to disregard the attitudes of others or offend without intent. The Thoth needs to consider every angle of a problem, which so often leads to too much preparation and not enough action. Frequently, Thoths fail to seize opportunities offered them on a plate. Once they have found something to which they are committed, Thoth commitment is usually total. The good-natured and accommodating Thoth should not be mistaken as compliant. Those who consider the Thoth a pushover are in for a shock.
ANUBIS AND HATHOR: The Thoth particularly enjoys the company of the Anubis and Hathor. Hathor’s romanticism makes them an eager audience for the imaginative ideas of the Thoth. The Anubis is also imaginative and together they inspire one another.
THE PHOENIX: Thoth is a mood-swinger and their behaviour can be erratic. Unlike many signs, the Phoenix is almost impervious to the emotional swings of others. As both the Phoenix and the Thoth need their own space, they make excellent partners and long-lasting relationships are possible.
THOTH: Thoth generally works best with other Thoths. Thoth creativity can develop the Thoth’s ideas, while two Thoths complement each other in business matters.
OSIRIS AND WADJET: Osiris and Wadjet are generally signs where the Thoth finds greatest difficulty. Both leadership signs, they enjoy taking charge too much for Thoth’s liking. Osiris is often too bossy, while Wadjet – in the Thoth’s opinion – is far too inquisitive.
THE SPHINX: The Sphinx is the sign that the Thoth finds hardest to fathom. Their ability to make something out of nothing, and their keen financial sense, are mysteries to the Thoth.
AMUN: The Amun likes consistency. The Thoth enjoys a far too erratic life style for the Amun.
HORUS: Although the Horus can make a good acquaintance, being inspired by the Thoth, they do not necessarily make ideal partners. The Thoth lacks the romantic affection that the Horus needs.
SEKHMET: Sekhmet’s optimism and will to succeed is admired by the Thoth, although they may become frustrated by the Sekhmet’s abrupt changes of plans and failure to see the obvious.
SHU: The Thoth is often attracted to the openness of the Shu, although the Thoth can mentally exhaust the Shu who prefers a more serene lifestyle.
ISIS: Although the Isis and the Thoth mix well socially, relationships or business partnerships can suffer. When together, they tend to behave irresponsibly.
Over the course of the year the Thoth can expect the following influences to affect their lives during the separate Egyptian months:
During their own sign the Thoth is at their most self-critical. They may be inclined to concede defeat rather too readily. Relationships and friendships may suffer due to Thoth self-recrimination.
The month of Horus, more than any other sign, is a time of new opportunities in romantic or adventurous affairs for the Thoth. It is often their most successful month in any endeavour and new opportunities are likely. Thoth people are frequently inspired and quick to seize the initiative at this time of year.
The Wadjet serpent can open many unexpected doors in the Thoth’s life. Even if problems do occur the Thoth is well placed to divert them to their advantage.