Egyptian Birth Signs: The Secrets of the Ancient Egyptian Horoscope. Storm Constantine
son of Osiris and Isis and god of the rising sun. He was a symbol of divine kingship and risked his very existence to avenge his father’s death and oppose his slayer, Set. During the battle between the two gods Horus lost an eye that, it is said, became a precious stone – the ultimate talisman of protection, resurrection and eternal life. Like their mythical counterpart, those born in the sign of Horus often take risks or embark upon enterprises without taking precautions. When the risks pay off, however, great success is possible. The Horus is stubborn in their convictions although they make loyal and trustworthy friends. Like the lost talisman, the Eye of Horus, this is a sign of protection, and those born in this cycle are usually highly protective of those they love.
The Horus loves variety and is always prepared for a new challenge. They have extreme confidence in all endeavours and so disasters are seldom anticipated. Being so inventive, those born in this sign tend to be absent-minded and are forever losing their personal possessions or mislaying important items. Although at their best during a difficult, up-hill struggle, the Horus finds it hard to start again if disaster should strike.
Horus people are essentially good-natured and considerate. They are motivated by the urge to extract the best from life, as much by adapting themselves to existing conditions as by creating new possibilities. Horus people, however, do not attempt to bulldoze their way through obstacles but skilfully navigate their way around them. In Egyptian mythology Horus was the protector of the animal kingdom and, like their mythical counterpart, many born in this cycle have a strong affinity with living creatures of all kinds.
Those born in this cycle are inventive and creative, having equal artistic and technical flair. Always on the look out for something new, they are prepared to take risks courageously. Not easily distracted, those born in the Horus sign have an optimistic attitude towards most endeavours. They share an emotional and romantic temperament, coupled with a keen interest in the well-being of others. The Horus is blessed with an abundance of originality and lets little stand in the way of a fruitful and interesting lifestyle.
An unrealistic attitude to life can make it difficult for the Horus to realise ambitions. Complications can arise through failure to accept problems or avoid danger. Many born in this sign have a stubborn attitude, sometimes amounting to pig-headedness. Conflict with those in authority or incompatibility in family life is often a problem for the Horus. Most endeavours are all or nothing for the Horus and few born in this cycle leave anything in reserve.
Like the wings of the falcon, the arms are one of the most notable features of the Horus. They are long and graceful and the Horus tends to use them expressively in conversation, making wide and exaggerated gesticulations. Unless it is essential for those born in this cycle to dress up for an occasion most are content to wear whatever is at hand. When they do dress up, however, an unusual and individual style of dress is common amongst those born in this sign.
One problem that many a Horus shares is insomnia. Few born in this cycle sleep deeply or for long, and restless nights are common for this sign. This is especially true if the Horus is engaged in a particularly absorbing enterprise. Sometimes stress and long periods of activity can lead to headaches or migraines. For the Horus who has suffered a setback, there is a marked tendency toward melancholia or even depression.
Exceptionally creative, the Horus’s ideas are often unconventional and original, attracting adverse criticism from those who are less imaginative. Few born in this cycle, though, will accept censure without a fight. Although others may hold unconventional views in private, the Horus says what they feel and expresses what they believe. This may lead to conflicts that could otherwise have been avoided. The Horus should learn to hold their tongue now and again and try a little harder to impress or even flatter those whose help they need. For the Horus, what happens today is far more important than what happened yesterday. The Horus should avoid burning the bridges they have crossed.
Many athletes, needing repeatedly to break the pain barrier or to push themselves beyond endurance, are born in this sign. Other ground-breaking Horus occupations often involve a high degree of personal risk. The Horus can make an extremely successful politician, easily handling the multifarious skills necessary for the role. They have excellent communicative ability, coupled with an attention-grabbing and persuasive form of expression. Few born in this sign fail to argue their point. For artistic pursuits, Horus is particularly creative sign. As managers or employers though, Horus is not always the best of signs. Those born in this cycle tend to lead far too readily from the front and fail to offer the support and encouragement others may need.
As a negotiator, the persistent Horus excels. Bargaining can be a long and arduous affair and the Horus is an able player at the waiting game. Those who believe that they are getting the better of any deal with the Horus are deluding themselves. The Horus will go through hell and high water to achieve their aims. Many born in this sign are self-made people, having a style all their own. However, headstrong emotions can send them forging ahead and others may find it difficult to keep pace. Many Horus people have an eccentric personality that workmates will either love or hate. The Horus will make a good ally but a formidable opponent.
Fashion sense does not come naturally for many Horus women. To those born in this sign, what they are doing is far more important than how they look. The Horus woman is prepared to dress well to suit an occasion or to conform at work. However, she looks her best in casual attire. A clean but scruffy look can suit her down to the ground, giving her an aura of relaxed confidence. Few Horus women feel comfortable if dressed to the nines.
The Horus woman can be the toughest of any sign. It is not that she lacks femininity; so determined is she to make her mark in the world that feminine poise is a low priority. She is a good socializer and is usually popular with other women – over whom she can exert much influence. Men may find her somewhat daunting as she controls the men in her life with little difficulty. Few women born in this cycle would suit the domineering male. The Horus picks out the man she wants and pursues him with determination.
Like his female counterpart, the Horus male is imaginative, witty and erudite. However, he is not every girl’s idea of the perfect date. He can be marvellous company, full of anecdotes, jokes and fun. However, he has an unusual, sometimes eccentric manner that can be intimidating for some women. Moreover, he says exactly what he thinks, which may not always be what his partner wants to hear. Luckily, he prefers women with an unconventional attitude to life – few others can take the Horus man in their stride.
The Horus male is adventurous and is ever ready to lead. However, he seems unaware that others may have difficulty keeping pace. The Horus man is more of a gambler than the woman of this sign. He cannot resist the temptation of trying to make money the easy way. Concerning financial matters in general, the male Horus lacks the thrift of the female. He is often late with his bills and all too willing to obtain credit he cannot afford to repay. However, the Horus is luckier than many signs – his excesses sometimes pay off.
The Horus is an affectionate and protective parent though not usually possessive. Their children are encouraged to be self-reliant and to mix freely with others. They like to be considered as friends to their children, and many offspring of the Horus enjoy their parent’s company throughout their lives.