Courting Innocence. Kimberly Dean
be high-class, but we are what we are.’
‘There’s no reason we can’t branch out.’ Nina’s foot had stopped its incessant bobbing, and her tension had eased.
She jotted notes rapidly on her paper tablet. ‘We could be up front with the possible matches we find and ask them if it’s something in which they’d be interested.’
Sienna went silent. Gathering her hair together, she formed it into a braid. She tied it off quickly and rubbed her temples. ‘You’d keep the same contract restrictions, though?’
Nina let one eyebrow lift. ‘The no-sex clause?’
Sienna’s cheeks turned pink. They both knew that had been a difficult clause for her to keep when she’d been escorting Jason.
‘I don’t know.’ Nina turned in her chair to stare out of the window of her office even as Sienna made a protesting sound. ‘If we’re matchmaking, I don’t see how we could restrict it. Our responsibilities would end the moment they left the office.’
And wasn’t that the greatest of ironies? As an escort service provider, she needed that clause to keep her company safe from the authorities. With matchmaking, though, she couldn’t restrict what two consenting adults did in their own time.
Sienna was now sitting ramrod-straight. ‘I’m against this idea.’
Nina looked at Rielle.
‘I like it,’ the woman said. ‘I don’t know what else we could do.’
Nina drew in a deep breath. ‘How about this? I’ll put together a list of potential suitors, and we’ll go through them together. None of this matters if we can’t find an appropriate man for Erin.’
Both her employees nodded, and a compromise was made.
‘All right. Let’s get started.’ She stuck her pen behind her ear and finally turned to her computer. She was energised by the new concept. It could have more side benefits than any of them expected, but she needed to think through the dangers, too.
Because, with that detective lurking around, she didn’t need any more unwanted surprises.
The three of them stayed late, poring over the lists that Nina cobbled from her private database.
‘I don’t like any of these men,’ Sienna said. She pushed away the remains of the chef salad they’d had delivered. Normal work hours had passed long ago, and the sky outside the office’s windows had grown dark. ‘Erin’s interests aren’t going to match those of an accountant or a computer programmer.’
‘But Sam is super handsome.’ Rielle pointed at the programmer’s bio with her fork.
‘If he can’t talk about anything other than the latest coding language or video games, she’s not going to care.’
Nina gathered her hair together at the base of her neck as she stared at her computer screen. She was focused on her search terms.
Erin had called out two men in particular. Both were unavailable – or at least Jason was – and there was no way Nina was going to set such tender flesh in front of Detective Morgan. Or any of her escorts, for that matter.
No, she couldn’t pair Erin up with either of those two, but she could type in the words she’d use to define them. Her own secret keywords. Hot, dark, built, intense, sexy, smart, Grade A…
She paused a moment, debating. She nearly hit the enter button, but then added one more. Dominant.
The list that came back was short. There were only twenty or so names on it. A few were intriguing, but she wasn’t finished.
She then reversed the search. She knew her men’s preferences, too. For Erin, she used her own observations: sweet, engaging, petite, blonde, eager, wilful, curious. And probably the most descriptive, innocent.
The list that came back had only five names on it, some of whom made Nina blink. Interesting…She slid the printout across her desk to her employees and waited for a reaction.
Rielle’s came first. She was nibbling on a cracker, but it broke in half when she read the names. She caught the crumbles haphazardly and shook her head in tight little jerks, rejecting them all summarily.
‘Omigosh. He’s a client?’
Both Nina and Rielle swivelled their heads around fast. Sienna had grabbed the paper and jumped to her feet. ‘That’s it!’
‘Who?’ Rielle asked. ‘What’s it?’
‘Him.’ Sienna slapped the piece of paper back down on the desk and pointed at the first name on the list. ‘Set her up with him.’
‘Colton King?’ Rielle pulled back. ‘He’s sexy and you know – huuuh – but for Erin?’
Nina’s eyes narrowed. ‘He’s too tall, and, if he has a sense of humour, I’ve never seen it.’
Yet she could practically see the energy that was flying off Sienna in a ray of colours. Surprise and excitement tingled in the air. The icy blonde was usually much more contained. ‘What is it you’re not telling us?’
Her employee sat down fast.
‘Erin has wanted him for ever,’ she shared conspiratorially. ‘He’s her older brother’s best friend, but also the kid from the wrong side of the tracks. Her parents would never let her see him.’
The three of them leaned in like girls around a campfire sharing stories about the cute boys at school.
‘Did he want to see her?’ Rielle asked.
‘Does it matter?’ The gears in Sienna’s brain were turning fast. It was clear on her face. ‘You’ll either give Erin the thrill of her lifetime, or he’ll put an end to her using a matchmaker so fast, her head will spin. I know he will.’
‘Would he tell her family?’ Nina asked.
‘Never. One time Erin went out after curfew with this new cool girl at school. She got stuck in a really bad part of town, so she called Colt. He picked her up and never told anyone. Not even Dustin, her brother.’
Sienna grimaced. ‘He chewed her up one side and down the other, though.’
‘But…is he still her type?’ Rielle ran her finger down the list of wishes Erin had given them. ‘Isn’t he some big trial attorney now? He intimidates me.’
‘Because the man oozes testosterone,’ Nina said.
They all had to agree on that. Sex appeal was every woman’s type.
‘But for Erin?’ Rielle repeated.
For Erin was more appropriate. Nina picked up the piece of paper with Colton King’s name atop the list. Knowing that background made a huge difference. ‘How young were they?’ she asked.
Sienna tapped her lips. ‘Erin was maybe fifteen. I think Colt was eighteen or nineteen.’
So, jailbait for him. He’d known better, but had Erin’s feelings been returned?
Nina glanced at her screen. According to his wish list, they had. It matched Erin to a T.
‘I still remember my first crush,’ Rielle said quietly.
They all shared a knowing look. Those first feelings of sexual attraction were powerful.
Nina pulled up Colton King’s picture and turned the monitor so they could all see.
‘Mmm,’ Rielle hummed.
‘The forbidden fruit,’ Sienna whispered.
‘The match,’ Nina decided. ‘If he’s up for it.’
Energy started buzzing in the office. Nina rose from her chair and went to the bar in the corner of the room. She poured herself a brandy and took