Courting Innocence. Kimberly Dean
it was sexually frustrating as heck without them.
Erin smiled at her date, but passed on dessert. Dinner had been enjoyable. He’d taken her to the Bossa Bistro, a lounge club in the Adams Morgan district that served Brazilian cuisine. Their table was in a corner, lit by candles, but the place was packed and lively. It had a sexy vibe. The music from the Latin band upstairs filtered down to their table and made the date easy and relaxing.
Maybe too easy.
She took another drink of her mojito and surveyed her companion over the rim of her glass. He was good-looking. Clean-cut, with a side of understated sexiness. She liked him. He was pleasant and charming. He’d been flirting with her, and she felt herself responding to the attention. He’d been a perfect date so far and a perfect gentleman.
Just like the last four Nina had paired her with.
Erin rolled the white rum around on her tongue and finally swallowed.
What was wrong with her?
He was great. He was interested in what she had to say. He’d given her compliments, and the banked heat in his eyes told her he meant them. So what was she waiting for? What did she want? A spark? Some friction?
He held out his hand, palm up. ‘Dance?’
She perked up. ‘I’d love to.’
He took her hand, and she followed him up the side staircase. The restaurant was long and narrow, squashed in a long row of buildings holding bookstores, clubs and other restaurants. The somewhat scandalous Madam’s Organ blues bar was right next door, and she had to admit she was curious about it. This place was fun, though, with art on the walls and photographs of musicians. Her date led her through the maze of bodies and tables to the dance floor. The band was playing a slower song that still had a definite Latin rhythm. Turning, he swept her into a glide across the floor that was almost professional. At least trained…
‘You’re good,’ she said, smiling up at him.
‘So are you.’ His white teeth glinted in the soft spotlight the club had set on the dance floor.
‘I should be,’ she said with a laugh. ‘My parents dragged me along to a lot of affairs where dancing was the only outlet I had from stuffy grown-up discussions. How did you learn?’
His smile faltered a little. ‘Lessons. I was told it would help polish me on the DC scene.’
‘Trying to get ahead?’ Erin teased.
Their gazes locked. ‘How am I doing?’
Fine. Just like the rest of them had.
He spun her around him, and Erin’s dress lifted around her thighs. She was being too picky and analytical. She needed to stop thinking and enjoy herself. And she loved to dance. She navigated a quick turn and seamlessly moved back into her date’s arms. He had the hip action of the dance down.
He really was handsome, well-spoken, polite and perfect.
Too darn perfect.
She frowned. Was that it?
‘What made you turn to Nina?’ she asked. She didn’t know if the question was taboo, but the truth was that both of them had turned to a matchmaker. She couldn’t see him not being able to pick up women. Not when he looked like he did – and could dance.
‘I’m sorry?’ he said, his eyes widening.
‘Luxxor’s dating service. Does your banking work keep you too busy to meet people?’ He’d told her he worked as a financial adviser. She’d always heard that bankers’ hours were easy, but stereotypes were hard to break.
Understanding lit his eyes, and he nodded. ‘It’s difficult to meet women, especially in all the bustle of DC.’
But the bustle was caused by people. Erin couldn’t imagine living anywhere without the energy of DC.
He dipped her and pulled her close. ‘Would you like another drink?’
‘No.’ She ran her hand along his shoulder. ‘Let’s just dance a while.’
He’d deflected her every time she’d tried to get him to talk about himself. It had all been about her – which, she supposed, should have been flattering. There had been more than one flash of interest in his eyes, but he’d been so, so…gentlemanly. Accommodating.
There it was. That was the source of her disappointment.
He wasn’t helping her understand herself any better than the other men Nina had set her up with. All of them had been friendly and doting. It was a confidence booster, but it wasn’t helping her grow.
They’d all acted like she was fascinating, which she knew wasn’t the case.
The band moved on to a sexy rumba, the music slow and sinuous. She moved closer to her date as the rhythm overtook them. Maybe if she could fan that spark she’d seen…
Their bodies brushed, moving in synchronicity. He led her into the corner, close to the band but away from the light. Erin arched over his arm, and their bodies meshed, inch by inch, as she rose. She could feel his ribs expanding and releasing with each breath he took until her breasts were pressed tight against him. The contact was pleasurable. She wrapped both arms around his neck and felt his hands settle at the base of her spine.
His hips rolled again, and her breath caught when he brought them into full contact. She hadn’t been wrong about that spark. He was hard.
Time expanded in that moment, the dance forgotten.
She looked into his eyes, and finally saw a crack in that gentleman façade. Hunger burned in the blue depths. He was going to kiss her.
Did she want him to?
Curiosity got the better of her. His head dipped, and she stood on tiptoe. Her nipples felt stiff where they rubbed against his muscled chest. Her nerves were humming as his lips settled across hers.
The kiss was long, thorough and…OK.
‘That was nice,’ he whispered into her ear.
Right, nice. He stroked his hands up and down her sides. Erin closed her eyes and let the music move her. It was pulsating and sensual. His hands slid lower until they closed over her bottom. She lifted her hair, and his mouth settled against the pulse on her neck.
Ah, maybe now…
Only his tongue didn’t lick across her pulse and his teeth didn’t nip. He merely placed soft pecks from her jaw down to her collarbone.
‘You are so pretty,’ he whispered into her ear.
Thank you. That’s nice of you to say. You’re sweet. The only responses that came to mind sounded inane. Sliding her fingers into his hair, she tried for something more enthusiastic. ‘Kiss me again.’
His mouth settled over hers harder this time, his tongue seeking. It rasped across hers, sending goosebumps over her skin. Yet her mind stayed clear. It wasn’t supposed to do that when a guy kissed you, was it? Sienna hadn’t even heard her come into the kitchen the other morning.
And why was she thinking about her roommate right now?
Deliberately, Erin let her tongue wrap around her date’s. A low groan came from somewhere deep inside his chest. His hips rolled forward, making her feel that intriguing bulge again, and she gasped when she felt the press of his leg.
He’d slipped it between hers and was pressing right against the spot where there should have been an ache.
Her excitement bumped up a notch.
His hand wrapped around her breast, and she knew what she was