The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung
that their lofty standards may not always be attained. In their search for true excellence, however, they are a constant source of energy, inspiration and beauty for all those who cross their path.
On the dark side
Naïve, lazy, confused
At your best
Youthful, refined, sensual
Love Strong romantic streak
People born on March 6 are made to love and to be loved. In fact they seem perpetually in love and have a powerful romantic streak. The only danger is that they can sometimes mistake sex for love and love for sex; this can confuse both them and potential partners. It is important for them to find a partner who can share their love of beauty and sensual pleasure.
Health Nature lovers
People born on this day need to be careful that their love of sensual pleasures does not lead to overindulgence in rich fattening food and sexual experimentation, as these will negatively affect their health and their waistline. Fortunately, as lovers of beauty they are likely to be nature lovers and will be drawn to long walks in the countryside which is an especially good form of exercise for them. They would also benefit from a more structured exercise routine that includes regular muscle toning sessions, such as push-ups, sit-ups, etc., or gym work. Yoga and tai chi are also recommended, as these can provide great physical and emotional satisfaction. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color green will encourage them and others to seek harmony and balance.
Career Born sculptors
These people may find themselves drawn toward the beauty, fashion or health industries, but they may also be interested in the world of music and art, wanting to create sublime pieces of art, poetry, sculpture, or music. They may also have a natural affinity for the world of politics and social reform as well as the leisure and beauty industries, but whatever career they choose they will invest their considerable talents to achieve extremely high standards.
Destiny To inspire others with their ideals of beauty
The life path of people born on this day is to understand that perfection is not a natural or even an attainable human state. Nevertheless, they will always inspire others with their ideals of beauty.
Power Thought
“Today I will appreciate others for who they are and not as I want them to be”
March 6
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover
Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)
Favorable numbers: 6, 9
Lucky days: Thursday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 9 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, pink, lavender
Birthstone: Aquamarine
7 March the birthday of extraordinary vision
Your greatest challenge is…
learning to assert yourself
The way forward is…
to be as encouraging and as positive as you can be when trying to get a point across. Be critical of people’s ideas, not people themselves.
You’re drawn to people born on…
October 24 to November 22
You share charm, creativity and sensitivity, and this can create an intense and loving bond.
Luck maker
Learn to deal with criticism
If the criticism is just, see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. If, however, the criticism is unjust, take it as a compliment—it often means that the critic feels jealous or threatened by you.
Despite their ability to instantly establish rapport with anyone they meet, people born on March 7 often have an otherworldly quality about them. This is because they have a tendency to live in an abstract world of thoughts and ideals produced by their own vivid imagination.
People born on this day possess the gift of extraordinary vision and their minds love to roam far and wide. Typically, they can manifest these ideas in practical form by analyzing situations, experiences and people. Along the way, they will do their best to ensure that they get the support of colleagues, friends and loved ones, taking great care to make sure everyone feels involved. At work they never forget a name or a personal detail about their colleagues; at home they will ensure everyone can voice their opinions.
Even though they are often surrounded by friends and admirers, there is a haunting loneliness about these people; because they dislike conflict, they tend to withdraw when there is heated discussion or criticism of their methods. In their self-imposed isolation, they may also become insecure about themselves and their abilities, and secretive and suspicious of others. People born on this day should find other ways to cope when they feel under pressure; although they are unlikely to become close to large numbers of people, they should make sure they have the love and support of their family and/or a few good friends. Up to the age of forty-three they are active and assertive, a positive sign for them with their natural tendency to withdraw. After the age of forty-four there is an emphasis on greater emotional and financial stability.
Because they are so receptive to all kinds of intellectual pursuits, these people may take a while to settle on their chosen aim. However, once they are able to focus their vision and energy in a worthwhile direction, their intelligent and sensitive approach assures success. A part of them will always remain untouchable but this doesn’t make them appear or feel lonely—it just adds to their magic.
On the dark side
Detached, isolated, secretive
At your best
Thoughtful, generous, intelligent
Love Easily hurt
Charming and generous, people born on March 7 have no problem finding friends or lovers. They do, however, hate conflict, and an argument with a partner can make them feel low for days; instead of expressing what they feel, they will simply withdraw into resentment, leaving their partner not knowing why. It is very important for these people to learn to be more honest in their relationships and try to reach agreement through compromise.
Health See more red
People born on this day can often be prone to food allergies and sensitivities, so it is important for them to pay attention to their diet and to discuss what might be a trigger food so that they can limit their consumption of it. In general their diet should include a wide variety of foods and, to make sure they don’t miss out on nutrients, a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement is also advised as these people can be prone to lowered immunity during times of stress. Moderate exercise, in particular swimming and diving and all forms of dance, is recommended as well as enjoying plenty of