The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung
or those less fortunate.
Because they are constantly aware of their own feelings and tuned into the feelings of those around them, these highly sensitive people tend to experience life intensely and deeply. They have the capacity to show tremendous kindness and love toward others, but they do need to be careful that they don’t become self-sacrificing, overprotective and jealous in the process.
Although they are highly perceptive and insightful in their relationships, they can also get deeply hurt by the words or actions of others. Instead of facing their pain when they are wounded, they are more likely to withdraw into their own private world of torment. It’s important for these people to find ways to balance their sensitivity with their need to make a difference in the world. Fortunately, before the age of forty there is an emphasis in their life on assertiveness and a desire to be more active in the world. This can help them express themselves more outwardly. After the age of forty-one they often gravitate toward greater material and emotional stability, and this will help them stave off uncertainty and vulnerability.
Preoccupied with their inner conflicts, there is always a danger for these people to become self-involved; but, if they can learn not to use their sensitivity as a way of escaping responsibility and confrontation, the emphasis they place on internal rather than external fulfillment marks them out as very special people. Caring, contemplative and visionary, they will direct their intelligent and original thoughts toward the common good and, by so doing, positively influence and inspire all those who encounter them.
On the dark side
Vulnerable, over-protective, jealous
At your best
Kind, empathetic, energetic
Love Learn to let go
People born on March 10 rarely have problems attracting partners; problems are more likely to occur when they are within a relationship. They need to be careful that they don’t become too nurturing or overprotective, as it can suffocate others. Being easily wounded, they also need to guard against jealously. Despite the emphasis they place on togetherness, there is also a part of them that needs to retreat within themselves every now and again for private reflection.
Health Put yourself first, for once
People born on this day need to take extra special care of their health as their extreme sensitivity—combined with the fact that they are likely to put the needs of others way ahead of their own—makes them vulnerable to the negative energies of others. It is vital that they work on their self-esteem, to strengthen themselves not just emotionally, but also physically; otherwise they are likely to suffer from stress, depression, compassion overload, or burnout. It goes without saying that they should make sure they eat a healthy diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables and low in saturated fat and refined or processed foods. Moderate exercise, preferably activity they can perform alone to recharge their batteries such as jogging, walking or yoga, is highly recommended. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color yellow is good for their ego, and for increasing their confidence and optimism.
Career Born healers
These people are well suited to the caring or healing professions, to social work, or to careers where they can bring enlightenment or happiness to others such as education, the arts, music, dance, or drama. Other work options include advertising, international business, sales, medicine, and counseling.
Destiny To devote themselves to the happiness of others
The life path of people born on this day is to learn that they need to take care of their own emotional needs as well as the needs of others. Once they have worked on their ego, their destiny is to devote their considerable talents to bringing happiness or comfort to others.
Power Thought
“Every moment of my life fills me with joy”
March 10
Signs & symbols
Sun sign: Pisces
Ruling planet: Neptune, the speculator
Symbol: Two Fishes
Birth date ruler: Leo, the individual
Tarot card: The Wheel of Fortune (change)
Favorable numbers: 1, 4
Lucky days: Thursday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1, or 4 of the month
Lucky colors: Turquoise, orange, mellow green
Birthstone: Aquamarine
11 March the birthday of the magician
Your greatest challenge is…
to learn to relax the need to control everyone and everything
The way forward is…
to understand that however important you are, no one, including yourself, is indispensable.
You’re drawn to people born on…
June 22 to July 23
You share a passion for imaginative debate and speculation, and this can create an intense and exciting bond.
Luck maker
Be here now
If you are so organized that you are busy planning and living in the future, you are missing the true pleasure of the moment. The power to attract luck your way is always in the moment.
Individuals born on March 11 are progressive individuals with one foot lightly placed in the present and another firmly placed in the future. The key to their success is their intuition. They use this not in a dreamy but in a highly productive way to increase their chances of success. Magician-like, they have learned to harness its power to achieve their goals.
The keen mind and visionary ability of these people gives them an uncanny knack of seeking out opportunities and people that will help them progress. They always seem to be one step ahead and, if they are not the source of a trend, they will use their imagination and energy to work with that trend or, better still, move beyond it. The upside of all this is that they are often right at the cutting edge; the downside is that they can lapse into selfish or manipulative behavior if it will help them get what they want.
Although they do possess strong ambition and a powerful influence over others, their goals are generally personal rather than global. Once they set out to achieve a goal, they will work tirelessly until they it is theirs. Their emphasis on looking ahead is highlighted in their lives from childhood until the age of thirty-nine; these are the years in which they develop their self-confidence. After the age of forty, however, they become more relaxed about their goals, less focused on change and more on recognition and stability.
The key to their success lies in an ability to get their powerful intuition to work for, rather than against, them. It is their intuition that values objects, situations or people and their intuition which eventually teaches them to value their own judgment over everything else. Once they have settled on a course that is worthy of them, understanding that there are some things they can never control, they often use their intuition and strong will-power not only to successfully predict the future but also to play a part in creating it.
On the dark side
Domineering, gossipy, selfish