Tainted Love: A gripping thriller with a shocking twist from the No 1 bestseller. Kimberley Chambers

Tainted Love: A gripping thriller with a shocking twist from the No 1 bestseller - Kimberley  Chambers

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bruv? The prick’s deffo in the Keys today. Carl’s already there,’ Vinny explained.

      Having spent a bit of quality time with Bella and Antonio, Michael decided not to moan. ‘Sweet. At least we can get this done and dusted today. Don’t go overboard on him though, Vin. I know what your temper’s like, and Bren will know it’s us if the tosser disappears off the face of the earth.’

      ‘I won’t. Just wanna give him a firm warning. You heard from Mum? She’s in a right old state. Reckons Auntie Viv’s been having it off with our wonderful father. I told her she must be wrong, but you know what Mum’s like once she gets a bee in her bonnet. It better not be true, otherwise that old bastard will truly pay for his sins this time.’

      ‘Of course it ain’t true. And if you dare lay one finger on Dad, you’ll have me to answer to, Vin. When you last duffed him up, I was only a nipper. Be warned. I’m not now.’

      Vinny chuckled. Albie had spent weeks in hospital when Vinny had learned of his affair with Judy Preston, and it served him right. ‘How’s your stalker? You heard any more?’

      Michael was absolutely relieved to have gotten rid of Katy. ‘Not a peep, thank Christ. I think the grand did the trick.’

      ‘You’ll be lucky! She’ll reappear as soon as she finds out you’re seeing Bella. Nothing worse than a scorned young psycho,’ Vinny taunted.

      Michael glared at his elder brother. ‘What is it that pisses you off so much about me being happy with a bird? Didn’t you also try and split Roy and Colleen up in the past, if I remember rightly? Just because you can’t find love, Vin, you shouldn’t be bitter towards others.’

      Wanting to yell that he too knew every part of Bella’s body inch by inch, Vinny instead put his foot on the accelerator and said nothing.

      Albie Butler had a Sunday routine. After finishing work at the club, he’d always pop into the Blind Beggar and have a catch-up with a few old pals before heading home to Barking.

      ‘Does it still get busy with those strippers, Albie? I’m surprised your heart can take ogling all that young flesh at your age,’ Big Stan joked.

      About to reply, Albie was drenched by his own pint of Guinness. ‘What the hell! Why d’ya do that?’

      ‘Because you disgust me, you dirty old toad. And so does that so-called sister of mine. I know what the pair of you have been up to,’ Queenie yelled, clouting Albie around the head with her umbrella.

      Holding Fred’s lead, Ava was standing behind her nan, giggling.

      ‘You’re deranged! Always bleedin’ well have been. Me and Vivvy! Don’t make me laugh. Ruined my suit now, you daft old bat.’

      Queenie sneered, hands on hips. She loathed the thought of Nosy Hilda and Mouthy Maureen spreading gossip about how she’d been betrayed, which was why she’d decided to come to the pub and spread the word herself in true Queenie style. She’d give the bastards something to talk about, all right.

      By the time he got to Dagenham, Vinny Butler was in a foul mood. He and Michael had been having a dig at one another throughout the journey and were now bickering over the wedding suits.

      ‘We’re gonna look a right pair of tossers, end of. You should’ve backed me rather than telling my son you were happy to wear the bastard thing. Why tell him you liked it when you’d already told me you hated the poxy suit?’ Vinny demanded to know.

      ‘Does it matter? Jesus, Vin, we’ve only got to wear it for one day. Get a grip, will ya?’

      ‘Gonna be a laughing stock, all thanks to you. You might be happy prancing around looking like a gay hairdresser, but I fucking well ain’t.’

      ‘Enough about the suits now, Vin. Can we discuss what we’ve planned for Dave? Only I know what you’re like when you’re in this type of mood, and the last thing I’m short of is you going overboard and snapping his neck.’

      ‘I’m hardly gonna touch him. Well, not where bruises show anyway. Carl will get him out the boozer. He does most of his dealing in the car park, by all accounts. We’ll drag him into the graveyard and give him a good warning about his future conduct. That’s about it really.’

      The men continued their journey in silence and five minutes later were parked up next to Carl. Carl got out of his motor and stepped into Vinny’s Mercedes. ‘He’s still in there, but looks a bit pissed. I suggest I get him out now before he collapses,’ said Carl.

      ‘How do we know he’s going to come outside and hand over drugs to a complete stranger?’ Michael asked.

      ‘He will. I got introduced to the prick the other night and bought him a beer.’

      Michael glared accusingly at Vinny. ‘But you said he weren’t in the pub any of the other nights.’

      Realizing he’d slipped up, Carl Tanner immediately covered his tracks. He had no idea why Vinny had sent him to the pub on three different days, yet still not acted on Carl being present. Vinny was his boss and Carl simply did as he was asked. ‘Dave had too many hangers-on with him before, Michael. It wouldn’t have been the right time. I told Vinny it was sensible to leave him be.’

      Not overly convinced by Carl’s explanation, Michael demanded, ‘What we waiting for then?’

      Dave Green was standing at the corner of the bar having a rant about the West Ham result when Carl approached him. Brenda had always been the one to advise him who he should and shouldn’t trust, but she was barred from the Keys now so he had to make his own choices and happily followed Carl outside.

      Vinny leapt out of the car and dragged Dave into the graveyard by his neck. ‘Like knocking women about, do ya? Answer me, cunt,’ he yelled, kneeing Dave ferociously in the groin.

      Michael gave Dave a sharp dig in the ribs. ‘Nobody hurts our sister and puts her in hospital. Understand what we’re saying?’

      Eyes like organ stops, Dave fell to the ground and covered his head with his hands. ‘I’m sorry. Really sorry. I love Bren and it will never happen again,’ he stammered.

      Crouching next to the terrified waste of space, Vinny took a flick knife out of his pocket. ‘Get your cock out.’

      ‘No. Please God noooo! I really am sorry, Vinny. Truly I am,’ Dave wept.

      ‘Do as I say or I’ll slit your throat,’ Vinny demanded. He loved terrorizing the less fortunate, got off on it completely.

      Hands shaking so much he could barely unzip his flies, Dave Green somehow managed to do as he was asked.

      Vinny held the blade against the loser’s manhood. ‘I swear to you, you ever lay a hand on my sister or upset her kids again, I will dismember this little tinkler. And you’re not going to mention to Brenda that you’ve been paid a visit. Comprende?’

      ‘Yes. Y-you have my word I will never upset Bren or the kids again,’ Dave gabbled. He’d never sobered up so quickly.

      ‘Let’s go,’ Michael urged.

      Unable to help himself, Vinny stood up and stamped on Dave’s penis with all his might. He then did the same to the man’s stomach.

      Not for the first time, Michael had to witness his brother losing his rag completely and with the help of Carl managed to drag him away before they had another murder on their hands. Vinny was such a loose cannon on occasions, he really was.

      Vivian Harris stared forlornly at the television. Brookside, EastEnders, The Two Ronnies, This Is Your Life and Only Fools and Horses were just some of the programmes she and Queenie always watched together, and viewing them alone was no fun at all.

      Pouring herself another sherry, Vivian sighed with discontent. Her and Queenie had been inseparable since they were kids. Their father had been a drunken bully who’d beaten their lovely mum up regularly, therefore she and Queenie had always sought

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