Tainted Love: A gripping thriller with a shocking twist from the No 1 bestseller. Kimberley Chambers

Tainted Love: A gripping thriller with a shocking twist from the No 1 bestseller - Kimberley  Chambers

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      When the phone rang, Vivian guessed who the caller would be. She and Queenie had never needed friends. They’d always been content with each other.

      ‘How are you, love? Cheered up a bit today?’

      ‘I’m not too bad, thanks, Albie. I rung Little Vinny about an hour ago. Told him no way can I face the wedding. She’ll only go off on one again. Not worth the grief or spoiling that poor boy’s big day.’

      ‘Apparently, she’s told Michael if either you or I attend, she ain’t going. Ain’t it ridiculous, Vivvy? A load of fuss over nothing. The woman’s gone off her bleedin’ head. Bonkers!’

      When Albie stayed on the phone chatting for the next half an hour, he cheered Vivian up no end. Unbeknown to anyone, she’d always had a soft spot for him, and he was the only friend she had right now.


      As spring turned into summer, the Butlers remained in turmoil. Queenie still hadn’t spoken to Albie or Vivian and continued to insist that she wouldn’t attend her grandson’s wedding if either turncoat attended.

      Today, Little Vinny had decided to visit his nan with Oliver in an effort to make her see sense. He was sick of all the childishness. It was spoiling what should be a happy time for him.

      ‘Ain’t he grown! Gonna be a tall ’un like you, your father and Michael. Give your nan another cuddle, Ollie. She’s far more important than that scruffy mutt,’ Queenie chuckled.

      When Oliver tried to pull Fred’s tail, Little Vinny gently scolded his son, then ordered him to go and play nicely in the garden. ‘I bought you these, Nan,’ Little Vinny said, handing Queenie a box of Milk Tray and a bottle of Baileys.

      ‘Aww, bless you. But I’ve told you before to stop spending your bleedin’ money on me,’ Queenie said, secretly pleased with her gifts. Her grandson had been a selfish little sod in his youth, had never even bought her a card when he’d lived with her. He’d changed so much since meeting Sammi-Lou and having a child himself though. Turned into a real charming, generous, young man.

      ‘Nan, we need to talk about my wedding. All this silliness going on is upsetting me and Sammi-Lou. I will be devastated if you don’t attend. It will truly spoil my whole day.’

      ‘I’m not sitting in church with them two traitors, boy. Either you uninvite them or I won’t come. I would hate it to all kick off and your big day be ruined. What would Sammi’s parents think? Be shameful.’

      ‘You’ve got it all wrong about Granddad and Auntie Viv, Nan. They only popped in the boozer for a quick drink because Viv was upset about rowing with you and Granddad wanted to cheer her up. That’s all that happened, honest.’

      ‘How do you know? You weren’t bleedin’ there, were ya? Nosy Hilda swears blind they were holding hands and I for one believe her.’

      ‘Use your loaf. As if they would be sitting in the Grave Maurice, of all places, if they were having some kind of secret affair. You’re not thinking straight, Nan. As for Nosy Hilda, she’s an interfering old bat, and obviously as blind as one. I cannot understand how you believe her explanation over your own sister’s. Vivvy has been there for you through thick and thin. It’s ridiculous – Granddad and Auntie Viv? Don’t make me laugh.’

      Queenie fiercely wiped away the tears. She knew she’d overreacted at the time, especially when she’d marched into the Blind Beggar, aired her dirty washing in public, and chucked a drink all over Albie. Whatever had she been thinking? However, it was a bit late to backtrack now. She knew in her heart that Vivvy would never fancy Albie, so why had she behaved so irrationally? Queenie had no fond feelings towards Albie whatsoever, bar him providing her with three wonderful sons. Shame about the daughter, but with Albie’s sperm she’d been fortunate to be blessed with what she had. The only thing she could put it down to was Vivian’s blossoming friendship with the man they’d both once despised. That grated on Queenie immensely.

      Little Vinny sat next to his grandmother and put an arm around her shoulders. ‘I’ll speak to Granddad and Auntie Viv. I’m sure they’ll forgive you, Nan.’

      Her grandson’s use of the word ‘forgive’ made Queenie see red again. ‘Forgive me! For what? They were the two cosying up in the pub whilst I was sat at home minding me own bleedin’ business. I don’t wanna upset you, lad, but this is how it is. If they go to the wedding, I bastard-well don’t. The choice is yours.’

      Another Butler having a meltdown was Vinny. Bella had sensibly stayed away from his neck of the woods, but every couple of weeks would invite his mum over for dinner at her gaff in Chelsea. Vinny would then have to endure his mother going on for hours on end about what a beautiful, classy girl she was. How wonderful her brat of a son was, and gloating over how fucking wealthy she must be because her apartment was straight out of the TV programme Dallas.

      When Vinny failed to find a phone number he was looking for, and yanked the drawer out of his desk, emptying the contents all over the office, Jay Boy asked, ‘Is something wrong, boss?’

      ‘Yes. Fucking everything! Listen, I need to make a call. It’s private, so leave me to it.’

      On his hands and knees, Vinny searched through all the crap he’d hoarded. He’d gone to his mother’s yesterday, looking forward to one of her legendary roasts, then hadn’t wanted to eat sod-all when she’d driven him mad over her visit the previous day to that bitch’s gaff. Even Daniel and Lee had met Bella now and spoke highly of the slapper.

      Finding the number of her modelling agency, Vinny poured himself a Scotch and downed it in one before dialling it. A camp-sounding bloke answered.

      ‘Can you put me through to Bella, please? I’ve got an urgent message for her.’

      ‘And may I ask who’s calling?’

      ‘Her boyfriend’s brother, Vinny Butler.’

      A moment later Bella came on the line, trying her hardest to sound composed. ‘What can I do for you, Vinny?’

      ‘To put it bluntly, I don’t want you coming to my son’s wedding. I don’t care what you say to Michael, fake an illness if you have to, but I don’t want you there.’

      ‘To be honest there’s nothing I would like better than to avoid your son’s wedding, Vinny. But between me and you, Michael has started to get suspicious about my refusal to visit your mother’s house. I intend to spend the rest of my life with your brother, and I cannot carry on avoiding such things. Not unless you want me to tell him the truth?’

      ‘Of course I don’t want you to tell him the fucking truth. He’s my brother, it would break his heart.’

      Unbeknown to Michael, Bella had no intention of attending the wedding. The thought of being in such close proximity to Vinny made her want to vomit, so she’d already hatched a plan to get herself out of it. ‘Well, in that case, we need to come to a mature arrangement. I will avoid your son’s wedding providing you agree to do the same for me on the odd occasion I visit your mother. There will obviously be other family events in the future, and we can liaise on which one of us will go. Do we have a deal?’

      Vinny was seething. He wasn’t used to being blackmailed, neither was he used to being spoken to like a child. Part of him wanted to call Bella’s bluff, tell her he’d decided to tell Michael after all. That would wipe the patronizing tone straight out of her cocky gob. But much as he’d relish getting one over on her, it wasn’t worth losing his brother for ever. His mother would probably disown him as well. Not over his fling with Bella, just the fact he’d kept schtum about it. She’d see that as treacherous and unforgiveable.

      ‘I’m sorry to rush you, Vinny. But I’m very busy. I have a meeting with a client soon. Are you OK with what I suggested?’


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