Revolutionary. Frame by frame. Rem Word

Revolutionary. Frame by frame - Rem Word

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makes the Bulgarians perform status, as now say the projects. This is not a completely effective railway to Russia, and all that. In August 1886, a group of pro-Russian (or, more precisely, it was Russian) officers organized the overthrow of Alexander Bulgarian. Further action is a mixture of terrorist, nationalist, and even openly criminal speeches. All movements of the Russian monarch can be seen through. They cause quite appropriate national reaction. After everything passed under Turkey, the Bulgarians want to take a sip of at least some real freedom. In the end, Alexander the Third, and at the same time, and, alas, Russia, is losing credibility in the once so friendly Bulgaria. The monarch’s mania leads, a quarter of a century later, to the fact that Bulgaria without any hesitation takes the side of the Fourth Union in the war against Russia

      An expressive picture is the assault of the Dagestan aul Gimry by Russian troops during the Caucasian War. Winning this, lasting almost a hundred (or even two hundred) years of confrontation, succeeds only in settling out several hundred thousand incorrigible enemies of Russia from the Black Sea coast to the Ottoman Empire. Almost all wars with Turkey lead to the fact that Russia receives only hostile to it (and indeed, nevertheless, striving for the coziness of civilization, the Ottomans) the territories of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia populated by militant highlanders

      Sale of Alaska, a territory in North America, an area of half a million square meters. km., will be held October 18, 1867 issue price – 7.2 million dollars, the cost of a capital three-story building. The path of the proceeds in this way is determined by three equivalent versions. The first is that funds are received for the development of Russian railways. The second is that dollars migrate to the personal use of the king’s relatives. And third, the money goes to the bottom with the Orkney barge carrying it.

      Novoarkhangelsk, the capital of Russian Alaska, lithograph of 1963. In these new territories, there was originally no classical serfdom or even police. Undoubtedly, Alaska could become for Russia the same as for Europe – a free colony, a mirror isolated from a stagnant metropolis field of democratic experiments. It has been argued that because of these overseas territories, a war between Russia and the United States could have flared up. However, firstly, Alaska and the United States are divided by a fairly large Canada. Secondly, the same could be indicated regarding any other areas bordering one or another Eurasian countries.

      Well-developed sobriety Societies have appeared in Russia since 1958. These are amateur organizations of peasants, to some extent supported by the Orthodox Church. The main problem – the people of the “lower classes”, initially serfs, literally attributed to a particular pub. A person is simply obliged to drink a certain amount of alcohol to bring income to the state, local police and officials. The quality of alcohol and food (if there is the last in the tavern at all) is determined only by the conscience of the owner. Together to deal with this dependence is somewhat easier. In the end, the authorities who sent 11 thousand sobrials to exile understand that repression does not give the proper result. In 1963, Alexander II reformed the system of selling alcohol in such a way as to exclude the element of coercion from it. The quality of alcohol produced by all is increased. The revenues of the state controlling taxes and the composition of the bread wine also increase

      Since the 1880s, Russian sobriety societies have found a second wind. Such instructive comics spread among the peasants. Attitudes towards Societies of the authorities are ambivalent. On the one hand, a sober peasant is, in general, good. On the other hand, people in their own sanity, in addition to state circulars, who gather for self-education, music-making, reading, tea drinking, are suspicious as potential revolutionaries. Since ancient times, what the Russian people are doing independently and well, arouses in the central authorities a zealous desire to “keep and not let go.” In addition, a non-drinker has moral superiority over others. The idea of this state of affairs is simply unbearable for the representatives of the ruling class.

      Alexander the Third’s family is on holiday in Finland. Finland is part of Imperial Russia, and at the same time virtually independent of any country. Revolutionary terrorists invariably receive here a reliable shelter and considerable financial injections. Despite all the privileges, and even a separate currency – the Finnish ruble, the northern state entity dreams of complete independence. At a critical time for Russia, Finland becomes the outpost of anti-government forces. Somewhat later, this country will show itself as a miniature fascist Germany

      Alexander the Third – 99% German by blood. This state of affairs in Russia has been established since Peter the Third (1728—1762). At the same time, according to all the canonical rules, the Romanov dynasty should have been called the Holstein-Gottorp (the house of the Romanovs). Somehow this, not quite pleasant status quo, in the masses can be ignored. Inside Russia there are no brides for monarchs. The last Russian empress, Evdokia Lopukhina (1669—1731), was sent by her husband, Peter the Great, to the monastery (after which he would marry the completely un-born Lithuanian Martha Skavronskaya). The wife of Alexander the Third is Maria Fedorovna (patronymic, after the adoption of Orthodoxy in honor of the family icon), the daughter of the King of Denmark. Be that as it may, the monarch introduces high protective duties for foreign industrial goods, which contributes to the development of domestic industry. Another innovation of the emperor levels the first. This is the “Circular on the reduction of gymnasium education” (1887). The document instructs the principals of educational institutions (above the one-year village school) not to accept children from “ignoble strata of the population”: in this way “the gymnasiums and gymnasiums will be freed from the enrollment of children of coachmen, footmen, cooks, laundresses, small shopkeepers and similar people whose children, with the exception of those who are gifted with genius abilities, one should not at all strive for secondary and higher education.” In part, this idea comes from the chief procurator of the Holy Synod, the overseer of the church, Konstantin Pobedonostsev. The main idea is that students-raznochintsy are more than anyone inclined to revolutionary activity. Later, these office reflections are completely dispelled by noble students, such as V. Ulyanov, his elder brother, and the like. At the same time, Russia is deprived of social elevators, a multitude of loyal citizens, from the lower ranks, as well as enough qualified for high-tech wars of the future soldiers. Another circular of Alexander the Third encourages duels. The participants of fights, even serial killers, Breters, are exempt from punishment. According to the rule introduced by the tsar “On the trial of quarrels that occur in the officer corps” (1894), a person who refuses to accept the challenge is officially affected by his rights (he is obliged to resign immediately). Top commanders, in essence – the state apparatus, have the right to force subordinates, who may already be reconciled, to fight. Similar provisions are projected on nobles who are not military men. Speaking inner thoughts on society becomes a deadly affair. Whatever you say or do, there is always someone who does not like it. Nobles replicate the idea that Roman law is not important and stormy, leading to clarification of the truth of the debate. The one who shoots faster and more accurately is right

      Nizhny Novgorod province 1982. The abbot of the Old Believers. Before us is a real Russian person. As is known, the Old Believers from far 1667, after the reform of ritualism and the cruel persecution for the faith of their ancestors, find themselves outside the bosom of the state church. On the one hand, the parishioners are free to choose the abbot of the temple, and are not dependent on the sovereign’s whims (like the one recognized by the blasphemer Peter the Great). This brings them closer to European Protestants, although Russian Old Believers

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