Memory of the World: The treasures that record our history from 1700 BC to the present day. UNESCO

Memory of the World: The treasures that record our history from 1700 BC to the present day - UNESCO

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The manuscript of Ubayd Zakoni’s Kulliyat and Hafez Sherozi’s Gazalliyt

       Radziwills’ Archives and Niasvizh (Nieśwież) Library collection

       Collection of Gothic architectural drawings

       ‘Bayasanghori Shâhnâmeh’ (Prince Bayasanghor’s ‘Book of the Kings’)

       Stone stele records of royal examinations of the Le and Mac dynasties (1442–1779)

       The Hunminjeongum manuscript

       The Malatesta Novello Library

       The 42-line Gutenberg Bible, printed on vellum

       Bibliotheca Corviniana

       Library of the Cistercian Abbey of Clairvaux at the time of Pierre de Virey (1472)

       Mainz Psalter at the Austrian National Library

       Santa Fe Capitulations

       Treaty of Tordesillas

       Sound Toll Registers

       Letter from Pêro Vaz de Caminha

       Archives Insolvente Boedelskamer Antwerpen

       Universalis cosmographia secundum Ptholomaei traditionem et Americi Vespucii aliorumque Lustrationes

       Tabula Hungariae

       Beatus Rhenanus Library

       Sixteenth to eighteenth century pictographs from ‘Maps, drawings and illustrations’ Archives of Mexico

       Negros y Esclavos archives

       Collection of Mexican codices

       Colección de lenguas indígenas

       Bašagic collection of Islamic manuscripts

       Collection of the Center of Documentation and Investigation of the Ashkenazi community in Mexico

       Nicolaus Copernicus’ masterpiece ‘De revolutionibus libri sex’

       Codices from the Oaxaca Valley

       Châtelet de Paris banner register from the reign of Francis I (National Archives Y9, France)

       Collection of the manuscripts of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi

       American colonial music: a sample of its documentary richness

       Business archives of the Officina Plantiniana

       Documentary fonds of Royal Audiencia Court of La Plata (RALP)

       The Confederation of Warsaw of 28th of January 1573


       Administrative documents of Astan-e Quds Razavi in the Safavid era

       Ben Cao Gang Mu images (Compendium of Materia Medica)

       Tolstoy’s personal library and manuscripts, photo and film collection

       Jesuits of America

       Codex Techaloyan de Cuajimalpaz

       Documentary heritage of enslaved peoples of the Caribbean

       El Primer Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno

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