Kimberley Chambers 3-Book Butler Collection: The Trap, Payback, The Wronged. Kimberley Chambers

Kimberley Chambers 3-Book Butler Collection: The Trap, Payback, The Wronged - Kimberley  Chambers

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might wake up with brain damage.’

      Mary squeezed her daughter’s hand. ‘Nance, I know you love Michael, but do you really want to be connected to a family like that? Say they try to shoot Michael next and you’re there with him? I would die of a broken heart if anything ever happened to you.’

      ‘Nothing bad will happen to me, Mum, so please try not to worry. Michael will protect me. He loves me and I love him.’

      ‘So, where are you living?’ Mary asked.

      ‘At Queenie’s at the moment. Michael did live above the club, but I told him there is no way I am living with Vinny. We will get our own place soon, but things have been so hectic with Roy being ill that we haven’t had a chance to look yet.’

      ‘Is Queenie nice to you, love?’

      ‘Yeah, she is, Mum. Both her and Vivvy have been really kind to me. The house is a bit cramped because Brenda is living there with her boyfriend. She’s pregnant you know.’

      The word pregnant made Mary’s stomach churn. She didn’t want Nancy to get herself into that situation. ‘I want you to promise me you’ll be careful, love. I would hate to see you get pregnant before you’ve even got a ring on your finger. That would really give your dad and brother something to kick off about.’

      Nancy looked at her mother in bewilderment. ‘I’m not planning on getting up the duff, if that’s what you think?’

      ‘I know you’re not, love. But as your mum, I felt it my duty to warn you of the pitfalls of being in such a serious relationship at your age. If you do end up marrying Michael, I want it to be because you want to, not because you have to. Many young girls your age get caught in a trap, and believe me if you ever give birth out of wedlock to a child who is a Butler, then you will be trapped for life.’

      Back at the hospital, Queenie, Vivian and Lenny were all still sat around Roy’s bedside. Lenny had sworn earlier that when his mum and aunt were out the room that he had seen Roy’s right foot move, but even though Queenie and Vivian had been staring at Roy’s feet for the past hour, they couldn’t see any sign of life.

      About to launch into an anecdote, Queenie was stopped by the return of the young nurse who had gone off hours ago to find out how Colleen was. ‘Where is she? Is she OK?’ Queenie asked, anxiously.

      ‘Colleen is fine. She is resting at the moment, but we have decided to keep her in overnight just to keep an eye on her.’

      ‘Why? What’s a matter with her?’ Vivian asked sharply.

      The nurse smiled. ‘You’ll have to ask Colleen that yourself.’

      Queenie leapt out of her seat and pointed her finger in the young nurse’s face. ‘Don’t be playing games with me, darling, ’cause I’ll wipe that smile off your face in a minute. My sister just asked you a question. Now fucking answer her.’

      The nurse took a step back. ‘Colleen’s pregnant, but don’t say I told you so in case you get me into trouble.’

      Overjoyed by the unexpected news, Queenie hugged the terrified young nurse. ‘We won’t say a word, will we, Vivvy? Thank you so much for telling us, sweetheart.’

      ‘It’s a miracle, Queen. It really is,’ Vivian said, wiping a tear of joy from her eye.

      Queenie couldn’t agree more. ‘It’s a gift from him upstairs, it has to be.’

      ‘Who’s him upstairs then?’ Lenny asked, perplexed.

      Vivian tutted. ‘God, you silly bastard.’


      The following morning Michael got up early and once again pleaded with Nancy to take the day off work so she could accompany him to Ipswich with his father.

      ‘No, Michael. I can’t just take time off like that. It isn’t fair on the other girls.’

      ‘But, we could have stayed in a hotel or bed and breakfast. I mean, how nice would it be to have a night on our own together? We haven’t even had sex since you moved in here, because you think everybody will hear us.’

      Nancy sighed. It was so difficult to snuggle up to Michael every night and not be intimate, but she was an old-fashioned girl at heart. Michael’s sister had the bedroom next door to them and his mother was the other side. The thought of anybody hearing them make love seemed deeply wrong to Nancy, which is why she had insisted that Michael sleep with his back towards her.

      ‘Please do this for me, babe. I really want you to get to know my dad better as well,’ Michael said, with a sorrowful expression.

      Torn between her job and her loyalties towards her boyfriend, Nancy made her decision. ‘OK, Michael, I will come to Ipswich with you. But, after today I can’t take any more time off in case I get the sack, all right?’

      Pleased that he had got his own way, Michael grinned and hugged Nancy tightly to his chest. ‘Thanks, darling. You’re a star.’

      When his dad turned up at the hospital, Little Vinny galloped towards him. ‘Where you been, Daddy?’

      Queenie glared at her eldest son. ‘Yeah, where have you been? Call yourself a good father. You don’t know the meaning, boy. And what about your brother? You ain’t even visited him for days. Colleen’s pregnant and we haven’t even been able to tell you because you’ve been on the missing list.’

      ‘Pregnant! That’s amazing! Michael never said when he popped in the club.’

      ‘That’s because we didn’t find out until after Michael had left the hospital yesterday. Unlike yourself, that boy has been up here every day supporting us and Roy.’

      Ordering Lenny to take his son outside, Vinny turned to his mum and aunt. ‘I haven’t been up here because I felt so fucking guilty if you want the absolute truth. I know deep down that my brother took a bullet that was meant for me which is why I went on a bit of a bender. But I’ve got my act together again now and there’ll be no more pissing it up, I’m gonna re-open the club, and I promise you faithfully whatever happens to Roy from now on, I will be there for him and for you.’

      Queenie smiled. ‘That’s my boy.’

      After picking Albie Butler up from the Royal Oak pub, the journey to Ipswich took over three hours as Michael insisted on stopping for a bite to eat on the way. Out of politeness, Nancy sat in the back of the car. Her dad had always insisted that men should sit in the front.

      Flicking through the latest copy of Jackie magazine, Nancy hummed along to her current favourite chart song, Diana Ross’s ‘I’m Still Waiting’, which reminded her a bit of her relationship with Michael because it was about a couple who had first met at a young age.

      ‘You all right in the back there, babe? We’re in Ipswich now. What do you think of it?’

      Nancy put down her magazine and stared out of the car window. The hippy look was all the rage where she lived, but she couldn’t see anybody in Ipswich sporting a cool hairstyle, or wearing flares. ‘It’s nice, but in a different way.’

      Michael chuckled.

      ‘So, what do you think of my choice of woman, Dad? Do you reckon that she will one day make me a good wife?’

      Sensing Nancy’s embarrassment, Albie turned around in his seat. ‘Don’t you be taking no notice of him, sweetheart. Has the gift of the gab like his old dad, he does. If you want my honest opinion, I think you are far too good for him.’

      Nancy giggled. Even though it was plain that Michael’s father looked a bit dishevelled and was a heavy drinker, she couldn’t help but like him.

      Denise Thompson felt like an idiot as she sat opposite her doctor and explained why she needed a letter as proof of her pregnancy.

      ‘What are you trying to

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