Kimberley Chambers 3-Book Butler Collection: The Trap, Payback, The Wronged. Kimberley Chambers

Kimberley Chambers 3-Book Butler Collection: The Trap, Payback, The Wronged - Kimberley  Chambers

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      Vinny followed his mother up the stairs. ‘What’s up?’ he asked, as he sat on the edge of her bed.

      ‘Nothing really, love. I just wanted to have a chat with you about Karen.’

      ‘What about her? I haven’t forgotten about nipping things in the bud. Things are in hand, Mum.’

      ‘Well, this is what I wanted to talk to you about. I’ve changed my mind about her. Not only do I think she is a good little mum, I also think Little Vinny’s behaviour has improved dramatically since she’s been part of his life. I never thought I would hear myself say it, but I quite like the girl. She is ever so polite to me and Vivvy, and she hasn’t tried to take over in any way, has she?’

      Absolutely livid, Vinny did his best not to show it. His plans were already in place and as much as he loved his mother, if she thought that he was going to change his mind at this late stage, then she had another think coming. ‘Listen, Mum. Karen’s an ex-stripper, and on top of that she’s a fucking druggie. I am not having my son exposed to that. As his father it’s my duty to protect him.’

      ‘A druggie! She don’t look like she’s on anything to me. What does she take then?’ Queenie asked, horrified. She had always been very anti-drugs, and had once nearly throttled her Michael when he was going through his Mod stage. She had found a packet of blue pills in his trouser pocket, and had threatened him with all sorts.

      ‘Karen don’t take anything in the day, which is why whenever you see her she acts normal. But, of a night, it’s a different story. I’ve seen her with her eyes rolling around in her head. Off her nut, she’s been. That ain’t no mother, is it? Would you ever act like that?’

      ‘No, I bloody well wouldn’t. I’m shocked, Vinny, I really am. I honestly had begun to think she was a really nice girl. Why ever did you give her a job then if you knew she was a druggie?’ Queenie asked, perplexed.

      Vinny had always been a good liar, even as a young lad. ‘Because she’s the mother of my child. Like you, Mum, when she first turned up on the doorstep, I wanted rid of her. But then, I saw how good she was with Little Vinny too and thought I should give her a chance. She’s let me down big style. I’m really disappointed in her.’

      Queenie was stunned. Karen looked so glamorous and healthy. But Queenie was interrupted from asking anything further by Vivian bursting through her bedroom door. ‘Whatever’s the matter?’ Queenie asked her sister.

      ‘You had better come downstairs. That Denise has just turned up with her mouthy mother. She has a letter from the doctor saying she’s got a bun in the oven. Nancy’s ever so upset. You need to sort it.’

      When his mother dashed out of the room, Vinny couldn’t help but smile. Denise Thompson had more than earned his money.

      ‘You bastard. You lying bastard. You swore to me that it wasn’t true,’ Nancy sobbed, pummelling her fists against Michael’s chest.

      ‘It ain’t true. Ask me mum if you don’t believe me,’ Michael insisted.

      ‘Let’s sort this out in the back garden, shall we? Lenny, turn the music back up,’ Queenie ordered her nephew. She wished the neighbours hadn’t been invited. Most were nosy bastards and they would have a field day with this little drama. It was bound to be the talk of the street for the next few days at least. ‘Right, what the hell is going on?’ Queenie asked, after she’d shut the back door.

      Barging her daughter out of the way, Madge waved the letter in Queenie’s face. ‘This is what’s going on. Read it, go on, read it. Your son has put my daughter in the family way, and that is the proof. My daughter might be a lot of things, but a liar she isn’t.’

      Seeing his distressed girlfriend being comforted by Karen, Michael stormed back inside the house and grabbed Vinny roughly by the arm. ‘I know all this is your doing, so best you get in that garden and fucking sort it out. Pay a doctor to write a fake letter, did ya?’ Michael spat.

      ‘I have no idea what you are talking about,’ Vinny replied, his face a picture of innocence, as he followed his brother outside.

      Queenie read the letter twice, then handed it to Vivian. It looked official enough, and she knew Dr Patak personally. He was once her deceased Aunt Edna’s doctor.

      When Karen led Nancy upstairs to try to calm her down, Denise was about to speak up for herself when she saw Vinny swagger into the garden behind Michael. Putting her head down to avoid eye contact with either man, Denise shut her mouth and stared at her feet.

      ‘I know this is his doing, Mum, and so do you, so you might as well just admit it,’ Michael yelled, pointing at Vinny.

      ‘He’s talking out of his arse, Mum. I ain’t said sod all to you, have I? Why would I care if Denise was pregnant or not?’

      Desperate to keep the peace, Queenie waved the letter in the air. ‘I will pay Dr Patak a visit tomorrow and find out the truth. Now, can we stop all this arguing and accusation for today? This is meant to be a birthday party, not a bastard soap opera.’

      Madge knew she and Denise were being dismissed, and she was determined to have the final say. ‘So, what happens when you find out tomorrow that my daughter is telling the truth? I take it your son is going to fully support Denise and their child?’

      ‘As you well know, Madge, I have decent morals and have brought my sons up to be the same way. If what you are saying turns out to be true, then yes, of course Michael will be there to support Denise and his child. Won’t you, Michael?’ Queenie said, giving her son a sharp kick on the ankle.

      Michael turned to his mother and despairingly nodded his head.

      Upstairs, Karen was doing her best to comfort Nancy. ‘Things will sort themselves out, they always do. Chances are, that girl is lying just to split you and Michael up and even if she isn’t, it’s you he loves and wants to be with, isn’t it?’

      ‘I don’t want him if she has his baby. I want me and Michael to have children together. It won’t be the same if he already has one. What am I gonna do if Denise is pregnant, Karen? I’ll have to move back home.’

      Before Karen could tell her new-found friend not to do anything rash, the bedroom door opened and Michael walked in. ‘Best I leave yous two to it. See you downstairs, Nancy,’ Karen said, making a quick exit.

      When Michael tried to put his arms around her, Nancy flinched, then pushed him away.

      ‘Babe, it is you I love.’

      ‘Go away. Just leave me alone, Michael. I don’t want you anywhere near me ever again.’

      Downstairs in the kitchen, Ahmed had just discreetly dropped two LSD tabs into a glass of champagne. ‘Do you want to give it to her? Or shall I?’ he asked Vinny.

      ‘Neither. Champ, ’ere a minute,’ Vinny shouted, as his nephew walked past him. Lenny had taken a break from his DJ-ing duties to use the toilet.

      ‘What’s up, Vinny? You do like my music, don’t you?’

      Vinny ruffled his cousin’s thick mop of hair. ‘You’re doing an absolute brilliant job. I’ve poured a glass of beer for you, but if your mum asks it’s shandy, OK? And can you give that glass of champagne to Karen for me? She is standing right by your box of records.’

      ‘Yep, I’ll give it to Karen, and thank you, Vinny. I promise I will tell Mum that mine is a shandy,’ Lenny said, trotting away happily.

      ‘Well?’ Vinny asked his pal.

      Ahmed grinned. ‘He has given it to her, and she is sipping it. Let the fun begin.’

      A short distance away from the party, Colleen was sitting by her fiancé’s bedside, stroking his hand and chatting away to him like she always did when they were alone. Speaking to Roy normally, like he could actually hear her, was the only way Colleen could cope with what had happened, and today she had been telling him that the doctor had told her she

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