and the people already agree to candidate members. And then: one and a half – more and more than one! The people even agree to stay «zero point, five-tenths»: at least, partially, but at the top!»
«So: I read out! Candidates for the positions of members of the Politburo… sorry: the Supreme Council: Solomon, Buddha, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Jesus nicknamed „Christ“…»
Dust from frayed Izzy’s teeth reaches as far as «to the tribune»! Artistically, I insulted him! And you laughed at me! Here’s a lesson for you: «let the sleeping dog lie»! And then: I do not need to apologize, but Jesus! What for? For monstrous ingratitude!
«… Mohammed, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Peter the First, Napoleon, Lenin, Stalin. Candidates for the Politburo… again me: for the members of the Supreme Council! – the following comrades are proposed: Pericles, Charlemagne, Karl Marx, Mao Zedong.
«And instantly it became quiet in the hall», one of the earthly comrades would not have failed to notice. I do not like such pauses – they usually promise the wrong promises. Therefore, I take again: the word, «microphone» and «bull by the horns».
«I suppose it’s not necessary to acquaint you with the biographies of candidates, dear voters: people are all famous and popular! Before why not, you probably already got it yourself. But, as they say, „repetition is the mother of learning“. Everyone knows their predecessors according to the „law of nature“ – it is the „law of history“. In addition, during the preparatory work, the Initiative Group found that almost all those, who „before“ independently got acquainted with the biographies of those, who „after“. I think the explanation of this phenomenon is not surprising. First, that’s the time factor. He was even more than enough… because it was not at all… as such, in the physical sense. Secondly: the idleness factor… blame: lack of employment. People wandered their own thoughts among other thoughts… others – and unwittingly assimilated information. This is me – about those, who are not with their will: there are no such people in the composition of the Supreme Council.»
For the benefit of a little bit, I flatter Jesus: he is probably the only from applicants, who did not fill up the baggage of knowledge. Did not consider it necessary? He believed that he already knows everything… as a «Christ»? Or: «Blessed are the poor in spirit»? If so, then how – «Seek, and ye shall find»? Although – what to take with him: he is a walking paradox! Probably, he thought – and, maybe, still thinks – that the «Son of God» is not supposed to be different.
«As you probably already understood, the Noosphere provides for us an ample opportunity to share knowledge of the past with each other – and not only on their „floors“! After all, She herself is a data bank, a „accumulator“ of knowledge and experience. Hence, it is not surprising that the overwhelming majority of you – if not all – were able to at least „hear“ about each other. Moreover, „not everyone got into our tight circle“! Random people we have not found! Here everything is people of thought and deed!»
I see how the breasts of my colleagues in the Noosphere begin to roll out with a wheel, and how their eyes overflow with admiration for themselves, and a little bit for me. Again, I – well done: «our sorrowful work will not be lost!» Already «not lost»! And why? That’s because a man – «he in Africa also»… that is, in the Noosphere is man:" a kind word and a cat is nice!». Now you can «take colleagues completely warm»!
«Have you any objections or additions to the list?»
The question is not at all a tribute to the form and protocol: everyone wants to «light up at the top». But «the hotel is not rubber»! And stick out at the expense of such reputable candidates – to their own detriment! And this is a hopeless case: with his word – versus mine! And then: with some word – on such «eagles»! In every case, I don’t allow me to come to my senses: I don’t delay with a pause.
«Adopted… no objections and additions! Then…»
And at this moment I am tactlessly interrupted. But, as it turns out almost immediately, this is exactly the case, which in Odessa would not fail to notice: «So that they would interrupt me so tactlessly!»
«One minute!»
Again – Caesar! It seems the guy is quite accustomed not only with earthly manners, but also with their «Russian component». Now he «asks» the words with an intelligent raising of the index finger. For complete resemblance to the twentieth century in his hand lacks only the «Parker» with a gold feather. And he does not ask for the word: he takes it without asking.
««I didn’t notice the elephant, as one comrade once said!»
I am just starting to «bulge out» and «weigh out», as they interrupt me again.
«Do not be surprised, dear Chairman. I’m here somehow met Lenin and overheard this phrase. True, he honestly referred to another comrade. But now I am talking not about that. As always, you are right, dear Chairman: those, who wanted to replenish their knowledge – the one, praise to the Noosphere, had all the possibilities for this!.. So, here: about the „elephant“…»
Caesar is already addressing voters: I apparently got my own – in any case, «at first».
«How could we forget about our dear Chairman?!»
Once again, Caesar is an unsurpassed skill to cut the truth of the womb without a diplomatic protocol.
«The Chairman is the only link between us all! I have don’t say that thanks to him we are only alive… well, we exist in the human form! But his election to the Supreme Soviet is not a tribute of gratitude, but a vital necessity!»
«What do you suggest, Caesar?»
I go to the voice and I can easily find its owner: Attila. Caesar corresponding gesture immediately assures the guy in readiness to make a proposal.
«I propose to increase the number of members to thirteen!»
Jesus pales: the guy obviously does not like… well: I don’t like this number. Therefore, he had twelve apostles?!
«Do not!»
And who is this? Bah: yes, this is Napoleon!
«What is not necessary, colleague Napoleon?»
«Do not change the quantitative composition, colleague Caesar!»
I barely hang my jaw: «Thank you», brother! Is this your payment for my good attitude to you?!
Caesar clearly agrees with me in the rejection of the audacity of Napoleon. The emperor convulsively pulls the Adam’s apple. Apparently, that’s an earthly habit: there is nothing to swallow here!
«I propose to introduce our dear Chairman to the Supreme Council instead of me!»
Here we have with Caesar jaws hang down simultaneously. And we are not alone! Sorry, brother Napoleon: I did not see a person in the emperor due to the stamps thinking! Having worked my jaw, I begin to moist my eyes.
«Thank you, colleague! But, since a good deed does not go unpunished, I propose to „punish“ a respected colleague of Napoleon with the position of a candidate for the Supreme Council.»
«Could you tell the difference?»
This time I am not «following the trail», because I have no doubt: one of the candidate members. By voice and emanation that’s Charlemagne. Nothing wrong: this is a legitimate interest. And, perhaps, that’s not because of wounded pride: there is the crowd, much more wounded here. It is possible that the comrade is simply interested in the scope of authority. In any case, I want to think that way… for myself and for Karl.
«That’s legal curiosity, colleague Carl! As they say: I hurry to satisfy! Dear voters! Dear candidates… as candidates! First of all: the position of a candidate