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So, here: I personally would not «show» this comrade. And not because he will begin to «oppose»: because his energy is directed in the wrong direction. And you can’t redirect: this is the «matrix»! Of course, he is a man not without ability. If only it were possible to direct his abilities to good deeds!»

      I see Jesus, already, turns pink with pleasure. Man tries to hide the joy, but it does not work. It is understandable: «the dawn of civilization»! Camouflage is from the Stone Age! But, nevertheless… Here, to you – and Izzy! Here, you – and the «lamb of God»! Yes, apparently, I will have to «expose myself» with another line from Vysotsky: «He buried us too early…"! «He» is me. And «us» is Jesus, son of Josef. Comrade is «smoking» more and more: not the «Ural Mountains», but the hidden «Vesuvius»!

      «Only, if «resurrecting» everyone all together, then Paul «will rise again» for company». And my personal opinion is just my personal opinion, which should remain with me. I am here on the same rights as everyone else. Well, except that I am with a small «starting capital», as «the first, who comprehend the essence». But it is like an ignition key in a car: «fuel in tanks» was poured without me…»

      I slap my forehead again under the bulging eyes of the companions: all the time I turn to the twenty-first century! I can’t learn to «fit»!

      «In general, Izzy, you cannot be upset: Pasha „will rise again“, no matter how much I resist it in the soul… or, whatever, I have.»

      Jesus got paled: «I know, that you know, that I know». No, this man is not as simple as Nietzsche painted with Renan at all! Maybe, he did not finish the academies, in fact, but he graduated from the «school of life» «with a gold medal»! Although, «if he had finished the school», he would not have ended on the cross!.. But there is something else that «though»: maybe, he once loved to suffer, in fact – and after all, a lot has happened since then! Having suffered on the cross, the guy obviously got wiser! Now he is not a lamb for the slaughter! And then I bring him to Paul, in which Izzy probably already felt not so much a competitor as an accomplice! Oh, did not Jesus deny the title of «Son of God» only in words? It may well be, that the guy will still show himself – and to the rest he will also show something!

      «Ok, „closer to the body!“, as one comrade said! Let’s decide on the merits: who is for the „resurrection of the list“, please vote?»

      There is full consensus. I request who is «against», who is «abstained» for order… for protocol, that is. Those, of course, are «absent»: both according to logic, and to common sense. I visit Vernadsky for a moment: we left somewhere close, because Izzy wandered by itself, not alphabetically. I have no problems with the old man: not for beauty, he «discovered» the noosphere!

      I return to the satellites.

      «Well, well… Let’s begin. „As an honorable saint, as an honorary pope of… our kingdom“…»

      The alchemist’s mouth is being opened from such blasphemy against the will of the «rightholder!», I am making the amendment in order to avoid misunderstanding.

      «It’s joke! This is from mov…»

      This time I compare centuries in time.

      «… well, let’s say: from the book. But, if in fact, on the rights of the copyright holder – sorry for the pun! – as the first one, who managed to manifest himself and manifest in all senses, I ask the respected Noosphere…»

      For the first time, having «called» my place of residence with a capital letter, I wonder – and my face brightens from an attack of genius.

      «Here, really, really: «Doubts – away: I am a genius!» Just now I had a wonderful password, which is re much better than «Open Sesame!»

      «Do speak – do not torture us!» the companions put their hands to the chest in unison.

      «There is nothing secret, that would not become obvious!».

      Companions’ faces are subjected to synchronous charm and delight: that’s both beautiful, and on the theme! Better not say it! Probably, the Noosphere itself is of the same opinion, because the very next moment from the announcement of the password there a lot of souls around… it would be… if not competent device Noosphere with division into floors, sectors and blocks.

      «How many people are here!»

      First of all, we unanimously pay tribute to the quantitative composition. After that, all together and each separately begin a «quality acceptance».

      «Bah, there are all familiar faces!»

      I cannot stand the first: affects the superiority in training. I remember, if not all, then many, at least most of those, whom I «personally know» from their portraits in history books. And even if it is not uncommon the similarity is very remote, but it is suitable for identification.

      In front of me is a whole gallery of «portraits»: Phidias, Miron, Policlet, Archimedes, Aristotle, Alexander. They are followed by the Romans, from Romulus to Caesar. With philosophical detachment, the Buddha follows. Behind him is Mohammed. An endless stream of famous and quite unknown all sorts of cases the master. People go labor of mental and physical. Although I am not surprised, but I state with pleasure: there is not a single slacker, even from those, whom I do not know, comes the spirit of creativity.

      «Our mutual friend» Paul appears from somewhere «from a corner» – and immediately goes to Jesus. Izzy confusedly looks back at me. I nod my head.

      «Let me introduce you to each other: Jesus, son of Joseph, who has been „Son of God“ for a short time – and „super-twelfth apostle“ Paul, „in girlhood“ tax collector Saul, one of the most consistent persecutors of followers of „Christ“.»

      Izzy and Pasha blush together: «the show was a success». No wonder I tried. But this slight «trampling down» does not prevent them from devouring each other’s eyes. Not from hunger: from interest, which is mutual, to my surprise. It seems, that the men «found» not only themselves, but also each other. Interesting «singing»: something will be next? Okay: «go ahead!»

      «Well, while you meet, I will glance at the contingent. For «for business – time, for fun – an hour!» or, as one comrade put it more precisely: «Stop Stop having fun! It’s time to work!»

      «I’m with you!» The alchemist immediately props me with his shoulder. Jesus’ shoulder is «out of stock». The comrade is already busy with another comrade: both «absorb each other». Well, okay: what to happen – that cannot be avoided. It is me – not only about myself… even not so much about myself… And, if quite frankly: not at all about myself…

      Chapter five

      «The people» «resurrect» on the floors – according to the «establishment» of the Noosphere and common sense. By the way – about the Noosphere: the capital letter seems to be affirmed not only in me, but also «in the atmosphere». We with it – me and the «atmosphere» – are already grasping the fact, that our hostess is not a soulless body of knowledge, but something «alive» and supernatural.

      But – back to the egg: the process of «resurrection» finally gets until the twentieth century. If the ancient Greeks are «familiar all faces», then the faces of the «newly manifested» are even more so. Lenin, Stalin, Mao – all those, who created something – manifest themselves. Even Adolf Aloizovich is «manifesting»: the «Third Reich» is listed behind him. Not a «millennial», but still! And, here, something other than the representatives of the twentieth century is not visible: neither Gorbachev, nor Yeltsin, nor Putin, nor American presidents, with the exception of Franklin Roosevelt. Not deserved, however. In the Noosphere – if you follow the «letter» – only creators are credited. By itself, a position is not an act of creativity. for Misha and Boris are only the ruins… and eternal oblivion. Ending

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