you have the right to ask me such a question. But all the others have the right to ask me already. As well as answering them «for myself and for that guy No, brother: nothing is better than the state – with all its depravity – are not invented yet. Well, agree? Or «cave communism» is better?!»
I slyly smile – and Jesus freezes in the tense waiting for another trick: the boy has already studied me a little.
«And biblical paradise is not anarchy either! Not only are angels distributed by rank, so not all souls acquire equal rights: some will still be… well, they must turn out to be „more equal than others“! Remember: those, who suffered for „Christ“, will take the best places in paradise out of turn! Even the „Abraham’s bosom“ is for the elect! What about the control of „fellow souls“? All of them are „covered in participation“: they give and give praise under the watchful eye of the cherubs at the seraphim singing!»
The guy grieved – it shows in his face. He clearly prefers much less of my acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures. And then: even the fool will understand, that these are additional difficulties. And Izzy has already proved that he, with all his ignorance, is far from a fool. So much the worse for him: I vigorously deploy the offensive:
«Summary: orderliness is in everything! And the state is the highest (of known) form of order! So, let’s not „reinvent the wheel“!»
I smile shyly and lay my hands on my chest guiltily.
«Sorry, brother: again I run ahead of the locomotive!.. Ugh, you! I wanted to say… In general… if you return to the theme of the state, then you do not need to invent anything new, because the new is well forgotten old. Well, what: consensus?»
One of my question marks, Jesus increases to three. Once again, without pretending to originality, the failed opponent once again turns out to be an honest guy.
«We will build a state… at the place of stay?»
Jesus silently throws up his hands: «consensus» is understood and achieved.
«Brother Alchemist!» I return to the life of a bored colleague. «Are you standing for the need of the state – or how?»
«I stand for it – and not, anyhow: shoulder to shoulder with you!»
This is how the cinema-like Chapaev and his evasive «I, comrades, for the International!» In the context of this claim I give alchemist a friendly clap on the shoulder.
«Thank you, brother, for a subtle understanding of social issues! And now the question is for both. Tell me, friends: how are we going to vote candidates: individually or by list?»
This time, the jaws of both satellites hang down «in unison»: again I «do not correspond to the era».
«Sorry, guys. I just wanted to ask about how we will „resurrect“ the comrades: one by one or in a crowd?.. I am already reading the question on your faces: „what am I doing?“ Moreover, my friends, that I am not a strong man! Piece „revitalization“ in droves I will not pull! You see that… you see nothing! Nobody is still showing up. And that means – what? And this means, that they can do nothing, and I am elected really! And not because it is so good: because someone has decided so! But there are many of them, but I am alone! Already only a detour will drive me to the grave… well, that is… well, you understand what I wanted to say. Therefore, let’s solve the question of how the respected Jesus expressed it, „in principle“.»
Having been remembered – and not in the already usual critical plan – Jesus immediately «takes the form of God»: he is concerned about his face. It is unlikely because he wants to show, that he is not here «from the side of the bow». The man obviously «pretends something to something».
«And what kind of people are supposed to „revive“?»
Due to the exhaustive, I would even say, comprehensive answer, Jesus «leaves the podium». I direct my eyes – with a question together – on the alchemist. He immediately gives out a face of uncertainty on his face – and modifies the image with the same shoulder movement.
«I trust you completely, Teacher!»
I see Jesus as much as he jerks from this appeal: he is the Rabbi! Teacher, that is! Well, «for the general improvement of the body» it is more than useful.
«But… You did say yourself: the people are different. How would we do not „revive“ those, who are not needed?»
I am immediately filled with a soothing gesture.
«Your doubts are clear, brother alchemist, but absolutely groundless. You have forgotten that the noosphere is not a paradise, which, exist it, would surely be the refuge of any stupid rabble.»
Jesus qualitatively turns green face, but I’m not going to stop the medical procedure. This is not just bitterness. This is the bitterness of the medicine. It makes sense to suffer. In his own interests: «The more tears there are, the more relief: in tears, lies the cure!»
«Noosphere is a sphere of knowledge!»
«A-a-a-a!» The alchemist blurs into a smile. «How did you say: „Not everyone got into our tight circle!“?»
«Actually, it wasn’t me, who said it… But you are right: here, only the chosen ones! I will not lie: the criteria for selectivity are unknown to me. Although, I think that here „not fools are sitting!“ Well, so as not to miss the fools. Of course, the people here are indeed different, as well as the contribution of each individual to the common body of knowledge. But there are no fools here definitely.»
«And the opponents?»
Well, the alchemist: he has bright head really! But at the same time, to once again admire, I painfully frown: he told me this question – like a fist in the gut! At the same time, I notice how Jesus stares alive. It turns out that the «volcano of passions» has not yet died out: «it smokes in places»! Well, well, comrade..
«You’re right, buddy: opponents with brains, too, „manifest“. Of course, this is additional trouble. More than that: additional strength of materials.»
There is the next «unison» of companions – in the presence and on the face. Comrades do not pick and choose: this is again «I do not correspond».
«This is the science of the resistance of various materials. For example: it is harder to move in water than in the air, but…»
«Got it!»
There is hardly any need to clarify, that the author of the replica is an alchemist. Jesus at this time «iron» corresponds to the installation: «we Academies did not finish» I «go back to the microphone».
«Yes, on the one hand it is bad. But, on the other hand… The New always makes its way in the struggle with the old. Truth, as is known, is born in disputes. And nobody has yet canceled the laws of nature: the unity and struggle of opposites, the equality of the force of action to the force of opposition, and the angle of incidence – the angle of reflection. Well, and so on.»
I place the alchemist’s shoulder on a friendly side.
«And then, do not forget the heroic beginning. It is not for nothing that it is said: „And all our life is a struggle!“, and „And an eternal battle – we only dream of peace!“ also.»
«Well said!» Alchemist gets comfortable in my arms. «And by whom?»
«By two different comrades. And two opinions are almost a fact.»
I see that Jesus was already pretty tired with the prelude. It delayed somewhat, in fact. Well, after all,