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do we need him?»

      That’s right, Izzy: «we»! As the saying goes, «let’s drink for the fact, that none of us, no matter how high it takes off, should not break away from the team!» You are on the right track, Lord… sorry: Jesus!»

      I unfold an overbearing – and even «commander in chief» – glance at Jesus. The guy instantly «disappears with his eyes»: he is already beginning to understand life.

      «The question is correct and timely. We are not looking for our own kind: here they alone are. As they say, it would be something to look for. No, brother: we need not just humans – we need comrades!»

      «Fishermen of men?» Jesus comes to life… or Christ is in Jesus.

      I grin – correctly and economically.

      «No, brother. We need apostles not of faith, but of deeds only. Sorry, but we don’t need your company.»

      «???» Jesus never ceases to be honest. That is, does not cease to be a man.

      «Not everyone got into our tight circle»!»


      Rejection of the question marks in the eye indicates that Jesus, even without being acquainted with Vysotsky, is familiar with common sense. This should be appreciated – and I appreciate it.

      «This world… let’s call it so – is not a garbage can…»

      Even a dark complexion does not interfere with Jesus to blush qualitatively. I still knowingly suspected the man presence of brains. It already begins to seem to me, that in our century he would have descended for his… if he had not opened his mouth: silence is gold.

      «I see, Izzy: you already are „on the way to the truth“! Yes, brother: it is very regrettable, but your accomplices… blame: allies… they are not needed in this world! They did not pass the competitive selection!»

      «In this world?»

      No, the guy obviously is «not smarter than a locomotive». But we, too, «are not sewn up», and «are not made with a finger»! And I squeeze a condescending smile on my face.

      – Don’t, mate! You have long understood, that «there is no hell, no heaven in the shine of heaven»!»

      «Why are you – so?»

      «This is not me: this is LaVey, „Satan’s Bible“! But, in this case, I agree with him!.. Like you also…»

      «Like me?!»

      Jesus reflexively holds his hands behind his back. I’m grinning.

      «Izzy, it will not save you from voting! Yes, you have already voted!»

      At this time, the sponsored remains without text: «matured» and «reached».

      «Well, here: «And you were afraid!»

      I am once again satisfied with the sight of the «fallen idol», but – quickly and without unnecessary suffering for the object of work now. The guy is already «on the path of correction»: he recognizes his subordinate position – why should «wipe my feet on him»… at least, not through time?!

      «Am I alone really…»

      Jesus does not even ask: ascertains. Moreover, he is «killing himself» and «sprinkles himself with ashes». In such circumstances, you need to condescend to him: he is still useful!

      «And I am alone, completely alone with my healthy team!» I twist my cheek.

      «???» Izzy does not turn on. I apologize by my eyes quickly. I feel: that’s not enough – and «turn on the sound»:

      «The song was like that. The comic song it was. But, as you know, in every joke there is just a fraction of the joke.»

      «…» Izzy doesn’t betray him.

      «This is me – to the fact, that you are not alone, mate, if we are here!»

      And I make a wide circle gesture, covering us with the alchemist, who all this time silently shook my disrespect for «our Lord Jesus Christ». The glance of Jesus is getting a little clearer.

      «I understand it. As the saying goes: «do we have no idea?»

      My jaw falls off: here, you – the first century A.D.»! He is – our man almost! And then: in the «gods» fools do not go! And if they do, they are not accepted!

      «But, nevertheless: is there really no one here?!»

      That’s not a question, but a cry of the soul! I sigh and scrub my badly shaved cheek.

      «God knows, Izzy!.. I think that only one person has chances: Paul.»

      The face of Jesus is drawn out: a classic demonstration of genuine amazement.

      «Who is it?!»

      I curl cheek guilty, additionally «condemning» myself by slapping the palm of my hand over the forehead.

      «Sorry, brother: I completely forgot!»

      «What exactly?»

      «Well, the fact, that you did not know this „ally“ during your life!»

      «Is he impostor?»

      I artistically twist my cheek – on the subject of confirmation. I cough shyly.

      «Hmm… hm… Well, how do you say…»

      «Tell me how it is!»

      «Then let it be so: he is a part-time ally!»


      «Well, well: part-time student, and, by the way, not one of the last. And, if absolutely precisely: the first! And the first is not in the order of vocation: according to the mind and merits!»


      Jesus is not original, but honest. I «I condescend» to him once again.

      «The most curious thing is that Paul deserved not only for himself. No, he himself, of course, did not forget – and in the first place. But that’s just because he could not forget himself only through you! After all, he built you as the „god of durable“ like durable goods. Do not be offended, Izzy: if there were no Paul, there would be no Christ! They would have forgotten you within a week after Calvary! There were a lot of such „gods“ hung on the crosses! And this man „raised the banner“, „unfolded“ it, finished your image – and forward, to the victory of Christianity! You – the real Jesus – of course, did not know… until now. Therefore, when we meet Paul – and we will surely meet him – I ask you: do not strike at once! Maybe, this guy will fit us also!»

      Jesus silently shakes his head: whether in agreement, or grieving to what he heard.

      «And I thought, that everything had already been said on the cross…»

      «I hope you do not mean the words „Lord, why did you leave me?!“, and even more so: „It is finished!“?»

      I am once again disrespectful to the image, but for medicinal purposes exclusively: in the interest of truth. Jesus suddenly grins.

      «Do you think, that the cross is the most suitable place for beautiful speeches?!»

      I cannot stand – and applaud. And then: here, to you – the first century! Even it becomes somehow embarrassing for the former «standing on a friend». It turns out that I hurry with conclusions due to the cost of atheistic education!

      «Bravo, Izzy! I think that not only I, but Nietzsche himself would have softened his grades – and even bowed his head!»


      The forehead of Jesus is going to harmonica bellows.

      «Is he a student impostor also?»

      «No, brother: he is your biographer. He is respectable, but disrespectful.»


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