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I really understand you correctly… then you offer me participation in the arrangement?»

      «Yes!» I repay to the son of a carpenter. He sighs and shakes his head already «in a different sense».

      «That is, we do not take the Lord into account?»

      What an unexpected wording for «Christ»! The guy is clearly doing well… on the road to materialism… although I make mistake.

      «There is not Him, Izzy!»

      Jesus frowns painfully – and I «spill the balm».

      «At least, there is not him here! Although, if we are here and he is not, then he is not anywhere! Even if somewhere there is something in addition to «this»! After all, you yourself said: «Where two or three have gathered in my name – there I am with them!» And if he is not with them… with us, that is, then… to «no» there is no trial! Well, agree: this is elementary logic!

      «Balm», as always, is not enough – and I «replace» it with a «bitter pill». Poor Jesus, there is nothing left but to swallow, at least, because… there is nothing else left… due to the lack of «nothing else» in stock.

      «And then, Izzy: we are here with you! And another habitat for us will not be! Even, if it is theoretically allowed, that the Lord does exist, then we will have to, you want, you do not want, to admit that he exists in another dimension. Somewhere „there“, in another world, which with our does not intersect! You yourself see the environment: not a damn thing does not surround us! Hence the question: what, and let us wander with thoughts… and even if looking through the desert… absent?! Or spit on the conventions…»

      «Is Lord just „convention“?»

      «Well: „to the discrepancy of the canon“…»

      «Spit it out»?!»

      Izzy, do not try my patience! I have it not so much, and it is not long-playing! But then, «after what you go, you will find it!»

      «Well: „close our eyes“! Does this wording suit you?»

      I already have a link in the upper octave – and Jesus clearly refuses «wake the sleeping dog». In other words: he remains, albeit without mimicry, but without text.

      «Hence the classic choice: «pro» or «contra»? Sorry, mate, but «terciam non datur»! Translation, I think, is not required: it is unlikely that the Roman procurator of Judea spoke the language of the aborigines. You daring him in Latin, wasn’t that’s you?

      Jesus nods his head.

      «I understand your question. Not the last one: the first.»

      Oh, how he left the confession of impudence! What do you say: well done! But it’s another reason for alarm for the future.

      «Of course, I am "pro"…in principle…»

      What is this news?! Comrade obviously forgotten! More than that: more and more actively unbelted! Here and indulge the little boy! A little boy, it turns out – «with a fly in his nose»!

      «What does this „principle“ mean?!»

      Jesus does not suddenly hesitate: getting used to, or what?

      «This means, that I agree with the idea of arrangement, but I would like to clarify: on what ideas?»

      «It’s funny!» I refuse to smile easily. «With the idea… on what ideas?! Yes, you, it turns out, you can work not only with women and boys! Renan put you up for nothing!»

      «What kind of Renan?»

      I wave my hand.

      «One of your «sympathizers».

      Judging by the acetic expression on his face, Jesus easily «took apart the quotes». On this occasion, it is advisable to a little «splash balm pick».

      «By the way, quotes can be omitted: man did not decide on the verdict… But this is so: a lyrical digression… What regards your question…»

      I think artistically: I connect the palm and already thoroughly overgrown chin to the process. Here, to you – «soul of thoughts»! Here, to you – «because we are no longer on earth»! It turns out, that life is life everywhere, and not necessarily this, which is the form of existence of protein bodies!

      «You are right: ideas are fundamentally.»

      I intelligently hold the guy under the elbow: both «demonstrate» and «ask» at the same time. The last is in every sense at once: both the direction of his thoughts, and the right tone for both of us.

      «Well: let’s go on milestones. That you once declared himself King of the Jews!»

      «You say!»

      «Oh!» I am wincing without any arts, that is, genuinely. «Just do not, Izzy!»

      «What is not needed?»

      Jesus honestly hangs his lips: the guy is already in the subject, but do not know also.

      «Nothing is needed: neither the then evasiveness, nor today’s!»

      Jesus’ eyes suddenly get wet – and he feels tremulously, both in his nose and in his voice.

      «Has it really „reached“ to you?»

      «Yes, so that you, there, do not mean: my brains, or our age! But I ask you: keep it simple! As one comrade from Chekhov said: „Arkady, don’t talk beautifully!“ I do not interrogate you, and do not catch the word! Your confessions are not needed to me, but I need your complicity in the creative process. And you, instead…»

      I sadly wave my hand, while generously forgiving Jesus the theoretically possible rudeness. And it seems, my efforts do not disappear in vain.


      Sniffing, Jesus courageously draws a line under this topic. And rightly so: a more interesting one is waiting for us – and not one.

      «Only I have a small clarification: I did not declare myself the King of the Jews, but they declared me! And this is me – not about the procurator.»

      «Do you mean a group of mates?»


      «But you did not mind?»

      With the intonation of the voice, I de facto remove the question mark.

      «Khe-khe…» Jesus begins to diligently clear his throat.

      «But you did not mind?» I climbed an octave higher – and Jesus nods with his head doomedly.

      «I did not mind…»

      «But the king is the ruler of the kingdom, isn’t he? That is, he is the first person of the state? Leader, can I say?»

      I do not need to develop a theme and put pressure on Jesus: the guy «turns on» instantly.

      «That is, you want to say, that I stood for the idea of the state?»

      «Do you want to say something against?»

      Jesus almost smiles guiltily – and throws up his hands.

      «You’re right: I stood for the need of the state. But my kingdom was supposed to be „not of this world“. Do you feel the difference? So that „don’t get me right“, but „God is Gods, and Caesar is Caesar“!»

      «This is «from another opera»!» I scorn my hand. «The logia are not clearly on the subject of «heavenly device»! This, as I understand it, was only about the banal tax payment. If wider: on the execution of laws. So, «from the world»,» not «from the world», but the kingdom is a form of government in the form of autocracy!»

      Jesus looks down with embarrassment.

      «Yes, but – the state in heaven… in paradise, that is…»


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