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expression of horror» completely replaces the «pallor» «on the face of the first comer». I continue to kill the comrade of true life.

      «Well, if you really are the Almighty, connect! Say «Be it!» – and it will be! As far as I remember, you threatened to «build the temple in three days»! So there was the temple, and here is just an image! Go ahead, man: act! Only about the «wicked people»… that’s no longer needed: there no fools here! You understand: there is no one to «hang noodles on the ears»! And nowhere!


      The man «frantically swallows saliva»: obviously did not expect such an excess of the truth of life.

      «You are Jesus of Nazareth!» I do without a question mark. I do it like the surgeon: no pity – but in favor! The guy shudders and drooped shoulders.

      «Yes, I am Jesus, the Son…»

      «With a capital letter, please!»

      I «make a test shot» without the slightest compassion to the object of work. And then: «if not me – then who?!» Jesus, who is the «Son», «pulls his shoulder» again, because he is confronted with reality again, even if not as primitive as Renan’s.

      «I don’t understand you, son…»

      «The son of my father!» I appear to be the first «at the microphone» again. «Just as real as your dad is a carpenter! Therefore, let’s better – without the „fathers“ and „sons“! At a minimum, don’t claim a capital letter: „walk“ with a capital letter! Otherwise, I will demand proof!»

      «The wicked and adulterous race seeks for signs…» «the voice of «Jesus» trembles – and I do not stand it.

      «Again… But I asked you. I did want the best! Well, then do not say, that I did not warn you! So: if you do not want to get the bad, in the good it will be even worse! Simply put: if you once again talk about the „wicked one“, I will leave you…»

      The guy freezes with a «drooping jaw».

      «… No, not without sweet: without development!»


      Well, what’s the demand for it: the first century… A.D.! This is «collective farm», in one word! Darkness! Gray!

      «You will remain „insensible spirit“!»

      The man «bends in the knees». I do not stay away from the process, of course. That is – with the «medical gun at the temple».

      «Do you agree to remain nee Jesus – without claims on Christ?»

      The man «drops a tear»: it’s difficult to part with the ranks, but to part with self-deception it’s unbearable completely.

      «Do not delay, Izzy!»

      I «extend my hand to Jesus, at the same time trampling on Christ with my feet».

      «Take sin from the soul! It will be easier immediately: I know!»

      That’s from the movie a little bit, but, in fact, it’s true. The object of the work «sighs»: the step is in the right direction. As they say: «it’s more a little, it’s more a little bit».

      «Well, confess it! I do not hang you „aggravating circumstances“! That’s though intent, but without mercenary motives! You… how is it?.. not only not for the golden-silver, but „suffered for all mankind“ also! Word of a gentleman: it will be counted! Sincere confession mitigates punishment! And in your case completely free! Well, what’s your opinion?»

      «Izzy» «drops his head»: he is consonant.

      «Why did you hesitated – you had to immediately confessed!» I approve of the ward under the expression of horror on the face of the alchemist. Here, you and «advanced thoughts»: hole in the ass is not iron! As they say, «There is no God, but the hell knows!»

      «And for this – here you are from the „kind of evil and adulterous“!»

      Finally I «stand» on the object, once again, but already in the process of work. The effect is amazing! Jesus slowly appears in the air. Looking around, and then feeling himself, he stares at me with awe and not at all reverent envy.

      «So this is you?!»


      I am «frivolous», but I resolutely renounce other people’s laurels: there are enough of them.

      «I’m not him! That is – not you… Well, that is… not the Anointed! I would explain to you… if you understood…»

      This man, albeit from the first century, but insulted at the level of the twentieth. I relate it not to his merits, but to mine: I «attached» him, although it is accessible in form, but thoroughly. And what of this: isn’t it «available in form «one boxer puts another?! There is a big mind it is not required – neither to «attach», nor to understand, that you have been «attached»!

      «So, be content, brother, with what you are… in kind and full size!»

      Jesus shakes his head – not conditional now.

      «I’m not self-serving for the sake of…»

      «That’s why you are „developed film“!» I frown: I do not like to come back to the covered material! Well, this is not the case, when repetition is the mother of learning! «Izzy, we know your „beautiful spirits“! And for this we deeply appreciate you and even respect you! But just do not need more attempts to improve the human breed! Well, there is no in stock, the human breed, I mean!»

      Illustrating the text, I move my hand around the mental space.

      «Do you see, at least, one object of educational work?»

      «…» Jesus remains honest.

      «Here you go! We now, my friend, we should not think about improving, but about finding the material. And why? That’s because as one comrade sang: „After all, we have not been on Earth for a long time!“ Feel that… you feel nothing?»

      Jesus again honestly refuses the image of the Lord.

      «Here, this and that!»

      I don’t show off… well, well: I don’t show off too much against the background of one who, when he was an earthling, declared himself «the Son of God». Although, I will not deny: «standing up» precisely on this comrade… or rather, on his ambitions is not the last pleasure.

      «What are we going to do?»

      Jesus, it seems, resolutely – in all his indecision – refuses to claim the role of Christ. Now in front of me… in front of us with the alchemist – is a small, confused, useless Jew from the prehistoric era. And this is not an insult: all «declared» is in stock. How can you not remember Celsus and Tertullian: «terrible face and body». I will not say anything for the greatness of the spirit: I have not yet become acquainted, but everything else is in existence. «Christ» is a crook, a short-legged man and disproportionately large head – obviously, not due to an excess of brains. In a word – in a few words: disproportionately folded, face dark, black-haired, curly-headed, and with a hunchbacked nose. The general impression is: life is not a fairy tale of John Chrysostom! They dressed the classic Jew in the ancient god – and now I have to «clear this mess» and «enjoy the spectacle»… of the truths of life!

      «What we are going to do? First of all, dear „Lord“…»

      Well, now, I cannot deny myself the pleasure to «stand up» again on «our Lord»! I understand, that is not good, but I cannot! They «fed me spiritually» so that they «fed me» to vomiting! So that, as they say: «I return your portrait»!

      «… So, first of all, my friend, „let’s go on milestones“! We will look for people… among people!»



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