The Dinner Year-Book. Marion Harland

The Dinner Year-Book - Marion Harland

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Chickens and Macaroni.


       Parsnip Cakes.

       Whipped Potatoes.

       Jam Roley-Poley.

       Wine Sauce.

       Apples and Nuts,

       White Soup.

       Langue de Bœuf, or Beef’s Tongue.

       Sauce Piquante.

       Fried Brains and Green Peas.

       Hominy Croquettes.

       Cold Slaw.

       Brown Betty.

       Potato Soup.

       Fried Oysters.

       Roast Mutton.

       Spinach à la Crème.

       Potatoes Stewed Whole.

       French Tapioca Custard.

       Old Hare Soup.

       Hot Pot.

       Cucumber Pickles

       Turnips with White Sauce.

       Boiled Rice au Genève.

       Cabinet Pudding.

       Cabinet Pudding Sauce.


       Clear Vermicelli Soup.

       Stewed Ducks.

       Fried Apples and Bacon.

       Potatoes à la Reine.

       Mashed Carrots.

       Potato Pie.

       Oranges and Bananas.

       Blanche’s Soup.

       Duck Paté.

       Sweet Potatoes, Boiled.


       Cup Custards—Boiled.

       Cut, or Fancy Cake,

       Family Soup.

       Rolled Beef.

       Browned Potatoes—Whole.

       Baked Tomatoes.

       Apple Sauce.

       Unity Pudding.

       Cream Sauce.

       Split Pea Soup.

       Fricasseed Chicken—Brown.

       Ladies’ Cabbage.

       Baked Potatoes.

       Stewed Salsify.

       Soft Gingerbread.

       Café au Lait.

       Dundee Broth.

       Baked Calf’s Head.

       French Beans and Fried Brains.

       Stewed Tomatoes.

       Potatoes in Cases.


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