The Arts in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance. P. L. Jacob

The Arts in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance - P. L. Jacob

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7. Casque, Morion, and Helmets 82 8. Entrance of Queen Isabella of Bavaria into Paris. From Froissart’s “Chronicles” 118 9. Jewelled Crosses of the Visigoths, found at Guarrazar. Seventh Century 124 10. Drageoir, or Table Ornament. German work 154 11. Clock of Damaskeened Iron of the Fifteenth Century; and Watches of the Sixteenth Century 180 12. Francis I. and Eleanor his Wife at their Devotions. Sixteenth Century 266 13. The Dream of Life, a Fresco by Orcagna 276 14. St. Catherine and St. Agnes, by Margaret van Eyck 300 15. Clovis the First and Clotilde his Wife 352 16. Decoration of La Sainte-Chapelle, Paris 386 17. Coronation of Charles the Fifth of France. From Froissart’s “Chronicles” 464 18. Panel of a Book-cover of the Ninth Century 472 19. Diptych of Ivory 474
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Abbey of St. Denis 416
Alhambra, Interior of the 405
Alphabet, Specimen of Grotesque 327
Altar-cloth of the Fifteenth Century 30
“ Cross ascribed to St. Eloi 137
“ of Gold 130
“ Tray and Chalice 31
Arch, Restoration of a Norman 343
Archer of Normandy 79
Archers of the Fifteenth Century, France 88
Arles, Sculptures on St. Trophimus 384, 385
Armour, Convex, of the Fifteenth Century 84
“ Knights in complete 89
“ Lion 90
“ of the Duc d’Alençon 92
“ Plain, of the Fifteenth Century 83
Arms of the Cardmakers of Paris 250
“ Goldsmiths of Paris 160
Arquebus with Wheel and Match 103
Arquebusier 102
Atelier of Etienne Delaulne 158
Bagpiper, Thirteenth Century 199
Banner of Paper-makers of Paris 422
“ Printers-Booksellers of Angers 479
“ Printers-Booksellers of Autun 484
“ Saddlers of Tonnerre 121
“ Sword-cutlers of Angers 105
“ Tapestry Workers of Lyons 51
Banners of Corporations 161
Banquet in the Fifteenth Century 12
Basilica of Constantine, at Trèves 374
Basilica of St. Peter’s, Rome, Interior of 407
Bas-relief in carved wood 34
Battle-axe and Pistol, Sixteenth Century 104
Bed furnished with Canopy and Curtains 19
Belfry of Brussels 404
Bell in a Tower of Siena, Twelfth Century 206