The Arts in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance. P. L. Jacob

The Arts in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance - P. L. Jacob

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468 Book of the Gospels of Charlemagne 447 Consecration of a Bishop 449 Dante’s “Paradiso” 466 Evangelist, An, transcribing 415 Four Sons of Aymon 458 Les Femmes Illustres 461 Margrave of Baden’s “Livre d’Heures” 469 Miniature of the Thirteenth Century 457 Missal of the Eleventh Century 452 Order of the Holy Ghost, Instituting the 464 Psalter of John, Duke of Berry 462 Psalter of the Thirteenth Century 455 “Roman de Fauvel,” from the 459 “Virgil,” in the Vatican, Rome 444 Mirror for Hand or Pocket 25 Monochord played with a Bow 221 Musician sounding Military Trumpet 202 Musicians playing on the Flute, &c. 198 “ “ Violin 219 Nabulum, Ninth Century 211 Notre-Dame la Grande of Poitiers 383 “ Paris 390 “ Rouen 379 Organ, Great, of the Twelfth Century 204 “ Pneumatic, of the Fourth Century 203 “ Portable, of the Fifteenth Century 205 “ with single Key-board 205 Organistrum, Ninth Century 213 Oxford, Saloon of the Schools 396 Painting on Wood, Canvas, &c.:— Baptism of King Clovis 286 Christ crowned with Thorns 304 Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci 292 Princess Sibylla of Saxony 305 St. Ursula 302 Sketch of the Virgin of Alba 312 The Holy Family 294 The Holy Virgin, St. George, and St. Donat 300 The Last Judgment 311 The Patriarch Job 290 The Tribute Money 309 Paper-maker, The 420 Pendant, adorned with Diamonds, &c. 164 “ after a Design by Benvenuto Cellini 150 Playing-Cards:— Ancient French 236 Buffoon, from a Pack of Tarots 230 Charles VI. on his Throne 233 Engravings, Coloured, analogous to Playing-Cards 227 From a Game of “Logic” 245 German Round-shaped 247 Italian Tarots 242 Justice 231 King of Acorns 244 Knave of Clubs 238 Knight from a Pack engraved by “The Master of 1466” 249 La Damoiselle 248 Moon, The 231 Roxana, Queen of Hearts 242 Specimen of the Sixteenth Century 236 Three and Eight of Bells 243 Two of a Pack of German Lansquenet 245 Two of Bells 244 Porte de Hal, Brussels 410 Pottery Figures, Fragments of 68
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