The Complete Poems of Robert Browning - 22 Poetry Collections in One Edition. Robert Browning
Except to see how their successors fare?
My audience! and they sit, each ghostly man
Striving to look as living as he can,
Brother by breathing brother; thou art set,
Clear-witted critic, by… but I ‘ll not fret
A wondrous soul of them, nor move death’s spleen
Who loves not to unlock them. Friends! I mean
The living in good earnest — ye elect
Chiefly for love — suppose not I reject
Judicious praise, who contrary shall peep,
Some fit occasion, forth, for fear ye sleep,
To glean your bland approvals. Then, appear,
Verona! stay — thou, spirit, come not near
Now — not this time desert thy cloudy place
To scare me, thus employed, with that pure face!
I need not fear this audience, I make free
With them, but then this is no place for thee!
The thunder-phrase of the Athenian, grown
Up out of memories of Marathon,
Would echo like his own sword’s griding screech
Braying a Persian shield, — the silver speech
Of Sidney’s self, the starry paladin,
Turn intense as a trumpet sounding in
The knights to tilt, — wert thou to hear! What heart
Have I to play my puppets, bear my part
Before these worthies?
Lo, the past is hurled
In twain: upthrust, out-staggering on the world,
Subsiding into shape, a darkness rears
Its outline, kindles at the core, appears
Verona. ‘T is six hundred years and more
Since an event. The Second Friedrich wore
The purple, and the Third Honorius filled
The holy chair. That autumn eve was stilled:
A last remains of sunset dimly burned
O’er the far forests, like a torch-flame turned
By the wind back upon its bearer’s hand
In one long flare of crimson; as a brand,
The woods beneath lay black. A single eye
From all Verona cared for the soft sky.
But, gathering in its ancient market-place,
Talked group with restless group; and not a face
But wrath made livid, for among them were
Death’s staunch purveyors, such as have in care
To feast him. Fear had long since taken root
In every breast, and now these crushed its fruit,
The ripe hate, like a wine: to note the way
It worked while each grew drunk! Men grave and grey
Stood, with shut eyelids, rocking to and fro,
Letting the silent luxury trickle slow
About the hollows where a heart should be;
But the young gulped with a delirious glee
Some foretaste of their first debauch in blood
At the fierce news: for, be it understood,
Envoys apprised Verona that her prince
Count Richard of Saint Boniface, joined since
A year with Azzo, Este’s Lord, to thrust
Taurello Salinguerra, prime in trust
With Ecelin Romano, from his seat
Ferrara, — over zealous in the feat
And stumbling on a peril unaware,
Was captive, trammelled in his proper snare,
They phrase it, taken by his own intrigue.
Immediate succour from the Lombard League
Of fifteen cities that affect the Pope,
For Azzo, therefore, and his fellow-hope
Of the Guelf cause, a glory overcast!
Men’s faces, late agape, are now aghast.
“Prone is the purple pavis; Este makes
“Mirth for the devil when he undertakes
“To play the Ecelin; as if it cost
“Merely your pushing-by to gain a post
“Like his! The patron tells ye, once for all,
“There be sound reasons that preferment fall
“On our beloved”…
”Duke o’ the Rood, why not?”
Shouted an Estian, “grudge ye such a lot?
“The hill-cat boasts some cunning of her own,
“Some stealthy trick to better beasts unknown,
“That quick with prey enough her hunger blunts,
“And feeds her fat while gaunt the lion hunts.”
“Taurello,” quoth an envoy, “as in wane
“Dwelt at Ferrara. Like an osprey fain
“To fly but forced the earth his couch to make
“Far inland, till his friend the tempest wake,
“Waits he the Kaiser’s coming; and as yet
“That fast friend sleeps, and he too sleeps: but let
“Only the billow freshen, and he snuffs
“The aroused hurricane ere it enroughs
“The sea it means to cross because of him.
“Sinketh the breeze? His hope-sick eye grows dim;
“Creep closer on the creature! Every day
“Strengthens the Pontiff; Ecelin, they say,
“Dozes now at Oliero, with dry lips
“Telling upon his perished finger-tips
“How many ancestors are to depose
“Ere he be Satan’s Viceroy when the doze
“Deposits him in hell. So, Guelfs rebuilt
“Their houses; not a drop of blood was spilt
“When Cino Bocchimpane chanced to meet
“Buccio Virtù — God’s wafer, and the street
“Is narrow! Tutti Santi, think, a-swarm
“With Ghibellins, and yet he took no harm!
“This could not last. Off Salinguerra went
“To Padua, Podestà, ‘with pure intent,’
“Said he, ‘my presence, judged the single bar
“‘To permanent tranquillity, may jar
“‘No longer’ — so! his back is fairly turned?
“The pair of goodly palaces are burned,
“The gardens ravaged, and our Guelfs laugh, drunk
“A week with joy. The next, their laughter sunk
“In sobs of blood, for they found, some strange way,
“Old Salinguerra back again — I say,
“Old Salinguerra in