The Complete Poems of Robert Browning - 22 Poetry Collections in One Edition. Robert Browning

The Complete Poems of Robert Browning - 22 Poetry Collections in One Edition - Robert  Browning

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This same ungrateful audience, every whelp

       Of Naddo’s litter, make them pass for peers

       With the bright band of old Goito years,

       As erst he toiled for flower or tree? Why, there

       Sat Palma! Adelaide’s funereal hair

       Ennobled the next corner. Ay, he strewed

       A fairy dust upon that multitude,

       Although he feigned to take them by themselves;

       His giants dignified those puny elves,

       Sublimed their faint applause. In short, he found

       Himself still footing a delusive round,

       Remote as ever from the self-display

       He meant to compass, hampered every way

       By what he hoped assistance. Wherefore then

       Continue, make believe to find in men

       A use he found not?

      Weeks, months, years went by

       And lo, Sordello vanished utterly,

       Sundered in twain; each spectral part at strife

       With each; one jarred against another life;

       The Poet thwarting hopelessly the Man —

       Who, fooled no longer, free in fancy ran

       Here, there: let slip no opportunities

       As pitiful, forsooth, beside the prize

       To drop on him some no-time and acquit

       His constant faith (the Poet-half’s to wit —

       That waiving any compromise between

       No joy and all joy kept the hunger keen

       Beyond most methods) — of incurring scoff

       From the Man-portion — not to be put off

       With self-reflectings by the Poet’s scheme,

       Though ne’er so bright. Who sauntered forth in dream,

       Dressed any how, nor waited mystic frames,

       Immeasurable gifts, astounding claims,

       But just his sorry self? — who yet might be

       Sorrier for aught he in reality

       Achieved, so pinioned Man’s the Poet-part,

       Fondling, in turn of fancy, verse; the Art

       Developing his soul a thousand ways —

       Potent, by its assistance, to amaze

       The multitude with majesties, convince

       Each sort of nature that the nature’s prince

       Accosted it. Language, the makeshift, grew

       Into a bravest of expedients, too;

       Apollo, seemed it now, perverse had thrown

       Quiver and bow away, the lyre alone

       Sufficed. While, out of dream, his day’s work went

       To tune a crazy tenzon or sirvent —

       So hampered him the Man-part, thrust to judge

       Between the bard and the bard’s audience, grudge

       A minute’s toil that missed its due reward!

       But the complete Sordello, Man and Bard,

       John’s cloud-girt angel, this foot on the land,

       That on the sea, with, open in his hand,

       A bitter-sweetling of a book — was gone.

      Then, if internal struggles to be one,

       Which frittered him incessantly piecemeal,

       Referred, ne’er so obliquely, to the real

       Intruding Mantuans! ever with some call

       To action while he pondered, once for all,

       Which looked the easier effort — to pursue

       This course, still leap o’er paltry joys, yearn through

       The present ill-appreciated stage

       Of self-revealment, and compel the age

       Know him — or else, forswearing bard-craft, wake

       From out his lethargy and nobly shake

       Off timid habits of denial, mix

       With men, enjoy like men. Ere he could fix

       On aught, in rushed the Mantuans; much they cared

       For his perplexity! Thus unprepared,

       The obvious if not only shelter lay

       In deeds, the dull conventions of his day

       Prescribed the like of him: why not be glad

       ‘T is settled Palma’s minstrel, good or bad,

       Submits to this and that established rule?

       Let Vidal change, or any other fool,

       His murrey-coloured robe for filamot,

       And crop his hair; too skin-deep, is it not,

       Such vigour? Then, a sorrow to the heart,

       His talk! Whatever topics they might start

       Had to be groped for in his consciousness

       Straight, and as straight delivered them by guess.

       Only obliged to ask himself, “What was,”

       A speedy answer followed; but, alas,

       One of God’s large ones, tardy to condense

       Itself into a period; answers whence

       A tangle of conclusions must be stripped

       At any risk ere, trim to pattern clipped,

       They matched rare specimens the Mantuan flock

       Regaled him with, each talker from his stock

       Of sorted-o’er opinions, every stage,

       Juicy in youth or desiccate with age,

       Fruits like the figtree’s, rathe-ripe, rotten-rich,

       Sweet-sour, all tastes to take: a practice which

       He too had not impossibly attained,

       Once either of those fancy-flights restrained;

       (For, at conjecture how might words appear

       To others, playing there what happened here,

       And occupied abroad by what he spurned

       At home, ‘t was slipped, the occasion he returned

       To seize he ‘d strike that lyre adroitly — speech,

       Would but a twenty-cubit plectre reach;

       A clever hand, consummate instrument,

       Were both brought close; each excellency went

       For nothing, else. The question Naddo asked,

       Had just a lifetime moderately tasked

       To answer, Naddo’s fashion. More disgust

       And more: why move his soul, since move it must

       At minute’s notice or as good it failed

       To move at all? The end was, he retailed

       Some ready-made opinion, put to use

       This quip, that maxim, ventured reproduce

       Gestures and tones — at any folly caught

       Serving to finish with, nor too much sought

       If false or true ‘t was spoken; praise and blame

       Of what he said grew pretty nigh the same


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