The Complete Poems of Robert Browning - 22 Poetry Collections in One Edition. Robert Browning

The Complete Poems of Robert Browning - 22 Poetry Collections in One Edition - Robert  Browning

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Gave partially enfranchisement, he cast

       Himself quite through mere secondary states

       Of his soul’s essence, little loves and hates,

       Into the mid deep yearnings overlaid

       By these; as who should pierce hill, plain, grove, glade,

       And on into the very nucleus probe

       That first determined there exist a globe.

       As that were easiest, half the globe dissolved,

       So seemed Sordello’s closing-truth evolved

       By his flesh-half’s break-up; the sudden swell

       Of his expanding soul showed Ill and Well,

       Sorrow and Joy, Beauty and Ugliness,

       Virtue and Vice, the Larger and the Less,

       All qualities, in fine, recorded here,

       Might be but modes of Time and this one sphere,

       Urgent on these, but not of force to bind

       Eternity, as Time — as Matter — Mind,

       If Mind, Eternity, should choose assert

       Their attributes within a Life: thus girt

       With circumstance, next change beholds them cinct

       Quite otherwise — with Good and Ill distinct,

       Joys, sorrows, tending to a like result —

       Contrived to render easy, difficult,

       This or the other course of… what new bond

       In place of flesh may stop their flight beyond

       Its new sphere, as that course does harm or good

       To its arrangements. Once this understood,

       As suddenly he felt himself alone,

       Quite out of Time and this world: all was known.

       What made the secret of his past despair?

       — Most imminent when he seemed most aware

       Of his own self-sufficiency: made mad

       By craving to expand the power he had,

       And not new power to be expanded? — just

       This made it; Soul on Matter being thrust,

       Joy comes when so much Soul is wreaked in Time

       On Matter: let the Soul’s attempt sublime

       Matter beyond the scheme and so prevent

       By more or less that deed’s accomplishment,

       And Sorrow follows: Sorrow how avoid?

       Let the employer match the thing employed,

       Fit to the finite his infinity,

       And thus proceed for ever, in degree

       Changed but in kind the same, still limited

       To the appointed circumstance and dead

       To all beyond. A sphere is but a sphere;

       Small, Great, are merely terms we bandy here;

       Since to the spirit’s absoluteness all

       Are like. Now, of the present sphere we call

       Life, are conditions; take but this among

       Many; the body was to be so long

       Youthful, no longer: but, since no control

       Tied to that body’s purposes his soul,

       She chose to understand the body’s trade

       More than the body’s self — had fain conveyed

       Her boundless to the body’s bounded lot.

       Hence, the soul permanent, the body not, —

       Scarcely its minute for enjoying here, —

       The soul must needs instruct her weak compeer,

       Run o’er its capabilities and wring

       A joy thence, she held worth experiencing:

       Which, far from half discovered even, — lo,

       The minute gone, the body’s power let go

       Apportioned to that joy’s acquirement! Broke

       Morning o’er earth, he yearned for all it woke —

       From the volcano’s vapour-flag, winds hoist

       Black o’er the spread of sea, — down to the moist

       Dale’s silken barley-spikes sullied with rain,

       Swayed earthwards, heavily to rise again —

       The Small, a sphere as perfect as the Great

       To the soul’s absoluteness. Meditate

       Too long on such a morning’s cluster-chord

       And the whole music it was framed afford, —

       The chord’s might half discovered, what should pluck

       One string, his finger, was found palsy-struck.

       And then no marvel if the spirit, shown

       A saddest sight — the body lost alone

       Through her officious proffered help, deprived

       Of this and that enjoyment Fate contrived, —

       Virtue, Good, Beauty, each allowed slip hence, —

       Vaingloriously were fain, for recompense,

       To stem the ruin even yet, protract

       The body’s term, supply the power it lacked

       From her infinity, compel it learn

       These qualities were only Time’s concern,

       And body may, with spirit helping, barred —

       Advance the same, vanquished — obtain reward,

       Reap joy where sorrow was intended grow,

       Of Wrong make Right, and turn Ill Good below.

       And the result is, the poor body soon

       Sinks under what was meant a wondrous boon,

       Leaving its bright accomplice all aghast.

      So much was plain then, proper in the past;

       To be complete for, satisfy the whole

       Series of spheres — Eternity, his soul

       Needs must exceed, prove incomplete for, each

       Single sphere — Time. But does our knowledge reach

       No farther? Is the cloud of hindrance broke

       But by the failing of the fleshly yoke,

       Its loves and hates, as now when death lets soar

       Sordello, self-sufficient as before,

       Though during the mere space that shall elapse

       ‘Twixt his enthralment in new bonds perhaps?

       Must life be ever just escaped, which should

       Have been enjoyed? — nay, might have been and would,

       Each purpose ordered right — the soul ‘s no whit

       Beyond the body’s purpose under it.

       Like yonder breadth of watery heaven, a bay,

       And that sky-space of water, ray for ray

       And star for star, one richness where they mixed

       As this and that wing of an angel, fixed,

       Tumultuary splendours folded in

       To die — would soul, proportioned thus, begin

       Exciting discontent, or surelier quell


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