The Complete Poems of Robert Browning - 22 Poetry Collections in One Edition. Robert Browning

The Complete Poems of Robert Browning - 22 Poetry Collections in One Edition - Robert  Browning

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his stronghold. Then (securely too

       Ecelin at Campese slept; close by,

       Who likes may see him in Solagna lie,

       With cushioned head and gloved hand to denote

       The cavalier he was) — then his heart smote

       Young Ecelin at last; long since adult.

       And, save Vicenza’s business, what result

       In blood and blaze? (So hard to intercept

       Sordello till his plain withdrawal!) Stepped

       Then its new lord on Lombardy. I’ the nick

       Of time when Ecelin and Alberic

       Closed with Taurello, come precisely news

       That in Verona half the souls refuse

       Allegiance to the Marquis and the Count —

       Have cast them from a throne they bid him mount,

       Their Podestà, thro’ his ancestral worth.

       Ecelin flew there, and the town henceforth

       Was wholly his — Taurello sinking back

       From temporary station to a track

       That suited. News received of this acquist,

       Friedrich did come to Lombardy: who missed

       Taurello then? Another year: they took

       Vicenza, left the Marquis scarce a nook

       For refuge, and, when hundreds two or three

       Of Guelfs conspired to call themselves “The Free,”

       Opposing Alberic, — vile Bassanese, —

       (Without Sordello!) — Ecelin at ease

       Slaughtered them so observably, that oft

       A little Salinguerra looked with soft

       Blue eyes up, asked his sire the proper age

       To get appointed his proud uncle’s page.

       More years passed, and that sire had dwindled down

       To a mere showy turbulent soldier, grown

       Better through age, his parts still in repute,

       Subtle — how else? — but hardly so astute

       As his contemporaneous friends professed;

       Undoubtedly a brawler: for the rest,

       Known by each neighbour, and allowed for, let

       Keep his incorrigible ways, nor fret

       Men who would miss their boyhood’s bugbear: “trap

       “The ostrich, suffer our bald osprey flap

       “A battered pinion!” — was the word. In fine,

       One flap too much and Venice’s marine

       Was meddled with; no overlooking that!

       She captured him in his Ferrara, fat

       And florid at a banquet, more by fraud

       Than force, to speak the truth; there ‘s slender laud

       Ascribed you for assisting eighty years

       To pull his death on such a man; fate shears

       The life-cord prompt enough whose last fine threads

       You fritter: so, presiding his board-head,

       The old smile, your assurance all went well

       With Friedrich (as if he were like to tell!)

       In rushed (a plan contrived before) our friends,

       Made some pretence at fighting, some amends

       For the shame done his eighty years — (apart

       The principle, none found it in his heart

       To be much angry with Taurello) — gained

       Their galleys with the prize, and what remained

       But carry him to Venice for a show?

       — Set him, as ‘t were, down gently — free to go

       His gait, inspect our square, pretend observe

       The swallows soaring their eternal curve

       ‘Twixt Theodore and Mark, if citizens

       Gathered importunately, fives and tens,

       To point their children the Magnifico,

       All but a monarch once in firmland, go

       His gait among them now — ”it took, indeed,

       “Fully this Ecelin to supersede

       “That man,” remarked the seniors. Singular!

       Sordello’s inability to bar

       Rivals the stage, that evening, mainly brought

       About by his strange disbelief that aught

       Was ever to be done, — this thrust the Twain

       Under Taurello’s tutelage, — whom, brain

       And heart and hand, he forthwith in one rod

       Indissolubly bound to baffle God

       Who loves the world — and thus allowed the thin

       Grey wizened dwarfish devil Ecelin,

       And massy-muscled big-boned Alberic

       (Mere man, alas!) to put his problem quick

       To demonstration — prove wherever’s will

       To do, there’s plenty to be done, or ill

       Or good. Anointed, then, to rend and rip —

       Kings of the gag and flesh-hook, screw and whip,

       They plagued the world: a touch of Hildebrand

       (So far from obsolete!) made Lombards band

       Together, cross their coats as for Christ’s cause,

       And saving Milan win the world’s applause.

       Ecelin perished: and I think grass grew

       Never so pleasant as in Valley Rù

       By San Zenon where Alberic in turn

       Saw his exasperated captors burn

       Seven children and their mother; then, regaled

       So far, tied on to a wild horse, was trailed

       To death through raunce and bramble-bush. I take

       God’s part and testify that ‘mid the brake

       Wild o’er his castle on the pleasant knoll,

       You hear its one tower left, a belfry, toll —

       The earthquake spared it last year, laying flat

       The modern church beneath, — no harm in that!

       Chirrups the contumacious grasshopper,

       Rustles the lizard and the cushats chirre

       Above the ravage: there, at deep of day

       A week since, heard I the old Canon say

       He saw with his own eyes a barrow burst

       And Alberic’s huge skeleton unhearsed

       Only five years ago. He added, “June ‘s

       “The month for carding off our first cocoons

       “The silkworms fabricate” — a double news,

       Nor he nor I could tell the worthier. Choose!

      And Naddo gone, all’s gone; not Eglamor!

       Believe, I knew the face I waited for,

       A guest my spirit of the golden courts!

       Oh strange to see how, despite ill-reports,


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