Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle
Thomas Benfield Harbottle
Dictionary of Battles
From the Earliest Date to the Present Time
Published by Good Press, 2019
EAN 4057664132284
Table of Contents
Abensberg (Campaign of Wagram.)
Aboukir (French Invasion of Egypt) .
Aboukir (British Invasion of Egypt) .
Abu Hamed (Soudan Campaigns) .
Acapulco (Mexican Liberal Rising) .
Acragas (Second Carthaginian Invasion of Sicily) .
Acre (French Invasion of Egypt) .
Acre (Mehemet Ali's Second Rebellion) .
Actium (Mark Antony's Second Rebellion) .
Acultzingo (Franco-Mexican War) .
Admagetobriga (Gallic Tribal Wars) .
Adowa (Italian Invasion of Abyssinia) .
Adrianople (Bulgarian Rising) .
Aghrim (Wars of the Revolution) .
Agincourt (Hundred Years' War) .
Agnadello (War of the League of Cambrai) .
Agra (Farokshin's Rebellion) .
Ahmedabad (First Mahratta War) .
Ahmed Khel (Second Afghan War) .
Ahmednugger (Mogul Invasion of the Deccan) .
Aiguillon (Hundred Years' War) .
Aix, Ile d' (Seven Years' War) .
Aix-la-Chapelle (Wars of the French Revolution) .
Aiznadin (Moslem Invasion of Syria) .
Aladja Dagh (Russo-Turkish War) .
Alamo, Storming of the (Texan Rising) .
Alarcos (Moorish Empire in Spain) .
Alcantara (War of the Spanish Succession) .
Aleppo (Moslem Invasion of Syria) .