Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle
(Gallic War) .
Alessandria (Wars of the French Revolution) .
Alexandria (Moslem Invasion of Egypt) .
Alexandria (British Invasion of Egypt) .
Alexandria (Arabi's Rebellion) .
Algeciras Bay (Napoleonic Wars) .
Alhandega (Moorish Empire in Spain) .
Alicante (War of the Spanish Succession) .
Aligurh (First Mahratta War) .
Alkmaar (Netherlands War of Independence) .
Alkmaar (Wars of the French Revolution) .
Allia, The (First Invasion of the Gauls) .
Almanza (War of the Spanish Succession) .
Almenara (War of the Spanish Succession) .
Alsen (Schleswig-Holstein War) .
Altendorf (Thirty Years' War) .
Alto Pascio (Guelfs and Ghibellines) .
Amakusa (Revolt of the Christians) .
Amatola Mountain (Kaffir Wars) .
Amoaful (Second Ashanti War) .
Amorium (Moslem Invasion of Asia Minor) .
Amphipolis (Peloponnesian War) .
Amstetten (Campaign of the Danube) .
Ancona (Unification of Italy) .
Angora (Tartar Invasion of Asia Minor) .
Angostura (Americo-Mexican War) .
Antietam (American Civil War) .
Antioch (Aurelian's Expedition to Palmyra) .
Antwerp (Netherlands War of Independence) .
Antwerp (Liberation of Belgium) .