The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Asa Gray
Torr. & Gray. Shoots densely pubescent; leaves large, slender-petioled, cuneate, truncate or cordate at base, usually with acute narrow lobes, often subscabrous above, more or less densely pubescent beneath; flowers 1´ broad, in broad cymes; fruit bright scarlet with a light bloom, 1´ broad. (C. tomentosa, var. mollis, Gray. C. subvillosa, Schrad.)—E. Mass, to Mo. and Tex. Sometimes 20–30° high, blooming two weeks before the type.
6. C. tomentòsa, L. Branches gray, rarely with stout gray spines; shoots, peduncles, and calyx villous-pubescent; glands none; leaves large, pale, prominently veined, densely pubescent beneath, ovate or ovate-oblong, sharply serrate, usually incisely lobed, contracted into a margined petiole; flowers small, ill-scented; fruit dull red, obovate, rarely globose (½´ broad), upright.—Western N. Y. to Mich., Mo., and Ga. In flower 2–3 weeks after n. 3.
7. C. punctàta, Jacq. Branches horizontal; glands none; leaves smaller, mostly wedge-obovate, attenuate and entire below, unequally toothed above, rarely lobed, villous-pubescent becoming smooth but dull, the many veins more impressed, prominent beneath; fruit globose (1´ broad), red or bright yellow. (C. tomentosa, var. punctata, Gray.)—Quebec to Ont. and south to Ga.
8. C. Crus-gálli, L. (Cockspur Thorn.) Branches horizontal, with slender thorns often 4´ long; glabrous; leaves thick, dark green, shining above, wedge-obovate and oblanceolate, tapering into a very short petiole, serrate above the middle; fruit globular, dull red ({1/3}´ broad).—Thickets, common.
[*][*] Corymbs simple, few- (1–6-) flowered; calyx, bracts, etc., glandular.
9. C. flàva, Ait. (Summer Haw.) Tree 15–20° high, somewhat pubescent or glabrous; leaves wedge-obovate or rhombic-obovate, narrowed into a glandular petiole, unequally toothed and somewhat cut above the middle, rather thin, the teeth glandular; styles 4–5; fruit somewhat pear-shaped, yellowish, greenish, or reddish (½´ broad).—Sandy soil, Va. to Mo., and southward.
Var. pubéscens, Gray. Downy or villous-pubescent when young; leaves thickish, usually obtuse or rounded at the summit; fruit larger (¾´ broad), scarlet or sometimes yellow.—Va. to Fla.
10. C. parvifòlia, Ait. (Dwarf Thorn.) Shrub 3–6° high, downy; leaves thick, obovate-spatulate, crenate-toothed (½–1½´ long), almost sessile, the upper surface at length shining; flowers solitary or 2–3 together on very short peduncles; calyx-lobes as long as the petals; styles 5; fruit globular or pear-shaped, yellowish.—Sandy soil, N. J. to Fla. and La.
18. AMELÁNCHIER, Medic. June-berry.
Calyx 5-cleft; lobes downy within. Petals oblong, elongated. Stamens numerous, short. Styles 5, united below. Ovary 5-celled, each cell 2-ovuled, but a projection grows from the back of each and forms a false cartilaginous partition; the berry-like pome thus 10-celled, with one seed in each cell (when all ripen).—Small trees or shrubs, with simple sharply serrated leaves, and white racemose flowers. (Amelancier is the name of A. vulgaris in Savoy.)
1. A. Canadénsis, Torr. & Gray. (Shad-bush. Service-berry.) A tree 10–30° high, nearly or soon glabrous; leaves ovate to ovate-oblong, usually somewhat cordate at base, pointed, very sharply serrate, 1–3½´ long; bracts and stipules very long-silky-ciliate; flowers large, in drooping nearly glabrous racemes; petals oblong, 6–8´´ long; fruit on elongated pedicels, globose, crimson or purplish, sweet and edible. (Var. Botryapium, Torr. & Gray.)—Dry open woodlands; Newf. to Fla., west to Minn., E. Kan., and La. Fruit ripening in June.—Var. rotundifòlia, Torr. & Gray, appears to be only a broad-leaved form.
Var. (?) oblongifòlia, Torr. & Gray. A smaller tree or shrub (6–10° high), the young leaves and racemes densely white-tomentose; leaves oblong or sometimes rather broadly elliptical, acute, mostly rounded at base, finely serrate, 1–2´ long; flowers in denser and shorter racemes; petals 3–4´´ long, oblong-spatulate; fruit similar but more juicy, on shorter pedicels.—Low moist grounds or swampy woods; N. Brunswick to Va., west to Minn. and Mo.—A form of this with broader leaves (broadly elliptical or rounded), often very obtuse at the summit, and rounded, subcordate or acute at base, and usually coarsely toothed, is common from Manitoba to Minn. and Iowa, and is sometimes cultivated for its fruit.
2. A. oligocárpa, Roem. A low shrub 2–4° high, soon glabrous; leaves thin, oblong, acute at both ends, finely serrate, 1–2´ long; flowers few (1–4), rather long-pedicelled; petals oblong-obovate; fruit broad-pyriform, dark purple with a dense bloom. (A. Canadensis, var. oligocarpa, Torr. & Gray.)—Cold swamps and mountain bogs; Lab. to northern N. Eng. and N. Y., and the shores of Lake Superior.
3. A. alnifòlia, Nutt. A shrub 3–8° high, usually glabrate or nearly so; leaves somewhat glaucous and thickish, broadly elliptical or roundish, very obtuse or rarely acute, often subcordate at base, coarsely toothed toward the summit, ½–2´ long; raceme short and rather dense; petals cuneate-oblong, 3–8´´ long; fruit globose, purple. (A. Canadensis, var. alnifolia, Torr. & Gray.)—A western mountain species, which occurs in Minn. and N. Mich., and which the broad-leaved form of A. Canadensis sometimes closely simulates.
Order 34. CALYCANTHÀCEÆ. (Calycanthus Family.)
Shrubs with opposite entire leaves, no stipules, the sepals and petals similar and indefinite, the anthers adnate and extrorse, and the cotyledons convolute; the fruit like a rose-hip. Chiefly represented by the genus
1. CALYCÁNTHUS, L. Carolina Allspice. Sweet-Scented Shrub.
Calyx of many sepals, united below into a fleshy inversely conical cup (with some leaf-like bractlets growing from it); the lobes lanceolate, mostly colored like the petals, which are similar, in many rows, thickish, inserted on the top of the closed calyx-tube. Stamens numerous, inserted just within the petals, short; some of the inner ones sterile (destitute of anthers). Pistils several or many, enclosed in the calyx-tube, inserted on its base and inner face, resembling those of the Rose; but the enlarged hip dry when ripe, enclosing the achenes.—The lurid purple flowers terminating the leafy branches. Bark and foliage aromatic; the crushed flowers exhaling more or less the fragrance of strawberries. (Name composed of κάλυξ, a cup or calyx, and άνθος, flower, from the closed cup which contains the pistils.)
1. C. flóridus, L. Leaves oval, soft-downy underneath.—Virginia(?) and southward, on hillsides in rich soil. Common in gardens. April–Aug.
2. C. lævigàtus, Willd. Leaves oblong, thin, either blunt or taper-pointed, bright green and glabrous or nearly so on both sides, or rather pale beneath; flowers smaller.—Mountains of Franklin Co., Penn. (Prof. Porter), and southward along the Alleghanies. May–Aug.
3. C. glaùcus, Willd. Leaves oblong-ovate or ovate-lanceolate, conspicuously taper-pointed, glaucous-white beneath, roughish above, glabrous, large (4–7´ long), probably a variety of the preceding.—Virginia (?) near the mountains and southward. May–Aug.
Order 35. SAXIFRAGÀCEÆ. (Saxifrage Family.)
Herbs or shrubs, of various aspect, distinguishable from Rosaceæ by having copious albumen in the seeds, opposite as well as alternate leaves, and usually no stipules; the stamens mostly definite, and the carpels commonly fewer than the sepals, either separate or partly so, or all combined into one compound pistil. Calyx either free or adherent, usually persistent or withering away. Stamens and petals almost always inserted on the calyx. Ovules anatropous.
Tribe I. SAXIFRAGEÆ. Herbs. Leaves alternate (rarely opposite in n. 2 and 6). Fruit dry, capsular or follicular, the styles or tips of the carpels distinct.
[*] Ovary 2- (rarely 3-) celled with axile placentas, or of as many nearly distinct carpels.
1. Astilbe.