The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Asa Gray
mountains of N. C., west to Mich., Minn., and the Rocky Mts.
7. R. flóridum, L'Her. (Wild Black Currant.) Leaves sprinkled with resinous dots, slightly heart-shaped, sharply 3–5-lobed, doubly serrate; racemes drooping, downy; bracts longer than the pedicels; flowers large, whitish; calyx tubular-bell-shaped, smooth; fruit round-ovoid, black, smooth.—Woods, N. Eng. to Va., west to Ky., Iowa, and Minn.
8. R. rùbrum, L., var. subglandulòsum, Maxim. (Red Currant.) Stems straggling or reclined; leaves somewhat heart-shaped, obtusely 3–5-lobed, serrate, downy beneath when young; racemes from lateral buds distinct from the leaf-buds, drooping, calyx flat (green or purplish); fruit globose, smooth, red.—Cold bogs and damp woods, N. Eng. to N. J., west to Ind. and Minn.
§ 3. SIPHÓCALYX. Thornless and prickless; leaves convolute in the bud; racemes several-flowered; calyx-tube elongated; berry naked and glabrous.
9. R. aúreum, Pursh. (Missouri or Buffalo Currant.) Shrub 5–12° high; leaves 3–5-lobed, rarely at all cordate; racemes short; flowers golden-yellow, spicy-fragrant; tube of salverform calyx (6´´ long or less) 3 or 4 times longer than the oval lobes; stamens short; berries yellow or black.—Banks of streams, Mo. and Ark. to the Rocky Mts., and westward. Common in cultivation.
Order 36. CRASSULÀCEÆ. (Orpine Family.)
Succulent herbs, with perfectly symmetrical flowers; viz., the petals and pistils equalling the sepals in number (3–20), and the stamens the same or double their number,—technically different from Saxifrageæ only in this complete symmetry, and in the carpels (in most of the genera) being quite distinct from each other. Also, instead of a perigynous disk, there are usually little scales on the receptacle, one behind each carpel. Fruit dry and dehiscent; the pods (follicles) opening down the ventral suture, many-rarely few-seeded.—Stipules none. Flowers usually cymose, small. Leaves mostly sessile, in Penthorum not at all fleshy.
[*] Not succulent; the carpels united, forming a 5-celled capsule.
1. Penthorum. Sepals 5. Petals none. Stamens 10. Pod 5-beaked, many-seeded.
[*][*] Leaves, etc., thick and succulent. Carpels distinct.
2. Tillæa. Sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils 3 or 4. Seeds few or many.
3. Sedum. Sepals, petals, and pistils 4 or 5. Stamens 8–10. Seeds many.
1. PÉNTHORUM, Gronov. Ditch Stone-crop.
Sepals 5. Petals rare, if any. Stamens 10. Pistils 5, united below, forming a 5-angled, 5-horned, and 5-celled capsule, which opens by the falling off of the beaks, many-seeded.—Upright weed-like perennials (not fleshy like the rest of the family), with scattered leaves, and yellowish-green flowers loosely spiked along the upper side of the naked branches of the cyme. (Name from πέντε, five, and ὅρος, a mark, from the quinary order of the flower.)
1. P. sedoìdes, L. Leaves lanceolate, acute at both ends.—Open wet places, N. Brunswick to Fla., west to Minn., E. Kan., and Tex. July–Oct. Parts of the flower rarely in sixes or sevens.
2. TILLÆ̀A, Mich.
Sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils 3 or 4. Pods 2–many-seeded.—Very small tufted annuals, with opposite entire leaves and axillary flowers. (Named in honor of Michael Angelo Tilli, an early Italian botanist.)
1. T. símplex, Nutt. Rooting at the base (1–2´ high); leaves linear-oblong; flowers solitary, nearly sessile; calyx half the length of the (greenish-white) petals and the narrow 8–10-seeded pods, the latter with a scale at the base of each.—Muddy river-banks, Mass. to Md. July–Sept.
3. SÉDUM, Tourn. Stone-crop. Orpine.
Sepals and petals 4 or 5. Stamens 8 or 10. Follicles many-seeded; a little scale at the base of each.—Chiefly perennial, smooth, and thick-leaved herbs, with the flowers cymose or one-sided. Petals almost always narrow and acute or pointed. (Name from sedeo, to sit, alluding to the manner in which these plants fix themselves upon rocks and walls.)
[*] Flowers perfect and sessile, as it were spiked along one side of spreading flowering branches or of the divisions of a scorpioid cyme, the first or central flower mostly 5-merous and 10-androus, the others often 4-merous and 8-androus.
[+] Flowers white or purple.
1. S. pulchéllum, Michx. Stems ascending or trailing (4–12´ high); leaves terete, linear-filiform, much crowded; spikes of the cyme several, densely flowered; petals rose-purple.—Va. to Ga., west to Ky., E. Kan., and Tex.; also cultivated in gardens. July.
2. S. Névii, Gray. Stems spreading, simple (3–5´ high); leaves all alternate, those of the sterile shoots wedge-obovate or spatulate, on flowering stems linear-spatulate and flattish; cyme about 3-spiked, densely flowered; petals white, more pointed than in the next; the flowering 3 or 4 weeks later; leaves and blossoms smaller.—Rocky cliffs, mountains of Va. to Ala.
3. S. ternàtum, Michx. Stems spreading (3–6´ high); leaves flat, the lower whorled in threes, wedge-obovate, the upper scattered, oblong; cyme 3-spiked, leafy; petals white.—Rocky woods, N. Y. to Ga., west to Ind. and Tenn.
[+][+] Flowers yellow.
S. àcre, L. (Mossy Stone-crop.) Spreading on the ground, moss-like; leaves very small, alternate, almost imbricated on the branches, ovate, very thick; petals yellow.—Escaped from cultivation to rocky roadsides, etc. July. (Nat. from Eu.)
4. S. Torrèyi, Don. Annual; stems simple or branched from the base (2–4´ high); leaves flat or teretish, scattered, oblong, 2–3´´ long; petals rather longer than the ovate sepals; carpels at length widely divergent.—Mo. to Ark. and Tex.
[*][*] Flowers in a terminal naked and regular cyme or cluster, more or less peduncled; leaves flat, obovate or oblong, mostly alternate.
[+] Flowers perfect, 5-merous, 10-androus.
5. S. telephioìdes, Michx. Stems ascending (6–12´ high), stout, leafy to the top; leaves oblong or oval, entire or sparingly toothed; cyme small; petals flesh-color, ovate-lanceolate, taper-pointed; follicles tapering into a slender style.—Dry rocks, N. J. to Ga., west to western N. Y. and S. Ind. June.
S. Teléphium, L. (Garden Orpine or Live-for-ever.) Stems erect (2° high), stout; leaves oval, obtuse, toothed; cymes compound; petals purple, oblong-lanceolate; follicles abruptly pointed with a short style.—Rocks and banks, escaped from cultivation in some places. July. (Adv. from Eu.)
S. refléxum, L. Glabrous, erect, 1° high; leaves crowded, cylindric, subulate-tipped, spreading or reflexed; flowers yellow, pedicelled.—Coast of Mass.; western N. Y.; rare. (Nat. from Eu.)
[+][+] Flowers diœcious, mostly 4-merous and 8-androus.
6. S. Rhodìola, DC. (Roseroot.) Stems erect (5–10´ high); leaves oblong or oval, smaller than in the preceding; flowers in a close cyme, greenish-yellow, or the fertile turning purplish.—Throughout Arctic America, extending southward to the coast of Maine, and cliffs of Delaware River; also in the western mountains. May, June. (Eu.)
Order 37. DROSERÀCEÆ. (Sundew Family.)
Bog-herbs, mostly glandular-haired, with regular hypogynous flowers, pentamerous and withering-persistent calyx, corolla, and stamens, the anthers fixed by the middle and turned outward, and a 1-celled capsule with twice as many styles or stigmas as there are parietal placentæ.—Calyx imbricated. Petals convolute. Seeds numerous, anatropous, with a short and minute embryo at the base of the albumen.—Leaves circinate in the bud,