Harmonious Economics or The New World Order. 2nd edition by supplemented. Vladimir Chabanov

Harmonious Economics or The New World Order. 2nd edition by supplemented - Vladimir Chabanov

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p>Harmonious Economics or The New World Order

      2nd edition by supplemented

      Vladimir Chabanov

      Fonts by “ParaType”

      Scientific editor: PhD in Economics, Honoured Worker of Higher Education of the RF, Head of the Department of Economic Theory of the S-P State University Victor Timofeevich Ryazanov

      Interpreter and translator Ekaterina Nikolaevna Bereznikova

      © Vladimir Chabanov, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-4496-2405-5

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      The book offers a profound analysis of economy aimed at providing better living conditions to the population rather than allowing individuals to get more profit. The research studies the existing political and economic structures, discovering their advantages and drawbacks. It shows that a harmonious economy that reconciles the interests of all people and states, of Nature and Humanity, and valorises order and justice, is the most efficient. The methods of building financial, tax, and administrative systems, as well as production relations, within such structures are described, too. The deep analysis, the concise and logical style, and the opportunities offered make this original book unparalleled. The implementation of this theory will resolve many issues of modern economy, as well as improve the quality of life of people.

      ©Chabanov, 2018

      © Ekaterina Nikolaevna Bereznikova, transtation, 2018

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Выполнен фундаментальный анализ экономики, предназначенной для наилучшего жизнеобеспечения граждан, а не для получения дохода частными лицами. В рамках исследования рассмотрены существующие политические и экономические формации, описаны их достоинства и недостатки. Показано, что наиболее совершенной является гармоничная форма организации, в которой органически сочетаются интересы всех людей и государств, Природы и Человечества на основе порядка и справедливости. Установлены особенности построения в них финансовой, налоговой и административной систем, производственных отношений. По глубине анализа, по строгости и логичности, открываемым возможностям книга является оригинальной и не имеет мировых аналогов. Ее внедрение позволит решить многие проблемы современной экономики и существенно повысить жизненный уровень населения.

      La recherche constitue une analyse profonde de l’économie qui vise le bien-être de la population et non pas l’enrichissement de certains individus. L’auteur de la recherche examine les structures politiques et économiques existantes et décrit leurs avantages et défauts. Il démontre que la structure économique harmonieuse, qui associe les intérêts des tous les individus et États, de la Nature et de l’Humanité, sur un socle de valeurs telles que l’ordre et la justice, est la plus efficace. L’analyse des systèmes financier, fiscal et administratif, ainsi que des rapports de production au sein de ces structures est proposé. Cet ouvrage est profond, laconique et logique; il ouvre des opportunités sans précédent, et dans son originalité il n’a pas d’équivalents dans le monde. L’application des découvertes qu’il propose permettra de résoudre des nombreux problèmes de l’économie moderne et d’améliorer considérablement la qualité de l’homme.

      El libro produjo un análisis fundamental de la economía, diseñado para mejorar las condiciones de vida de los ciudadanos, y no solo para generar ingresos para algunas personas. El estudio examinó las formaciones políticas y económicas existentes, describió sus ventajas y desventajas. Esto demuestra que lo más perfecto es la forma armoniosa de organización en la que los intereses de todas las personas y estados, la naturaleza y la humanidad se combinan orgánicamente sobre la base del orden y la justicia. Se describen las características de la construcción de esta economía en los sistemas financieros, fiscales y administrativos, la armonización de las relaciones de producción. En términos de profundidad de análisis, rigor y consistencia de las posibilidades ofrecidas, el libro es original y no tiene análogos en el mundo. Su implementación permitirá resolver muchos problemas de la economía moderna y mejorar significativamente el nivel de vida de la población.


The theory without practice is dead, and practice without theory is blindPaphnutiy Chebyshev

      Theory that has reached deadlock opens up brilliant perspectives2.

Ibn Sabey

      Estimated readers!

      The book you are holding in your hands is about economics. However, its subject is not the economics that we witness today, but economics the way it should be. This book is about economics that would create a stable and violence-free world where all people would have an opportunity to provide a dignified living for themselves and their families. About economics that would conform with the common sense and respect and promote the ideas of kindness and justice. About economics that would benefit all, whether they are strong or weak, bright or not-so-intelligent, elderly or young. Economics that would encourage a healthy lifestyle and not vice versa, and contribute to the development of culture, education and morality, instead of suppressing them.

      This is not a utopia or a naïve dream, but a tenable theory based on the laws of the Universe, world experience, and knowledge. This is precisely what economics should be! Such economics has an internal logic, and, peeled off all that is superfluous, artificial or immoral, this is what the modern shapeless and faulty economic doctrines boil down to. Their intricacies do not arise from the complexity of economics as such, but from the unbounded desire of some to make profit regardless of the costs to Nature and the society.

      As the result, the majority of the world’s population has trouble upkeeping their dignity, not only in the earthly matters, but in the international relations, too. In the current economic conditions, common people cannot work normally, live decently, eat healthy, or raise their children any more. Today, human beings have turned from clients into yet another resource, another source of income. Unless they are profitable, there is no need to provide them with means of existence.

      Consequently, social protests increase, the feeling of discontent deepens, and terrorism gains ground. On the other hand, the number of millionaires grows. And it would be a violation of truth to believe that the more people get rich, the less poor there are. So why does this happen?

      The existing economic theory is based on liberal principles that consider the free – that is, uncontrolled – actions of a certain group of persons as the paramount value of the social being. This freedom brings about the inviolability of private property, the freedom of business, and the precedence of the rights of a person over the rights of the society (a person is more important than the state). Besides, these principles exempt people of their obligations before others, and limit, as much as possible, the state and social interference in everyday and economic life of the country. This economics conforms to Thomas Carlyle’s formula “anarchy plus a street-constable’3, which the wellbeing of the state and the society do not fit.

      Such economic philosophy in all its forms turned out to be most advanced and thoroughly tested, and has served as the ideological foundation of the modern economic science. That is why all tools, criteria and incentives of the existing structure have been adapted to serve the profitable economics and not the useful

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[Translator’s note: This English-language translation of the monograph is based on the Russian-language manuscript provided by the author; it may, therefore, contain a number of slight differences from the published Russian version of the book.]


[Translator’s Note: Unless stated otherwise, all quotations from English-language original sources and English translations of foreign-language sources referenced in the bibliography are cited from the respective originals/ translations. All other quotations, unless stated otherwise, have been translated into English for the present edition. All biblical quotations are cited from the Authorized King James Version of the Bible.]


Cit. ex T. Carlyle, The Present Time (Cambridge University Press, 2013), 24.