Harmonious Economics or The New World Order. 2nd edition by supplemented. Vladimir Chabanov
legislative, and administrative bodies are forced to fish the waste out to prevent the lake from becoming boggy. Obviously, this is a continuous process; it is inefficient, and little promising, too. Would not it just be easier to tap the pipe?
Let us consider the theoretical prerequisites for economics free from the above-mentioned faults. Without any doubt, economics should function for the benefit of all people and satisfy their needs in equal measures. Besides, it should act as the progress consolidation factor that would educate and harmonize human beings, thus contributing to renewal of natural resources used rather than solely to their consumption.
In this light, liberal economics will be inevitably replaced by a different economic system where such faults will not be imaginable. All economic activity will be aimed at improving the overall quality of life, and income will be reduced to an accessory instrument for achieving this goal. We are in for economics that would combine the interests of all people and economic actors. Moreover, it will be considerably simpler and more efficient than the current economics. This new economics will see not only the market, but the intelligent administrative tools work within it.
It is the harmonious economics aimed at providing everybody with means of existence, cured of the ills of the current economic system, that this book looks into. Such economics is designed to follow the natural flow of things, not to contradict it. It is universal, that is to say, it can be implemented not only in developed countries but across the entire world. Besides, the system proposed here may be used for analysing the state and determining the possibilities both of the current economics and of other existing types.
Harmonious economics is rational. It is inspired by the thoughts of many eminent philosophers and economists. However, they are all united by one logic and purpose. This new economics will not allow young energetic people to be unemployed, that is, out of demand in the economy, just for somebody’s benefit. It will further impede the proprietors, officials and imposed dogmas to condition the well-being of entire social classes.
This book proposes a harmonious economic system, and describes an alternative world order. It is based on an understanding of the globality of problems that economy is called to resolve, and not on the momentary success. Economics is recognized as a fundamental science, an essential part of the global knowledge. It is not limited to a narrow-applied study, but is the foundation of the human culture. Thus, economics should comply with the fundamental laws of nature both in theory and in practice.
Harmonious economics is alien to complexity, fantasy or utopia. The theory it obeys is significantly simpler and more reliable than the current one. The reason is that the modern economics is not complicated by its nature, but by the various contrivances aimed at increasing the profitability of money, power and property, something the new economics is liberated from.
Such economics will not provoke rejection of any group of citizens whose labour is useful, whatever type it is. The implementation of the harmonious economics will not entail social upheaval, property redistribution, changes in the established organisational structures, repressions, etc. Besides, the existing advance in applied economics will remain functional, but in different macro-conditions will become less complicated and more efficient.
Moreover, the laws formulated for harmonisation of the production relations are already active in the current economy. Whether they are known or not, applied consciously or not. Just as Newton’s laws worked even before they were discovered. Indeed, the more the current laws comply with the principles of harmony, the more efficient the economy is.
In addition, it should be taken into account that the harmonious economics theory is not a fruit of inspiration, a clever idea, or a political commission. On the contrary, it results from the systematization of knowledge, and this new system is logically precise, historically justified, and conformant to natural laws. This system could be compared to physics. It is such knowledge that is presented in this book. Certain principles of the harmonious economic theory are related in this book. Some have already been described by the author in a booklet [9] and a book [10]. A more detailed account of the basic economics is presented in the monographs [11] – [14].
In writing this book, its author was largely assisted and supported by many enthusiastic Russian people who love their country. Among them were Professor A. N. Malafeev, PhD in Economy, Professor B. M. Bolotin, PhD in Economy, Director of the Economic and Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, General A. V. Ponidelko, Professor V. I. Kornyakov, Yu. N. Zabolotsky, E. V. Gilbo, L. P. Akaeva and many others who assisted the author in this work and helped this book become a reality. And last, but not least, my wife and my son, without whom this book would not have been born. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those mentioned here.
No experiment has any meaning at all unless it is interpreted by the theory10.
Governance is inefficient unless it takes into account the traditions of the people, its culture, specific perception of the non-economic values, unless governance is “submerged’ in culture.
1.1.1. Place of economics in the world knowledge system
Wisdom is a flower for the bee to make honey of, while the spider is a poison; thus, every one follows his nature.
To define the nature of a phenomenon and determine its role in the global world order, one should start with comprehending the entire space where this phenomenon exists. That is why the highest level of abstraction is required to overview the economic system. So, let us start with studying the world on the macro scale.
It has been demonstrated that only three basic, global sciences exist in Nature, and they are the foundation of the entire bulk of knowledge in the world. One of them is the study of the quantitative laws of the world. The name of this science is philosophy, and it embraces ontology and gnosiology, logic and culture, art and cosmology, medicine, occultism and theology, history, ethic, and aesthetic. These and numerous other disciplines study the origins of people and their environment, the expressions of the World unity in particular elements, the rules of the World, the respective roles of God and Man, their purpose and place in the Universe.
The foundation of modern philosophy was laid by the ancient knowledge once condensed in the sacred teachings of rishis’ Vedas, Orphism, alchemy, Cathars’ beliefs, and other philosophic movements. This knowledge was the essence of the Brahmanical, Eleusinian, Bacchic, Orphic, Pagan, Biblical, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, and other mysteries aimed at liberating the human nature of the burden of earthly ignorance. These philosophic doctrines became the bearers of the philosophic light based on intellectual, moral and ethical principles that ennobled the soul and gave a sense to the human existence.
Through dramatized shows and ritual games these mysteries educated the broad public in one way or the other, encouraged the from earthly interests to loftiness of the spirit. Thus, these activities laid the foundations of traditions, culture, arts, morality, and enlightenment. However, they completed this noble mission in a more delicate and efficient way than it is done today.
The ancient mysteries were at the source of all peoples of the world; they magnified the human spiritual essence and eliminated its mean, earthly nature while admitting their interdependence and similarity. Indeed, as Francis Bacon said, “A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth
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