The Warren Commission (Complete Edition). President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy - U.S. Government

The Warren Commission (Complete Edition) - President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy -  U.S. Government

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with them, and state whether it was signed in your presence and where.

      Mr. Oswald. Commission Exhibit No. 273—I was not present when this letter was signed.

      Mr. Jenner. Does the letter bear your signature?

      Mr. Oswald. No, sir; it does not.

      Mr. Jenner. Are you familiar with the signatures of those who purported to have signed it?

      Mr. Oswald. I am not familiar with the signature—I am familiar with the signature of Mrs. Marina N. Oswald. I am not familiar with the signature of Mr. Declan P. Ford or his wife, Katherine N. Ford.

      I am familiar with the signature of Joan Connelly, Mr. McKenzie's secretary.

      Mr. Jenner. Would you please identify who Mr. and Mrs. Ford are?

      Mr. Oswald. The best way I could do that, I believe, is that they are friends of Marina N. Oswald. I became acquainted with Mrs. Ford on Wednesday 2 weeks ago, whatever date that is, and Mr. Ford the following day.

      Mr. Jenner. What were the circumstances under which you became acquainted with Mrs. Ford?

      Mr. Oswald. Pardon me just a minute.

      I would like to correct that.

      It was Tuesday rather than Wednesday 2 weeks ago that I first became acquainted with Mrs. Ford.

      At that time, Mrs. Ford acted as an interpreter between Mr. Thorne and myself to relate to Mrs. Marina Oswald what we were talking about.

      Mr. Jenner. Excuse me, sir. You mentioned a Mr. Thorne?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. That is Mr. John Thorne who at that time was the attorney for Mrs. Marina Oswald?

      Mr. Oswald. That is correct.

      Mr. Jenner. And where did this take place?

      Mr. Oswald. At my residence, at 1009 Sierra Drive, Denton, Tex.

      Mr. Jenner. Who was present at that time in addition to yourself, Mr. Thorne, and Mrs. Ford?

      Mr. Oswald. My wife, Vada Marie Oswald, was present.

      Mr. Jenner. And your acquaintance with Mr. Ford, you say, was the following day?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; that is correct.

      Mr. Jenner. Where did that take place, and in whose presence?

      Mr. Oswald. At my residence, again, in Denton, Tex., in the presence of my wife, Vada, Mrs. Marina Oswald, and Mrs. Kathy Ford.

      Mr. Jenner. As to Mrs. Ford, it is 2 weeks ago last Tuesday, or 2 weeks ago today?

      Mr. Oswald. Pardon me just a minute.

      Mr. McKenzie. Two weeks ago this past Tuesday.

      Mr. Oswald. Pardon me.

      Mr. Jenner. I wish you would hesitate and make reasonably certain of this.

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I believe I have erred here.

      Instead of being 2 weeks ago this past Tuesday, it was a week ago Tuesday that I first met Kathy Ford. And it was the following day, on that Wednesday, that I met Mr. Ford. In other words, I wish to correct it was not 2 weeks ago, but 1 week ago.

      Mr. Jenner. Now that you have a calendar before you, would you give us the date so we will have it in the record now?

      Mr. Oswald. On Tuesday, February 11, 1964, was the day I first met Mrs. Kathy Ford in the presence of Mr. John Thorne and my wife, Vada, in my home in Denton, Tex.

      On February 12th I met Mr. Ford in the presence of my wife in my residence at Denton, Tex.

      Mr. Jenner. Returning to the exhibit to which you have been directing your attention, which is No. 273, you were able to identify Mrs. Marina Oswald's signature, and Miss Connelly's?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes.

      Mr. Jenner. The others you were unable to identify?

      Mr. Oswald. That is correct.

      Mr. Jenner. All right.

      Would you turn, then, to the next exhibit, give us the number?

      Mr. Oswald. Commission Exhibit No. 274.

      Mr. Jenner. Is it signed on its face?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. Well, then, directing your attention to the first page of the exhibit, does it bear a signature?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; it does.

      Mr. Jenner. Are you familiar with that signature?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I am.

      Mr. Jenner. Whose signature is it?

      Mr. Oswald. Mr. William A. McKenzie.

      Mr. Jenner. This is the Mr. McKenzie present here representing you?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. And does that exhibit consist of more than 1 page?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; it does.

      Mr. Jenner. Turn to the second page. Does it bear a signature?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; it does.

      Mr. Jenner. Are you familiar with those signatures?

      Mr. Oswald. The two signatures appear on the second page. One I am familiar with—Mrs. Marina Oswald.

      Mr. Jenner. Excuse me, sir. Is that the first of those that are in a series?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; that is correct.

      Mr. Jenner. And you are familiar with that, and that is her signature?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. The next signature purports to be that of whom?

      Mr. Oswald. Mrs. Katherine Ford.

      Mr. Jenner. And your testimony, if I repeated the questions that I did as to the previous exhibit, regarding Mrs. Ford, would be the same? You are not familiar with her signature?

      Mr. Oswald. That is correct.

      Mr. Jenner. And the next signature, please?

      Mr. Oswald. Sir?

      Mr. Jenner. The next signature?

      Mr. Oswald. That is the only two signatures that appear on that second page.

      Mr. Jenner. Would you proceed to the next exhibit?

      Mr. Oswald. 275.

      Mr. Jenner. That consists of how many pages?

      Mr. Oswald. Two pages.

      Mr. Jenner. Does it bear a signature on the first page?

      Mr. Oswald. There is a signature on the first page. The signature is Mr. William A. McKenzie.

      Mr. Jenner. You are familiar with that signature, and that is his signature?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. The same gentleman we have identified?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. All right. Are there any signatures on the second page of that exhibit?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir. There are two signatures on the second page, and in order as they appear——

      Mr. Jenner. Excuse me. Are you familiar with either of them?

      Mr. Oswald. I am familiar with one of them.

      Mr. Jenner. All right. Let's take the first one, which is what?

      Mr. Oswald. Mrs. Marina N. Oswald.

      Mr. Jenner. You are familiar with her signature?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I am.

      Mr. Jenner. Is that

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